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- 19:50 FieryBlizzard: knife helmet whip helmet ring
- 19:53 Fleury14: confirmed
- 19:54 FieryBlizzard: But yeah, my guess is that the MM10 match went short, so they bumped the SMG match up.
- 19:56 Fleury14: has restreams on SG so far been handled by SG folks or CD folks?
- 19:56 FieryBlizzard: Speedgaming handles the set-up
- 19:57 Rom-Steïn: let's say that thing aren't on fire but it's smelling like combustible gas
- 19:58 FieryBlizzard: I mean, I can go to the hali spot on this seed I'm using for crop reasons and show a necro if you want
- 19:58 sk00pula#7804 requests to join the race.
- 19:58 FieryBlizzard#4860 accepts a request to join from sk00pula#7804.
- 19:58 sk00pula: lemme see what i can do
- 20:01 sk00pula: adirondackrick is the only one who can reassign us so question is how long does anyone have
- 20:02 FieryBlizzard: I have time
- 20:02 Fleury14: no rush here
- 20:02 FieryBlizzard: Dang, roulette does not work on necro's barriers, so I guess it's the heavy flag
- 20:03 Rom-Steïn: oh you're the SG host for this match sk00pula ?
- 20:03 sk00pula: yeah i suppose you got a bot invite to mario galaxy lol
- 20:03 Rom-Steïn: okay so
- 20:03 Rom-Steïn: you're not aware
- 20:03 Rom-Steïn: you'll need to send me a manual invite
- 20:03 sk00pula: i never am
- 20:04 Rom-Steïn: SG bot doesn't like unicode characters
- 20:04 sk00pula: oh you got dms off
- 20:04 sk00pula: or that
- 20:04 sk00pula: np lol waiting on a chanel still
- 20:04 Rom-Steïn: last DM I got from SGbot is from 2019
- 20:07 drossy: If Rick doesn't respond in another couple of minutes I'm assigning a channel
- 20:07 Rom-Steïn: I assume there are available channels ?
- 20:07 sk00pula: was going to say, we had sg3 for smz3 but that's not a thing
- 20:08 sk00pula: only thing is z3r at 530
- 20:08 sk00pula: 3 and 5 have machines
- 20:08 sk00pula: was gonna say all that in discord but here you are
- 20:09 FieryBlizzard: 5:30 probably isn't feasible at this point
- 20:10 sk00pula: oh no you won't wait that long
- 20:10 FieryBlizzard: The two early seeds were jets, and then there was the late seed that was still jetty until the second-worst-case scenario.
- 20:10 sk00pula: that was for drossy and scheduley managey
- 20:10 FieryBlizzard: I meant finishing this up by 5:30pm EST
- 20:10 sk00pula: you need to be done by then?
- 20:11 Rom-Steïn: mmh what do you mean about the SG 3 and 5 having mahcins ?
- 20:11 Rom-Steïn: machines*
- 20:11 FieryBlizzard: Nah, I thought you were talking about channel assignment conflicts with the z3r
- 20:11 sk00pula: nvm all that we're fine
- 20:11 sk00pula: i was
- 20:11 sk00pula: we're on sg3
- 20:11 FieryBlizzard: Alright, just didn't want you to think we'd be able to finish by that start time lol (we still very well might, but it's a rando)
- 20:12 sk00pula: nah we're good
- 20:12 FieryBlizzard: K. Lmk when stream ready
- 20:13 sk00pula: rom stein i need to dm you somehow
- 20:13 sk00pula: sent
- 20:19 sk00pula: alright we're just about ready to go
- 20:19 sk00pula: fieryblizzard fleury14
- 20:19 Fleury14: sweet
- 20:20 FieryBlizzard#4860 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 20:20 sk00pula: clean audio btw?
- 20:21 sk00pula: mics or alerts or anything
- 20:21 FieryBlizzard: clean on my side
- 20:21 Fleury14: yup
- 20:21 Fleury14#2147 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 20:21 sk00pula: hate to do this fleury14 but any way you could restart stream at 720
- 20:22 Fleury14: yeah one sec
- 20:22 sk00pula: ty
- 20:22 sk00pula: dollar store internet machines
- 20:23 Fleury14: i feel ya, hows that?
- 20:24 Fleury14: (should be 720 now if i did the setting thing right heh)
- 20:24 Rom-Steïn: it is
- 20:24 Rom-Steïn: though did you keep the same bitrate ?
- 20:24 Fleury14: *whew*
- 20:24 Fleury14: yeah its not terribly high
- 20:25 Fleury14: 2000
- 20:25 Rom-Steïn: should work then
- 20:25 Rom-Steïn: yeah 2Mbps should work
- 20:25 sk00pula: had to recrop but is good ty, shoulda caught it sooner but i'm new lul
- 20:25 FieryBlizzard: No problem
- 20:26 sk00pula: ok glhf
- 20:26 sk00pula#7804 quits the race.
- 20:26 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 20:26 FieryBlizzard: glhf!
- 20:26 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 22:43 FieryBlizzard#4860 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:16:24!
- 22:48 Fleury14#2147 has forfeited from the race.
- 22:48 Race finished in 2:22:01.1
- 22:48 Fleury14: gg!
- 22:49 FieryBlizzard: ggs
- 22:49 Fleury14: did you ever find summoner crystal?
- 22:49 sk00pula: ggs
- 22:50 FieryBlizzard: void
- 22:50 FieryBlizzard: summon3 and summon5 were in mirage
- 22:50 Fleury14: ahh okay, good to know it wasnt early
- 22:50 Fleury14: yeah i just checked mirage
- 22:51 Fleury14: leaned on bow xfight and conjure for the builk of the seed but felt slow
- 22:51 FieryBlizzard: aero3 and math here
- 22:55 Fleury14: doooooooooooooh thats right i coulda gotten l5 from the top of the library
- 22:55 Fleury14: should i hop in the live voice channel or will y'all pull me in when ready?
- 22:56 FieryBlizzard: You can join whenever
- 18:42 Race result recorded by hXcjedders#1003