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- 02:17 therpgchick#2121 joins the race.
- 02:17 Hebinx#9618 joins the race.
- 02:17 Hebinx: Good evening!
- 02:17 therpgchick: evenin
- 02:18 Hebinx: Man, Costco is going hard on Christmas this year.
- 02:18 therpgchick: thats no surprise
- 02:18 Hebinx: Like, it's not even October and they're already putting out display tree's
- 02:19 Hebinx: Usually I'd be seeing cool inflatables and spooky skeletons till at least another couple weeks
- 02:19 therpgchick: i think i saw some targets or walmarts had done that too
- 02:19 Hebinx: Geeze
- 02:19 Hebinx: I'm a firm believer that Christmas stuff shouldn't be put out till after Thanksgiving at least lol
- 02:19 Hebinx: Like, give the other holidays a chance!
- 02:20 therpgchick: i agree. i really like christmas decorations but the hubby and i usually wait till the first weekend after thanksgiving.
- 02:20 Hebinx: That's the agreement I have with the Mrs.
- 02:21 Hebinx: Y'all do a real tree or an artificial one?
- 02:21 therpgchick: artificial. we have 5 cats :)
- 02:22 Hebinx: Lol, fair enough. We usually do a real tree but, we'll see how that goes with a baby this year.
- 02:22 Hebinx: Last year we had a bad case of aphids. Had to run the vacuum for a few days.
- 02:22 therpgchick: oh gross....i didn't think aphids hung around in the cold weather
- 02:23 therpgchick: i used to have real trees when i was very young
- 02:24 Hebinx: They didn't come out till after a few weeks. We think they were eggs and basically had all the right temps in the house to hatch and then run about. It freaked us out at first though because they look like tick at a glance.
- 02:25 therpgchick: i saw aphids for the first time this year when they destroyed our new peach tree
- 02:26 Hebinx: Oh man, that sucks. Are lady bugs native to the area?
- 02:27 therpgchick: yeah.
- 02:27 therpgchick: we bought a house where the yard was wrecked though and we spent the last 2 summers starting to fix it
- 02:27 Hebinx: I hear they eat aphid's like nobody's business. I wonder if they could be bread to prevent that in the future.
- 02:27 Hebinx: Oh nice, got some garden boxes out there?
- 02:28 therpgchick: oh yeah they work great, we released 2 tupperwares of lady bugs and they ate them all...but it was too late for the peach tree
- 02:28 therpgchick: we replaced the top soil and put up a retaining wall. adding boxes next year to grow tubers
- 02:29 Hebinx: Very nice! We recently moved into this place last summer and only had time between the baby and everything else to get 1 box going. Had some nice tomatoes and herbs going though.
- 02:30 therpgchick: we moved in may of 2021, and we've spent so much fixing up a place that the people we bought from claimed was their "dream home" but they didn't treat it very well in 2 years
- 02:31 SirLinkalot#8175 joins the race.
- 02:31 Hebinx: Ugh I hate those descriptors. How bad were the repairs?
- 02:32 Hebinx: Good evening SirLinkalot!
- 02:32 SirLinkalot: Hiya
- 02:32 therpgchick: evening sirlinkalot
- 02:33 therpgchick: its just this house was a custom build but they like cheaped out. we replaced the counters which were tile D:
- 02:33 therpgchick: the hard floors are linoleum
- 02:33 therpgchick: cheap carpet
- 02:34 therpgchick: things like that
- 02:34 Hebinx: Oh man, one of those where they wanted all these "nice" things but didn't want to put in the work/money.
- 02:34 therpgchick: yeah basically.
- 02:34 Hebinx: Hopefully all the foundational stuff was good.
- 02:34 therpgchick: and they let their dogs go to bathroom all over their yard and NEVER cleaned up after them
- 02:35 therpgchick: it was so gross
- 02:35 Hebinx: Geeze, I can imagine.
- 02:35 Hebinx: Would y'all like to send hex values tonight or leave it up to me?
- 02:36 therpgchick: adf2
- 02:39 SirLinkalot: leave it up to you
- 02:43 Hebinx: Sounds good
- 02:50 Hebinx:
- 02:50 Hebinx#9618 updated the race information.
- 02:51 SirLinkalot: FLFMPBBI?
- 02:55 therpgchick: im having trouble with my memory card...
- 02:57 therpgchick: and now i dont know wtf to do
- 02:59 Hebinx: What's happening?
- 03:01 SirLinkalot: Issues with the memory card it seems
- 03:01 Hebinx: I'll let the organizers know there was a delayed start.
- 03:02 therpgchick: husband loaded it for me. so just give me a min
- 03:02 Hebinx: All good, stuff happens :-)
- 03:03 SirLinkalot#8175 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 03:03 Hebinx: Once you both ready up I'll go ahead and give it a 10 second delay before dropping the gate.
- 03:03 SirLinkalot: o7
- 03:04 therpgchick#2121 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 03:04 Hebinx: Best of luck to the both of you tonight! I'll be rooting for you both from the comm booth.
- 03:04 therpgchick: sorry for the wait
- 03:05 therpgchick: glhf
- 03:05 SirLinkalot: did you confirm hash?
- 03:05 therpgchick: yep
- 03:05 SirLinkalot: Ok
- 03:05 SirLinkalot: glhf!
- 03:05 Hebinx: All good, may RNG be in your favors! dropping in 10
- 03:05 Hebinx#9618 quits the race.
- 03:05 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 03:05 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 04:03 SirLinkalot#8175 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:58:07!
- 04:04 therpgchick#2121 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:58:53!
- 04:04 Race finished in 0:58:53.8
- 04:04 therpgchick: gg dude
- 04:04 SirLinkalot: ggs
- 04:05 SirLinkalot: Thought my wipes were gonna cost me again, late wipe on Paz and Zuh
- 04:05 therpgchick: i wiped on zuh, that probably cost me
- 13:04 Race result recorded by Chanigan#1703