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- 01:50 Serisan: Yeah, weapons are -4 to 0
- 01:50 Oslodo: so wet noodle, got it
- 01:50 Chanigan: chuck helm knife sword axe axe ring armor
- 01:51 goatspirate: aye
- 01:51 Oslodo: Got the same
- 01:51 goatspirate: is this the 7th l.ladder race?
- 01:51 Oslodo: I think so, yes
- 01:51 goatspirate: hey, it even says so up above
- 01:51 thavionhawk: that fighter going to be thin af
- 01:52 Serisan: Thavion, do you want to join so you can hold the gate?
- 01:53 fryteeth#6010 joins the race.
- 01:55 BurtReynoldz#4973 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 01:55 Oslodo#5893 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 01:55 thavionhawk: um
- 01:55 Chanigan#1703 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 01:55 Sorbius#3758 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 01:56 thavionhawk: I'm kind of confused about the Discord race room being setup for SMB3R?
- 01:56 thavionhawk: the tracker looks right, but the discord room is seemingly wrong?
- 01:56 Serisan: They just wrapped up the SMB3R race
- 01:57 thavionhawk: okay. that explains the notes.
- 01:57 Serisan: Like...probably in the last 5-10 minutes, honestly
- 01:57 thavionhawk: So you said join to hold the gate?
- 01:57 goatspirate#4806 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 01:57 Serisan: Yes please
- 01:57 fryteeth#6010 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 01:57 thavionhawk#8598 joins the race.
- 01:58 Serisan: Has the SG helper touched base yet about cropping and such?
- 01:58 Will | Vorpal Enjoyer: i hope we dont have to switch to smb3r half way through this race. i havent practiced.
- 01:58 thavionhawk: IDK. I've pressed the ping for help
- 01:58 Chanigan: i haven't even practice for FFR
- 01:58 Serisan: Also, volunteers for restream?
- 01:58 thavionhawk: the helper name is crossed out in the overlay?
- 01:58 thavionhawk:
- 01:59 Will | Vorpal Enjoyer: i can be on restream if you need someone to come in 4th place
- 01:59 Will | Vorpal Enjoyer: no good audio and ill probably skip the interview to put the kid to bed so there is that too.
- 02:00 Serisan: I've pinged Darkmoon to see if he can cajole some people.
- 02:01 thavionhawk: Burt and who else?
- 02:01 Chanigan: i no one else, i'll join Burt
- 02:01 Chanigan: i'll have safe audio but no interview also
- 02:01 diesel_pilot: hey, I'm here to setup
- 02:02 Serisan: I'm going to quit the race room here so Thavion can hold the gate
- 02:02 Serisan#5274 quits the race.
- 02:02 Serisan: Heya Diesel
- 02:02 thavionhawk: Thank you Diesel_pilot.
- 02:02 goatspirate: he'll always be with us in spirit
- 02:02 diesel_pilot: who am I putting on restream?
- 02:02 diesel_pilot: Burt and ...?
- 02:02 Chanigan: me and Burt
- 02:02 thavionhawk: Burt's audio isn't clean, so please use Chanigan's
- 02:03 Chanigan: slowpoke race tonight :D
- 02:03 diesel_pilot: okay, I can do that,
- 02:03 diesel_pilot: I'll need a couple minutes to handle crop
- 02:03 thavionhawk: Is Sunday. Why rush? It's not like this is a race being broadcast live to other people all around the world or anything.
- 02:05 thavionhawk: Just let us know when we're good to go live
- 02:05 goatspirate: oh, sure. conservatively estimating an audience of, say, 40 million people eagerly waiting, every minute of delay costs an entire human lifetime
- 02:06 thavionhawk: well the stream says 77 at the moment
- 02:06 goatspirate: should doubly should motivate the runners to Go Fast
- 02:06 goatspirate: :)
- 02:06 Sorbius: I can only promise to go, cannot promise fast
- 02:07 Will | Vorpal Enjoyer: feeling like a black mage with a no fast malus.
- 02:08 goatspirate: these light warriors are some real winners
- 02:08 diesel_pilot: we are good to go
- 02:08 Sorbius: yeah no fast here
- 02:08 Chanigan: glhf everyone!
- 02:08 Will | Vorpal Enjoyer: both me and my wife are in the computer room and is has to be like 40 degrees in here. im sweating already!
- 02:08 Will | Vorpal Enjoyer: gl
- 02:09 thavionhawk: dropping gate in 15sec
- 02:09 Oslodo: RNG be with us all
- 02:09 thavionhawk: glhf
- 02:09 goatspirate: he means farenheit, no less
- 02:09 thavionhawk#8598 quits the race.
- 02:09 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 02:09 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 03:03 goatspirate#4806 has forfeited from the race.
- 03:27 Chanigan#1703 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:17:09!
- 03:27 thavionhawk: gg
- 03:27 thavionhawk: interview?
- 03:27 Chanigan: ty
- 03:28 Chanigan: sure. im more awake that i would have thought
- 03:33 BurtReynoldz#4973 has forfeited from the race.
- 03:33 Will | Vorpal Enjoyer: gg and gn\
- 03:33 thavionhawk: gg.. hard fought
- 03:33 Chanigan: ggs burt
- 03:38 fryteeth#6010 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:28:47!
- 03:38 Chanigan: gg
- 03:39 thavionhawk: gg
- 03:39 fryteeth: gg
- 03:40 goatspirate: gg
- 03:57 Oslodo#5893 has forfeited from the race.
- 03:59 goatspirate: gg
- 04:01 Sorbius#3758 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:51:23!
- 04:01 Race finished in 1:51:23.3
- 04:02 Sorbius: gg's, that was gross
- 00:13 Race result recorded by LuffyDV#9264