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- 01:29 FieryBlizzard#4860 invites IBKarma#5177 to join the race.
- 01:29 FieryBlizzard#4860 invites Fleury14#2147 to join the race.
- 01:30 IBKarma#5177 accepts an invitation to join.
- 01:31 Fleury14#2147 accepts an invitation to join.
- 01:31 FieryBlizzard: We are on SG main fyi
- 01:32 IBKarma: Yup about to boot stream then putting son to bed
- 01:32 FieryBlizzard: supposedly anyways
- 01:32 FieryBlizzard: zelda rando looks to be almost done though
- 01:32 FieryBlizzard: and by that, I mean there's a ganon on the screen
- 01:35 Fleury14: no delay right?
- 01:35 FieryBlizzard: correct
- 01:38 Zman: Hi
- 01:39 FieryBlizzard: Here is your one written reminder that this is final fantasy 5, not 4, not 6, and not 1. Glhf :p
- 01:40 Zman: So it's Final Fantasy 2. Got it.
- 01:40 FieryBlizzard: Does 2 or 3 have a rando?
- 01:41 Zman: Maybe?
- 01:41 FieryBlizzard: Honestly have no idea. I...really don't want to imagine either of those.
- 01:41 Zman: I don't either.
- 01:41 FieryBlizzard: Like as bad as ToFR is, at least it's short. Pandemonium and Crystal Tower/WoD is...not.
- 01:42 Fleury14: you say that but theres is a strong chance i bring up the world map trying to slow my airship]
- 01:42 FieryBlizzard: Oh, I was telling possum about how you can tell the primary FE players by how many times they hit Y trying to change movement speed
- 01:42 FieryBlizzard: (and the save files obviously)
- 01:42 IBKarma: There is one for ff3 someone in our group plays it
- 01:42 Fleury14: yeah theres a few hints
- 01:43 FieryBlizzard: Hell, I'm not even close to a primary FE player and I still did it after my initial foray into it.
- 01:43 Fleury14: ill occasionally try to menu plink and be like 'oh yeah'
- 01:43 IBKarma: Room name for seed? amusedshield
- 01:43 Fleury14: fine by me
- 01:43 IBKarma: Ok I will still be a couple minutes but will confirm hash when I can
- 01:44 FieryBlizzard: ...well SG is further away from finishing than I thought
- 01:50 Zman: This guy needs to forfeit and get out the way
- 01:51 FieryBlizzard: lol, I'm just biased against LttP tournament #203925807239850297385092735
- 01:52 Zman: Is that it? I thought the number would be higher
- 01:53 FieryBlizzard: I wonder if the LttP admins sleep tbh
- 01:53 FieryBlizzard: But I'm guessing that community is actually pretty split up due to how big it is and how it's evolved.
- 01:55 Zman: Oh, I would imagine so. Especially given all the formats and "common" flagsets
- 01:55 FieryBlizzard: SG bot hasn't even sent out channel invites yet so hmm
- 01:56 FieryBlizzard: I hope you two rolled a fast seed hahaha
- 01:56 FieryBlizzard: I guess it'd be my fault if it isn't
- 01:56 Fleury14: i got my first sub2 last night so who knows
- 01:57 FieryBlizzard: nice, grats
- 01:57 Zman: They're not going to send out invites until the channel is clear or nearly clear, I think
- 01:57 IBKarma: bell, ring, ring, whip, note
- 01:58 Fleury14: confirmed
- 01:59 FieryBlizzard: Go get a long drink, do some stretches, go watch some FE, and check back in...I dunno
- 02:01 Zman: Wait......I think we're getting a Ganon fight
- 02:05 Rom-Steïn: hello and good evening ! I got here in time to wish GL to both runners !
- 02:05 drossy: Hey sorry, didn't realize the channel hadn't been vacated
- 02:06 Zman: Not sure it's your fault
- 02:06 Rom-Steïn: do you have any other available SG channels ?
- 02:06 Zman: Looked at the SG schedule. SG prime appears double booked between 10 and 1030 ET
- 02:07 drossy: I just made them wrap
- 02:08 drossy: Then I just need to get the comms set up and get you guys cropped
- 02:08 IBKarma: just let us know when you want us to go
- 02:11 drossy: Ok, you're cropped. Just waiting for the comms to ready
- 02:11 Rom-Steïn: also I saw you guys mentioning FF3 randomizer earlier. there's only FrançoiseHarpie and myself playing it but if any of you are interested in learning it, we'd be happy to teach you once the FFVCD tourney is over LUL
- 02:11 IBKarma#5177 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 02:11 Rom-Steïn: this being said, before that, GL and HF in this match
- 02:12 Fleury14: is the gate dropping if i ready?
- 02:12 FieryBlizzard: nope
- 02:12 FieryBlizzard: I got it
- 02:12 FieryBlizzard: I'll give you a minute warning
- 02:12 Fleury14: ok good, it did last time lol
- 02:12 Fleury14#2147 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 02:12 IBKarma: GLHF and put on a show :D
- 02:13 FieryBlizzard: 1 minute
- 02:13 Fleury14: long as its not 40 minutes on one boss again lol
- 02:13 IBKarma: my guess is 7 dead checks at least for me
- 02:13 IBKarma: hunting for go mode
- 02:14 FieryBlizzard: glhf
- 02:14 FieryBlizzard#4860 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 02:14 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 04:19 IBKarma#5177 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:05:16!
- 04:22 Fleury14#2147 has forfeited from the race.
- 04:22 Race finished in 2:07:58.8
- 04:22 FieryBlizzard: ggs
- 04:22 IBKarma: ggs
- 04:23 Zman: GGs
- 04:23 IBKarma: headset isnt connecting give me a minute to see if i can get it
- 04:23 Fleury14: ggs! didnt find a solid way to tackle barrier tower as soon as i woulda liked, but late game routing made up ground i think
- 04:23 Fleury14: (i was on void boss 2)
- 04:24 IBKarma: i slogged through alot spen about 15 mins looking for my go mode tablet on adamantite
- 04:24 Fleury14: also hard punished not taking excal with 1st tablet
- 04:25 FieryBlizzard: Hopefully you two are getting invites to the SG channel
- 04:25 IBKarma: my headset wont pair to my base right now
- 04:25 IBKarma: i dont know why
- 04:25 IBKarma: trying one more time
- 16:44 Race result recorded by IBKarma#5177