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- 01:20 Sorbius#3758 joins the race.
- 01:20 DarkmoonEX: okay, while everyone joins I'm gonna wander off for a bit. Be back to roll the seed.
- 01:21 JBrunTR#5568 joins the race.
- 01:26 herbie_b: hey all, sorry will end up missing tonight's race. on the road and don't have access to play.
- 01:26 herbie_b: glhf all!
- 01:35 Fleury14#2147 joins the race.
- 01:38 raxraxraxraxrax#8099 joins the race.
- 01:38 JBrunTR: Online in T-450s
- 01:44 DarkmoonEX: wow... we're missing a few people
- 01:45 DarkmoonEX: oh, okay, Razor said on the discord he'd be here soon
- 01:49 DarkmoonEX: okay, so I need four for restream
- 01:49 DarkmoonEX: and we have five here so
- 01:49 DarkmoonEX: ...first to say they don't want it, lol
- 01:49 Sorbius: put me in coach
- 01:50 DarkmoonEX: that's one for restream. who else?
- 01:50 skarcerer: I'll go on
- 01:50 Fleury14: doesn't matter to me, happy to let other folks get restreamed if they want it
- 01:50 DarkmoonEX: that's 2 and a maybe... anyone else?
- 01:51 raxraxraxraxrax: Sure, I'll go for it.
- 01:51 DarkmoonEX: we got three. JBrun. You want it or you want Fleury to have it?
- 01:53 JBrunTR: Im in
- 01:53 DarkmoonEX: coolo. Fleury, you're safe
- 01:53 DarkmoonEX: Our four, once we get a setup helper, are Skarcerer/Sorbius/JBrun/rax
- 01:54 DarkmoonEX: !ffrurl
- 01:54 DarkmoonEX: ...
- 01:54 DarkmoonEX: oh, I see it
- 01:54 DarkmoonEX: !ff1url
- 01:54 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 01:54 SahasrahBot:
- 01:54 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 01:55 DarkmoonEX: Boom, there we go
- 01:55 Sorbius: shield, mail, shield, bonk, axe, shield, helm, knife
- 01:55 skarcerer: shield armor shield bonk axe shield helm knife
- 01:56 Fleury14: looks right
- 01:56 thavionhawk: You gave them SteelArmor?
- 01:57 raxraxraxraxrax: shield armor shield gauntlet axe shield helm knife
- 01:57 Fleury14#2147 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 01:57 DarkmoonEX: I have no clue what I gave them, lol
- 01:58 JBrunTR: shield armor shield gauntlet axe shield helm knife
- 01:58 thavionhawk: Is it too late to swap pods and join this one tonight?
- 01:58 thavionhawk: glhf all this is going to be good to watch
- 01:58 DarkmoonEX: lol
- 01:58 DarkmoonEX: honestly, this pod is short. You wanna?
- 01:59 DarkmoonEX: you and forsaken can swapsies for the day
- 01:59 thavionhawk: For real?
- 01:59 DarkmoonEX: no joke
- 01:59 DarkmoonEX: get in now
- 01:59 thavionhawk#8598 joins the race.
- 01:59 thavionhawk: j
- 01:59 thavionhawk: k
- 02:00 raxraxraxraxrax#8099 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 02:00 DarkmoonEX: this actually really does help balance the teams out. I appreciate it
- 02:00 skarcerer#6386 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 02:00 JBrunTR: I'm dropping frames pretty hardcore at the moment. Might wanna switch me out
- 02:00 DarkmoonEX: I'm waiting on crop confirmation from SG before I drop gate
- 02:00 Sorbius#3758 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 02:00 JBrunTR#5568 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 02:01 RazorOne#1269 joins the race.
- 02:01 RazorOne: shield armour shield bonk axe shield helm knife
- 02:01 JBrunTR: I'm apparently streaming on a potato tonight
- 02:01 thavionhawk: wtf? where are the trackers in the new wiki?
- 02:02 DarkmoonEX: one sec
- 02:02 RazorOne#1269 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 02:02 Fleury14: entrance tracker?
- 02:02 DarkmoonEX: new player guide
- 02:02 DarkmoonEX: appendix d
- 02:02 DarkmoonEX:
- 02:02 thavionhawk: ty
- 02:02 DarkmoonEX: yw
- 02:03 DarkmoonEX: okay, 1 minute to drop
- 02:03 DarkmoonEX: or, well, after thavion readies
- 02:03 thavionhawk: I'll need an overide
- 02:03 RazorOne: phew
- 02:03 DarkmoonEX#7048 sets a stream override for thavionhawk#8598.
- 02:03 DarkmoonEX: done
- 02:03 thavionhawk: my stream is started but the delay is up
- 02:03 thavionhawk#8598 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 02:03 DarkmoonEX: 1 minute to drop lol
- 02:04 DarkmoonEX: happy hunting
- 02:04 DarkmoonEX#7048 quits the race.
- 02:04 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 02:04 RazorOne: glhf
- 02:04 skarcerer: glhf
- 02:04 raxraxraxraxrax: glhf
- 02:05 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 03:01 Sorbius#3758 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:56:14!
- 03:06 Fleury14#2147 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:01:29!
- 03:07 raxraxraxraxrax#8099 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:02:36!
- 03:08 skarcerer#6386 has finished in 4th place with a time of 1:03:53!
- 03:14 RazorOne#1269 has finished in 5th place with a time of 1:09:09!
- 03:17 thavionhawk#8598 has finished in 6th place with a time of 1:12:37!
- 03:28 JBrunTR#5568 has finished in 7th place with a time of 1:23:35!
- 03:28 Race finished in 1:23:35.3
- 06:38 Race result recorded by DarkmoonEX#7048