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- 00:11 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 00:12 Chanigan#1703 joins the race.
- 00:17 Sorbius#3758 joins the race.
- 00:18 Chanigan: o/
- 00:18 adamdruppe: i kinda wanna join this but last time it was EFT at 9 i was up till like 10:30 and miserable the next day
- 00:18 Chanigan: i don't see a problem there :P
- 00:20 goatspirate: gotta go fast
- 00:21 adamdruppe: this is the penultimate race of the series and i definitely can't make the next one, starting at 10 is right out in my life. hmmmmm
- 00:22 adamdruppe: that co op race 3 is hype too.
- 00:25 Chanigan: yeah
- 00:38 adamdruppe#9098 joins the race.
- 00:39 adamdruppe: whelp my better judgment loses again
- 00:39 Chanigan: :D
- 00:41 Chanigan: seed in 9 minutes
- 00:47 Will | Vorpal Enjoyer: I'm gonna be 10 minutes late. If everyone waits I can join, but if anyone is in a rush please just start the race.
- 00:48 Sorbius: I don't mind to wait
- 00:48 Chanigan: yeah same
- 00:49 adamdruppe: yea im ok with it too
- 00:50 Chanigan: ?ff1url
- 00:50 Chanigan: wait
- 00:50 Chanigan: whats the command again ? lmao
- 00:50 Chanigan: oh
- 00:50 Chanigan: ff1url
- 00:50 Chanigan: !ff1url
- 00:50 SahasrahBot: You must specify a FF1R URL with the flags!
- 00:50 Chanigan: dude
- 00:50 Chanigan: keyboard please
- 00:50 Chanigan: !ff1url
- 00:50 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 00:50 SahasrahBot:
- 00:50 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 00:50 Chanigan: jesus
- 00:51 Chanigan: bonk shirt axe helm sword armor knife bonk
- 00:52 adamdruppe: agreed
- 00:52 madewokherd: hello, who should I add to the restream?
- 00:53 Chanigan: oh right, i forgot to ask
- 00:53 Chanigan: i don't mind being on restream
- 00:53 Chanigan: adr and sorbius, you want to be on restream ?
- 00:54 Sorbius: I would prefer not to, only because I am pretty new and my time in practice on these has been in the 2:30 range
- 00:54 Chanigan: also madeworkherd, we will start at 9:10 EST if you don't mind. We're waiting for someone to join
- 00:54 adamdruppe: i can go either way. if i am tho i'll prolly skip the interview cuz it will be past bed time. so if sorbius wants it even a lil i'll yield. or if burt gets on he can have it too
- 00:55 adamdruppe: lemme go back to the blue screen for easier cropping if you do wanna use me.
- 00:58 madewokherd: ok, got you both cropped
- 00:58 Chanigan: awesome, thank you
- 00:58 Chanigan: btw, my audio is clean
- 01:01 Sorbius#3758 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 01:03 adamdruppe#9098 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 01:04 Chanigan: just waiting on burt before dropping the gate
- 01:05 Sorbius: at least this one has a reasonable force party
- 01:05 BurtReynoldz#4973 joins the race.
- 01:06 Will | Vorpal Enjoyer: Ty
- 01:06 Chanigan: o/
- 01:06 Chanigan: no problem
- 01:06 Chanigan: once you're ready, i'll drop the gate
- 01:06 adamdruppe: forced recruits too if i remember right from last time
- 01:06 Chanigan: no recruit
- 01:06 Sorbius: no recruits
- 01:06 adamdruppe: huh i guess i should review the flags :P
- 01:07 Chanigan: do what i do. I run blind
- 01:07 Chanigan: (but i did check recruits)
- 01:08 Chanigan: to be sure, is any commentator or tracker here ? You can go live whenever you want (if you aren't already)
- 01:09 madewokherd: got it
- 01:11 BurtReynoldz#4973 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 01:11 Will | Vorpal Enjoyer: gl
- 01:11 Chanigan: alright!
- 01:11 Sorbius: gl hf
- 01:11 Chanigan: GLHF EVERYONE!!!
- 01:11 adamdruppe: hf all
- 01:11 Chanigan#1703 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 01:11 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 01:11 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 02:24 BurtReynoldz#4973 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:12:56!
- 02:25 adamdruppe: g burt
- 02:25 Will | Vorpal Enjoyer: ty gg
- 02:30 Chanigan#1703 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:18:06!
- 02:30 Chanigan: ggs
- 02:31 Chanigan: sucks that i had to leave for 5-6 minutes because something fell and i had to pick it up
- 02:31 adamdruppe: bleh that sux
- 02:37 adamdruppe#9098 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:25:58!
- 02:38 Chanigan: ggs
- 02:39 ClassicGamer76: Chat?
- 03:02 Sorbius#3758 has finished in 4th place with a time of 1:50:58!
- 03:02 Race finished in 1:50:58.3
- 03:08 goatspirate: ggs
- 04:08 Race result recorded by DarkmoonEX#7048