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- 23:19 Captainnerd2: if we draft, would forced be applied?
- 23:21 adamdruppe: the rules say: "Although the party selection is set by the seed, players are allowed to agree to a specific party, as they like, before the seed is rolled. This can be any combination of characters and nones, or even just random four forced (4orced)."
- 23:21 adamdruppe: and i'll play just about anything so if you wanna pick a party ahead of time we can force that specific set so we'll both play it
- 23:21 adamdruppe: there's a game scheduled tonight where both players are doing solo thief lol
- 23:23 Captainnerd2: I have a set party I want,but I know your favorite fighter and red mage
- 23:23 dem0nfr0g: ill allow it
- 23:24 adamdruppe: what would you wanna play?
- 23:24 dem0nfr0g: but yeah, someone tonight it forcing solo TH so you dont need to keep the forced mage if you dont want
- 23:25 Captainnerd2: the only one i rather have not forced is the red mage
- 23:25 Captainnerd2: draft it is
- 23:28 Captainnerd2: agreed adr?
- 23:29 adamdruppe: yeah
- 23:30 adamdruppe: you can pick the whole party if you want, i enjoy variation in the game soemtimes
- 23:30 dem0nfr0g: just a heads up, it has been a little tough finding crew so this is going to be a bikke in a way, on SG1 still but we dont have comms, do have a tracker
- 23:30 Captainnerd2: I was thinking bb, wm, bm, rm
- 23:31 adamdruppe: ok, let's do it
- 23:31 dem0nfr0g: let me confirm if BB on the party select is ok
- 23:34 adamdruppe: oh i'd better get my stream going
- 23:35 dem0nfr0g: yeah, still waiting to hear back. I am assuming its fine because it was mutually agreed to, but I am not on the tournament org team so I would like to hear from one of them before I roll it
- 23:35 Captainnerd2: sorry forgot to get a game loaded up when I went live, but I got it now
- 23:35 dem0nfr0g: It should be fine, plenty of time still
- 23:37 dem0nfr0g: ok got the ok BB rainbow it will be
- 23:37 Captainnerd2: ok
- 23:38 Captainnerd2: I was halping a new tracker earlier by showing him the ropes
- 23:38 adamdruppe: 10 min delay started
- 23:38 adamdruppe: i get so chatty i forget im supposed to be here to play a game lol
- 23:39 Captainnerd2: I got stream up just when the announcement and room came up
- 23:40 dem0nfr0g: yeah I usually get my stream up shortly after entering the room just in case
- 23:40 adamdruppe: yeah my streaming computer just in the office and i like to sit with the wife for aw hile
- 23:40 Captainnerd2: dani did say for for me not to be late to my match and I was on top of that
- 23:41 adamdruppe: yeah
- 23:41 dem0nfr0g: as long as you arent strolling in 10 minutes before gates its usually fine
- 23:41 adamdruppe: oh btw i think last race you stopped the stream and discarded delay at the end, something to remember here too is to leave OBS open for the extra 10 mins at the end too after hitting stop streaming so it all streams out
- 23:43 Captainnerd2: adr, I do not run obs. I run streamlabs obs
- 23:44 adamdruppe: oh.
- 23:44 adamdruppe: ive never used that
- 23:44 Captainnerd2: obs gives me a lot of problems with that light signal in regards to framerate
- 23:45 dem0nfr0g: ah, well either way yeah let the stream run out until you have finished on screen. If we are unable to see your finish it could be considered a DQ
- 23:45 dem0nfr0g: it would be up to tounrment organizers to has it out
- 23:46 dem0nfr0g: hash*
- 23:46 adamdruppe: 2 mins left in my delay
- 23:47 diesel_pilot: captainnerd2, please check your microphone is muted, and will you be putting a clock on-screen?
- 23:48 Captainnerd2: I have mute on my headset I am wearing, so I am muted
- 23:49 diesel_pilot: okay, I may have heard the noises from somewhere else, then
- 23:49 diesel_pilot: and your timer?
- 23:50 Captainnerd2: I just got it up
- 23:50 diesel_pilot: thank you! :)
- 23:51 diesel_pilot: restream setup is ready to go
- 23:51 dem0nfr0g: great! thank you
- 23:52 dem0nfr0g: grr I closed the flags one sec remaking and getting yall a seed
- 23:53 adamdruppe: thanks diesel_pilot for the channel setup and dem0nfr0g for the game setup. appreciate you both
- 23:53 Captainnerd2: diesel, the noises you heard earlier was from another match I was helping a new tracker out
- 23:53 dem0nfr0g: !ff1url
- 23:53 SahasrahBot updated the race information.
- 23:53 SahasrahBot:
- 23:53 SahasrahBot: Seed rolling complete. See race info for details.
- 23:54 adamdruppe: hammer / sword / dagger / dagger / stick / hammer / shirt / dagger
- 23:54 dem0nfr0g: .. im so sorry
- 23:54 adamdruppe: ooo that bb malus
- 23:55 dem0nfr0g: yeah I just pulled it up lol
- 23:56 adamdruppe: red mage w/ axe tho oh yeah
- 23:58 Captainnerd2#0969 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 23:58 adamdruppe#9098 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 23:58 dem0nfr0g: 2 minutes to gate, sorry for the slightly late seed
- 23:59 adamdruppe: oh i should ask, captainnerd do you wanna allow recruits? the box is checked in the flags but if you wanna agree to keep the original party i'll play that way too
- 23:59 Captainnerd2: yea, recruits allowed
- 23:59 dem0nfr0g: ah, nothing was mentioned about recruits so yeah, it would just be a gentlemans agreement atthis point not to swap
- 00:00 dem0nfr0g: ok dropping gates GLHF!
- 00:00 dem0nfr0g#7839 quits the race.
- 00:00 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 00:00 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 00:00 Captainnerd2: started too early that was my fauklt
- 00:01 Captainnerd2: I was trying to stop my timer
- 00:01 dem0nfr0g: we can retime if it is needed just go its fine
- 00:01 Captainnerd2: yes please
- 00:01 Captainnerd2: adr, agrre to a trime?
- 00:01 Captainnerd2: retime*
- 00:02 adamdruppe: yeah no big deal
- 01:04 adamdruppe#9098 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:03:35!
- 01:04 Captainnerd2#0969 has forfeited from the race.
- 01:04 Race finished in 1:03:50.1
- 01:04 adamdruppe: gg
- 01:06 Captainnerd2: that damn early screwup was what screwed me badly
- 01:07 adamdruppe: what happened?
- 01:08 Captainnerd2: because of trying to stop my livesplit before the game clock started which accidently made begin the race when it was supposed to start when the countdown goes to zero
- 01:09 Captainnerd2: that was what screwed me over right there on time
- 01:10 adamdruppe: that sucks
- 01:10 Captainnerd2: this is mainly why I never really liked restreaming on sg. livesplit is required for it and I never like using the timer unless needed
- 01:11 adamdruppe: yeah
- 01:12 Captainnerd2: well, congrats, you are moving on
- 01:13 dem0nfr0g: in future if there is a small delay in your start time, or the time from your timer vs the room its fine, in the event of a retime VODs are pulled and the frame you start in the VOD is noted, and the frame "terminated" on chaos is pulled to determine your time
- 01:14 dem0nfr0g: so small differences in your timer or when you start the game is not a big deal, just go and we can figure it out if it was close enough after everyone is done
- 01:14 dem0nfr0g: GG though, the malus onthe BB was not great
- 01:14 Race result recorded by dem0nfr0g#7839