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- 02:10 ArchfieldMonk#5147 joins the race.
- 02:11 FieryBlizzard#4860 joins the race.
- 02:13 FieryBlizzard: o/
- 02:13 ArchfieldMonk: o/
- 02:14 ArchfieldMonk: Just getting food off the grill so I have something to eat after, so I'll be away for a few minutes.
- 02:14 FieryBlizzard: The two full practice seeds I did were just odd really.
- 02:14 ArchfieldMonk: I did one, mostly due to lack of time, and it was...super weird.
- 02:14 FieryBlizzard: Nice. Figured it'd be around midnight by the time everything is wrapped up, so I actually ate dinner beforehand
- 02:14 FieryBlizzard: Watched some DWR during that
- 02:15 FieryBlizzard: ChaoticWind seed name?
- 02:15 FieryBlizzard: Might as well put on the stream for SG
- 02:17 ArchfieldMonk: Sure.
- 02:18 FieryBlizzard: hammer whip harp ring armor. Need to come up with a name scheme though despite how tired I am
- 02:20 FieryBlizzard: Meh, screw cleverness. I'm tired; we'll roll with something simply.
- 02:21 ArchfieldMonk: Hm, I got staff scroll sword shield knife
- 02:23 FieryBlizzard: Hmm, still getting the same. SPOff a W2 T15|3 A TBLT0 RGB0|0|0 X4 BS3 AR Lvariable|75 LNLenna GNGaluf CNCara FNFaris STP HINT AB CLA pbRandom ?
- 02:23 dryzalizer: either of you heard anything from Zman or SG?
- 02:24 FieryBlizzard: @Kig for approval I think. Though realistically Zman could send you the link directly I'd believe. Regardless, someone from SG will join up here.
- 02:24 ArchfieldMonk: Yeah, those flags.
- 02:24 ArchfieldMonk: No space in the seed name, right?
- 02:25 FieryBlizzard: Nope, ChaoticWind . I'll reroll again and see.
- 02:26 FieryBlizzard: Still the same, lol. (No space after Wind)
- 02:27 dryzalizer#3882 joins the race.
- 02:27 Zman: o/
- 02:28 dryzalizer: I joined to try and start this for you if necessary
- 02:28 FieryBlizzard: One of you two mind genning the seed using this week's settings and SV: ChaoticWind to check the hash?
- 02:28 dryzalizer: otherwise I'll just be lurking to get final time
- 02:28 dryzalizer: ok I will
- 02:28 ArchfieldMonk: Okay, hash confirmed from your first one.
- 02:28 ArchfieldMonk: No idea what the difference was -- flags looked identical.
- 02:28 FieryBlizzard: lol, amazing
- 02:28 FieryBlizzard: Maybe forgot to apply?
- 02:28 FieryBlizzard: No idea.
- 02:29 FieryBlizzard: I know I've done that a couple of times
- 02:29 ArchfieldMonk: Could be, yeah.
- 02:29 sk00pula: sg here, audio clean?
- 02:29 FieryBlizzard: yeah
- 02:29 ArchfieldMonk: Aye, clean audio.
- 02:30 sk00pula: ty
- 02:30 FieryBlizzard: Either this is going to be a full world(s) tour, or very fast.
- 02:31 dryzalizer: hammer whip harp ring armor is what I got
- 02:31 ArchfieldMonk: Yeah, I don't think there's much in-between.
- 02:31 FieryBlizzard: I desperately want to say if this is a samurai start to just reroll the seed though
- 02:31 FieryBlizzard: But whatever happens, happens I guess
- 02:32 Zman: Sure there's an in-between. Some easy abilities.....but a couple of stupid long chains and bosses
- 02:32 ArchfieldMonk: Heh. Hey Z
- 02:32 FieryBlizzard: I already rolled the full clear necro-at-TT in practice
- 02:33 FieryBlizzard: I forgot about necro, so he had to remind me
- 02:34 ArchfieldMonk: Helpful!
- 02:34 FieryBlizzard: So are magic lamps!
- 02:34 ArchfieldMonk: And how.
- 02:34 FieryBlizzard: Also, the other seed had 0 PDs in shops, lololol
- 02:34 sk00pula: ready to go?
- 02:34 ArchfieldMonk: Ha!
- 02:34 FieryBlizzard: The second time I rolled it
- 02:34 FieryBlizzard: I rolled something like that*
- 02:34 FieryBlizzard: And yeah
- 02:34 ArchfieldMonk#5147 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 02:35 sk00pula: didn't realize we weren't ready in here lol
- 02:35 FieryBlizzard#4860 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 02:35 FieryBlizzard: glhf!
- 02:35 ArchfieldMonk: glhf!
- 02:35 dryzalizer: good luck guys, starting you in less than a minute if I can
- 02:35 ArchfieldMonk: o7
- 02:36 dryzalizer#3882 quits the race.
- 02:36 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 02:36 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 04:48 FieryBlizzard#4860 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:12:06!
- 04:48 FieryBlizzard: The hell was that shit
- 04:48 ArchfieldMonk: GG!
- 04:48 FieryBlizzard: Like a 20 minute TED/NED hahahahaha
- 04:49 ArchfieldMonk: lul
- 04:49 Zman: GG
- 04:50 ArchfieldMonk: Bleh. Don't like to FF, but my back is killing me.
- 04:50 ArchfieldMonk#5147 has forfeited from the race.
- 04:50 Race finished in 2:14:29.4
- 04:51 FieryBlizzard: ggs
- 04:52 Zman: GG
- 04:52 ArchfieldMonk: Appreciated, but not so much. =D
- 05:52 Race result recorded by WindFox470#8003