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- 13:14 Dani3883#5734 joins the race.
- 13:14 SahasrahBot: Hi! I'm SahasrahBot, your friendly robotic elder and randomizer seed roller! Use !help to see what I can do! Check out for more info.
- 13:17 budgemano#3468 joins the race.
- 13:20 Solariorex: budge, how many winter tourney's have you been in?
- 13:24 Dani3883: I think all of them, but that's not including spring tournaments. Lol
- 13:25 Solariorex: is this felissan's first?
- 13:25 budgemano: 2023 was my first
- 13:25 budgemano: No, sorry I was in 2022 ST also
- 13:25 budgemano: so 4 I suppose
- 13:26 Dani3883: Iirc, Felissan's first
- 13:29 budgemano: I don't see her in the bracket from last year, so I think her first
- 13:29 Dani3883: Double checked, yep, her girst
- 13:29 Dani3883: First
- 13:29 Solariorex: got it the veteran who's time may have arrived vs. the upstart newcomer with outstanding progress thus far
- 13:29 Dani3883: Correct
- 13:29 budgemano: Lol I don't think my time has arrived. I am terrible in this event
- 13:30 Dani3883: Doing better than me. Lol
- 13:30 Solariorex: :/ I mean you're here, so you've done, at least, a little well
- 13:30 Dani3883: ^
- 13:31 Solariorex: haven't gotten to comm in a while so i need to frame the race for myself ... and probably the audience
- 13:31 budgemano: Appreciate the early morning race crew
- 13:31 budgemano: Delay just started
- 13:31 sin_pyro: I rarely sleep anyway so.
- 13:32 sin_pyro: I'm kidding. I didn't have to work last night. So I did nothing but sleep :( Exhaustion sucks.
- 13:33 Solariorex: and I appreciate that my parents let my kids sleep over so I can do what I want with the morning
- 13:34 Dani3883: Yeah, crew this early is definitely appreciated, especially when i think this is the most early morning races we've ever had in WT. Apparently no one, or their kids, sleep in on the weekends. Lol
- 13:34 budgemano: I set an alarm for 7. Was up before that anyways
- 13:35 Dani3883: I went to sleep a little after 6, had alarm set for 8:10. Lol
- 13:35 sin_pyro: I set an alarm, woke up, realized the race was on Speedgaming and grumbled because I could have slept another half an hour lol
- 13:39 Felissan: morning! sorry i took this long
- 13:39 Felissan#6017 joins the race.
- 13:39 Solariorex: O7
- 13:41 Felissan: delay should end shortly after seed roll
- 13:43 Dani3883: No flag changes, correct?
- 13:45 meklin89: Rookie move sin, just waking up myself. It should be illegal to be alive at this time of day, just saying lol
- 13:45 sin_pyro: You're talking to a night shift worker. So yeah I'm gonna agree.
- 13:45 meklin89: Dani, how do you function with that little sleep??
- 13:46 budgemano: Correct, no flag changes
- 13:46 budgemano: Unless you want to uncheck that little BB box for us
- 13:46 sin_pyro: Dani doesn't function. She's basically in zombie mode 100% of the time.
- 13:46 Dani3883: Kinda true lol
- 13:47 Solariorex: aw but like a sweet, kind zombie, who tells you to fuck off
- 13:47 Dani3883: I wish unchecked the bb was an option. If I can forced bb/wm one more time I'm going to riot. Lol
- 13:47 Dani3883: Lol@ Solariorex
- 13:47 sin_pyro: Fine. It'll be BB/None
- 13:48 Felissan: i mean, it's established by this point that i'm a BB believer
- 13:48 Felissan: so not complaining
- 13:48 sin_pyro: BelieBer
- 13:50 Dani3883: !ff1url
- 13:50 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 13:50 SahasrahBot:
- 13:50 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 13:51 Solariorex: aw
- 13:51 Felissan: shield loop armor axe hammer axe bonk loop
- 13:51 budgemano: confirmed
- 13:51 Dani3883: Who has good audio?
- 13:51 Solariorex: that solo bb with buff magic would've been cool though
- 13:51 Felissan: i do
- 13:51 budgemano: Mine is clean also
- 13:51 Dani3883: Awesome, thanks
- 13:51 Felissan#6017 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 13:52 budgemano#3468 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 13:53 budgemano#3468 is not ready. (2 remaining)
- 13:55 budgemano#3468 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 13:58 Dani3883: As soon as we have a setup helper I'll give the one minute warning then drop the gate
- 14:02 Dani3883: Setup helper acquired!
- 14:02 Felissan: glhf!
- 14:02 budgemano: GLHF!
- 14:02 Dani3883: Dropping the gate in one minute!
- 14:03 Dani3883: GL HF EVERYONE!!
- 14:03 Dani3883#5734 quits the race.
- 14:03 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 14:03 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 14:35 Felissan: my computer crashed, what's the procedure again?
- 14:38 Dani3883: I'm looking into it
- 14:39 Felissan: found it
- 14:39 Felissan: If a technical issue occurs after the first ten (10) minutes of a race, it is technically a forfeit. It's up to the other player to decide if they want to try and reschedule or accept the win at that point.
- 14:39 Felissan#6017 has forfeited from the race.
- 14:39 budgemano: Oh no
- 14:40 Felissan: big ol' BSOD
- 14:40 budgemano: I think we are going to struggle to get two more games in before the deadline. Winner take all game 3?
- 14:40 Dani3883: Rules state: If a technical issue occurs after the first ten (10) minutes of a race, it is technically a forfeit. It's up to the other player to decide if they want to try and reschedule or accept the win at that point.
- 14:40 Felissan: sounds good
- 14:41 Dani3883: Budge, you still have to finish this race
- 14:41 budgemano: k
- 14:41 Dani3883: At least that's my understanding
- 14:41 budgemano: Think thats right. Bummer to have the race end like this :(
- 14:43 sin_pyro: Sorry Felissan :(
- 15:04 budgemano#3468 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:01:03!
- 15:04 Race finished in 1:01:03.7
- 15:21 Felissan: gg
- 15:22 Dani3883: GG y'all!
- 15:22 Race result recorded by Dani3883#5734