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- 01:39 LordFizzlebeef: I didn't have to take a day off but my arm felt like hell for a day after
- 01:39 DarkmoonEX: if we were near summer when my PTO resets I woulda
- 01:42 Serisan: mine resets in january and I had to take 3 day weeks through december + 2 weeks for SGL to get under my 40 hour carryover cap :-p
- 01:43 LordFizzlebeef: I don't have a reset, I just have a monthly hour boost
- 01:44 Serisan: I get a block allotment of days each year rather than accrual
- 01:47 Dani3883: Serisan, good audio?
- 01:48 Serisan: lol no audio
- 01:48 Dani3883: Ok
- 01:48 LuffyDV: i just want to say, good luck...we are all counting on you
- 01:48 LordFizzlebeef: thank you leslie nielsen
- 01:49 LuffyDV: o7
- 01:49 LuffyDV: classic movie, and a good one
- 01:51 Dani3883: !ff1url
- 01:51 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 01:51 SahasrahBot:
- 01:51 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 01:52 Serisan: circle knife bonk chuck circle stick shield axe
- 01:52 LordFizzlebeef: confirm
- 01:52 Dani3883: Fizzle, you draft first
- 01:52 Serisan: What the blurse is this garbage? lol
- 01:53 LordFizzlebeef: YUP
- 01:53 LordFizzlebeef: black mage
- 01:54 Serisan: thief white
- 01:55 LordFizzlebeef: this sucks lol
- 01:55 Serisan: lol
- 01:55 LordFizzlebeef: red mage
- 01:56 Serisan: the fi may have been reasonably viable with the +80 hp lol
- 01:56 LordFizzlebeef: strong start but then would've gone nowhere
- 01:56 Serisan: But we're both gonna be slightly chafed by this comp
- 01:56 LordFizzlebeef: or at least nowhere I wanted it to go
- 01:57 Serisan: gl hf
- 01:57 Serisan#5274 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 01:57 LordFizzlebeef: GLHF
- 01:58 DarkmoonEX: what's the fourth party member?
- 01:58 LordFizzlebeef: red mage
- 01:58 Dani3883: Waiting on sg1 to finish up then setup
- 01:58 DarkmoonEX: coolo
- 01:58 LordFizzlebeef: party should be thief rainbow
- 01:58 Serisan: It's fiiiiiiiiiiine lol
- 01:58 LuffyDV: i got the blursings DM
- 01:58 LordFizzlebeef: IT'S SUPER
- 01:59 DarkmoonEX: thx Luff
- 01:59 DarkmoonEX: shoulda played a real party, like triple thief black mage
- 01:59 LordFizzlebeef: wait crap, one sec
- 02:00 LordFizzlebeef: forgot to generate a seed with music
- 02:00 LordFizzlebeef#0465 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 02:02 DarkmoonEX: Fizl, can you turn on your webcam?
- 02:02 DarkmoonEX: it's SGL ;)
- 02:02 LordFizzlebeef#0465 is not ready. (2 remaining)
- 02:02 LordFizzlebeef: gimme a minute or two
- 02:02 DarkmoonEX: kayo
- 02:02 Dani3883: Don't forget your tie!
- 02:03 Serisan#5274 is not ready. (3 remaining)
- 02:03 Serisan: brb
- 02:05 Serisan#5274 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 02:06 DarkmoonEX: oh, and are you forfeitting when the other player wins if you aren't also in ToFR?
- 02:06 Serisan: I plan on it, yes
- 02:06 DarkmoonEX: just to keep things moving
- 02:06 DarkmoonEX: cool
- 02:07 LuffyDV: Fighter strats for Serisan haha
- 02:07 LuffyDV: pearlers for the win
- 02:07 LuffyDV: glhf fam <3
- 02:07 Serisan: lol not even strats, that's just the bonus prize
- 02:08 LordFizzlebeef: webcam accomplished
- 02:08 Serisan: How's the wait on the channel?
- 02:08 DarkmoonEX: just doing final crops
- 02:08 LuffyDV: just doing the cams and we will be off soon
- 02:10 LordFizzlebeef: sound is fucky, hang on
- 02:11 LordFizzlebeef#0465 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 02:12 LordFizzlebeef: that took longer than expected but should look and sound good now
- 02:12 Dani3883: We are live. Dropping the gate in one minute!
- 02:13 LordFizzlebeef: GLHF
- 02:13 Serisan: glhf
- 02:14 Dani3883: GL HF EVERYONE!!
- 02:14 Dani3883#5734 quits the race.
- 02:14 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 02:14 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 03:08 Serisan#5274 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:53:44!
- 03:08 Serisan: ggs
- 03:08 LordFizzlebeef#0465 has forfeited from the race.
- 03:08 Race finished in 0:54:25.8
- 03:08 LordFizzlebeef: UGH
- 03:08 LordFizzlebeef: fuck that tofr
- 03:09 Serisan: blued grind paid off for me
- 03:09 LordFizzlebeef: whats a grind
- 03:09 Serisan: 1 shot tofr with 33ish ninja
- 03:09 LordFizzlebeef: been in tofr for 10 minutes
- 03:09 Serisan: I figured.
- 03:09 Serisan: I routed poorly
- 03:09 LordFizzlebeef: tofr beat the piss out of me
- 03:09 Serisan: but also guessed I had to balance levels vs panic
- 03:09 Dani3883:
- 03:09 DarkmoonEX: 10 minutes, guys
- 03:10 Race result recorded by DarkmoonEX#7048