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- 00:53 Chanigan: i had to restart my computer
- 00:53 x10power: all good
- 00:54 Chanigan:
- 00:54 therpgchick: you good im just nervous as always :)
- 00:54 Chanigan#1703 updated the race information.
- 00:54 wildham: not a lot of time to choose your party
- 00:54 caleb: IFBDFGMK
- 00:55 wildham: same
- 00:55 x10power: That what I see
- 00:55 therpgchick: yep thats the hash
- 00:55 Hebinx: I want to wish everyone the best of luck tonight! I'll be cheering for you all from the commentators booth.
- 00:56 caleb: thanks for the doing comms all weekend hebinx!
- 00:56 wildham: yeah you did a great job
- 00:56 Hebinx: My pleasure, it's been a good time.
- 00:56 DemonRHK#5168 is ready! (8 remaining)
- 00:56 wildham#8198 is ready! (7 remaining)
- 00:56 therpgchick#2121 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 00:56 SirLinkalot#8175 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 00:56 x10power#3600 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 00:57 Chanigan: yeah, hebinx killed it with his comms
- 00:57 Chanigan: very appreciated
- 00:57 Mageius: give me a minute
- 00:57 Freddyn3k#1873 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 00:58 Mageius: that's when I click the link it's giving me a different seed at least on the site
- 00:58 x10power: when / if I get knock out I dont mind doing comms or tracking
- 00:58 Mageius: sorry using voice to text
- 00:58 caleb#8824 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 00:58 Chanigan: Mageius, be sure you're using the latest version of the randomizer.
- 00:58 caleb: gl hf folks :)
- 00:58 Captainnerd2: I haven't gotten the link to the comms
- 00:59 Mageius: I'm using the website
- 00:59 Chanigan: does the site says version 1.1.08?
- 01:00 Mageius: 8B475CAA is what comes up in the seed window
- 01:00 Chanigan: yeah, thats good. the runners are checking the hash after booting up the rom
- 01:00 caleb: that's the seed number, the other i listed is the hash
- 01:00 Mageius: yes
- 01:00 Mageius: ah
- 01:00 Captainnerd2: was I supposed to get a link to the sg?
- 01:01 Mageius: one second then
- 01:01 Chanigan: invite should come around 10 min before stream is live
- 01:01 Chanigan: so around 9:05-9:10
- 01:02 therpgchick: do i need to join it?
- 01:02 Chanigan: nope!
- 01:02 therpgchick: okie then
- 01:02 Mageius: yep correct
- 01:02 Mageius#9552 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 01:03 Chanigan: once you're done with the seed and the stream has catch up the delay, you should receive an invite from the SG bot. If you want to do an interview, click on that link and it'll send you to a VC
- 01:03 Chanigan: and with that, 1 min warning!
- 01:03 therpgchick: sounds good
- 01:03 wildham: glhf!
- 01:03 therpgchick: glhf!
- 01:03 x10power: glhf!
- 01:03 Mageius: good luck all
- 01:03 SirLinkalot: glhf!
- 01:03 caleb: have all the fun :)
- 01:03 Freddyn3k: good luck all
- 01:04 Chanigan: GLHF EVERYONE!!!!
- 01:04 Chanigan#1703 quits the race.
- 01:04 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 01:04 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 02:06 caleb#8824 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:01:28!
- 02:06 wildham: gg
- 02:06 caleb: ty
- 02:06 x10power: gg
- 02:07 SirLinkalot#8175 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:02:20!
- 02:07 caleb: gg
- 02:07 SirLinkalot: ggs
- 02:09 therpgchick#2121 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:04:23!
- 02:09 caleb: gg!
- 02:09 therpgchick: damn that was a full clear lol
- 02:11 wildham#8198 has finished in 4th place with a time of 1:06:16!
- 02:11 SirLinkalot: Probably should refrain from making comments in an active race
- 02:11 caleb: gg
- 02:11 wildham: ty gg
- 02:11 x10power: gg
- 02:11 therpgchick: i tried to keep it vague for that reason
- 02:12 therpgchick: gg all
- 02:12 SirLinkalot: Info can still be gleaned from something vague like that
- 02:12 therpgchick: fair enough
- 02:13 DemonRHK#5168 has finished in 5th place with a time of 1:08:17!
- 02:13 therpgchick: gg
- 02:13 caleb: gg :)
- 02:15 DemonRHK: ggs
- 02:15 Freddyn3k#1873 has finished in 6th place with a time of 1:11:10!
- 02:15 therpgchick: gg
- 02:16 caleb: gg!
- 02:16 x10power: gg
- 02:22 x10power#3600 has finished in 7th place with a time of 1:18:08!
- 02:22 therpgchick: gg
- 02:23 x10power#3600 added a comment.
- 02:50 Mageius#9552 has finished in 8th place with a time of 1:45:58!
- 02:50 Race finished in 1:45:59.1
- 02:51 Mageius#9552 added a comment.
- 03:12 Race result recorded by Chanigan#1703