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- 01:10 judgejoe00#6305 joins the race.
- 01:11 Obi#5259 joins the race.
- 01:12 theseawolf1: Evening folks
- 01:12 Obi: hello
- 01:12 theseawolf1: Hope I can rouse Rom
- 01:13 judgejoe00: Didnt see if any restream was set on sheet so i just got a room made up
- 01:14 theseawolf1: Freddeh can't do it, Rom said to ping him at 9
- 01:14 theseawolf1: And we'll see what happens :P
- 01:14 judgejoe00:
- 01:14 judgejoe00: a boss bingo room
- 01:17 judgejoe00: seed name can stick with room name
- 01:17 judgejoe00: so
- 01:18 judgejoe00: criticalminotauros
- 01:18 judgejoe00: i dont want mino to crit though
- 01:19 Obi: lol thats fine
- 01:19 theseawolf1: It'll be fiiiiine
- 01:19 LillySpikes: nice coincidence for the room name
- 01:20 theseawolf1: Well rom's gone fully offline
- 01:20 judgejoe00: key harp sword rod helm
- 01:20 theseawolf1: Think we're out of luck for a restream
- 01:20 judgejoe00: alright now i guess i should get my stream set up
- 01:21 theseawolf1: Wait, he stirs!
- 01:21 Obi: smart move by me, generate the seed, apply all the flags correctly, name it correctly, and close the window without actually downloading it, GG
- 01:21 theseawolf1: Done that a few dozen times
- 01:23 judgejoe00: i have it set to not force start so unless told otherwise i will likely if we are ready start the room at 9:30
- 01:23 Obi: i have an old seed loaded, do i just load the realsy seed?
- 01:23 theseawolf1: Yep, rom keeps jumping on and offline. Might be having issues
- 01:24 judgejoe00: unless told for sure soon cropping can if needed at worst be done while we go
- 01:25 Obi: Key-Harp-Sword-Rod-Helmet
- 01:25 judgejoe00: confirmed for hash
- 01:26 judgejoe00#6305 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 01:27 Obi#5259 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 01:27 judgejoe00: will start us at 930
- 01:27 theseawolf1: Rom's still offline, just get rollin at 930, maybe we'll hop in mid race, but i think you tow are just dueling
- 01:27 Obi: ok buddy, good luck, always a pleasure
- 01:28 LillySpikes: k good luck
- 01:28 theseawolf1: Good luck gang
- 01:28 judgejoe00: glhf
- 01:30 judgejoe00: releasing the gate now
- 01:30 judgejoe00#6305 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 01:30 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 02:59 judgejoe00#6305 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:29:30!
- 03:00 Obi#5259 has forfeited from the race.
- 03:00 Race finished in 1:29:42.3
- 03:00 Obi: GG jor
- 03:00 Obi: joe even
- 03:00 judgejoe00: ggs
- 03:02 judgejoe00: hard required void and the 4th tablet which wasnt hard required was behind a non bingo boss
- 03:02 Obi: i mean, this wasnt fun, mimic giltoss is annoying
- 03:03 Obi: this game has so much more to offer than that
- 03:03 judgejoe00: yeah although at least half was berserk running shoes arty bow
- 03:04 judgejoe00: just because i didnt want to trhrow money at everything
- 03:04 Obi: at any rate GGs to you buddy! hope you show your next opponent whos boss
- 03:04 judgejoe00: thanks you were a fun one to race thanks for joining the tourney
- 03:05 Obi: np! knock em dead