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- 23:11 RaynKaiser#7251 joins the race.
- 23:16 Fireboltssb#7729 joins the race.
- 23:17 Fireboltssb: bonjour
- 23:17 LittleHerdez: Hello
- 23:17 LittleHerdez: Seed will be posted at xx:20
- 23:17 Fireboltssb: sounds good
- 23:18 Fireboltssb: how've the other races been thus far?
- 23:18 Fireboltssb: i haven't been able to watch any
- 23:18 LittleHerdez: The first one just started for today.
- 23:18 LittleHerdez: The others have been good, close in some.
- 23:18 Fireboltssb: ah nice, it's gonna be some quad KH action
- 23:19 Fireboltssb: I ran a quadruple melee stream once, that was... interesting lmao
- 23:19 LittleHerdez: Yeah, you are the next race and then there's the last one that starts 30 minutes after.
- 23:20 Rayn: Race on Race on Race.
- 23:20 LittleHerdez: Seed posted
- 23:21 Fireboltssb: heard
- 23:23 Fireboltssb: seed hash cube, circle, ?, heart, . . .?
- 23:23 roromaniac: hey yall
- 23:23 roromaniac: glgl
- 23:24 roromaniac: yes
- 23:24 Fireboltssb: thank you roro, huge thank you for hosting as well
- 23:24 roromaniac: the hash was posted in #tourney-seeds
- 23:24 Fireboltssb: oh right I glossed over that
- 23:24 roromaniac: o7 tysm for playing!
- 23:24 Fireboltssb: good luck and good skill Rayn :)
- 23:24 Fireboltssb: may the better gambler win
- 23:25 LittleHerdez: Firebolt you look good on tracker and game. Thank you!
- 23:25 LittleHerdez: And don't worry, I double check all runners to make sure everything matches.
- 23:26 Fireboltssb: I wanted to start stream early to make sure everything looks good
- 23:27 LittleHerdez: You look good as well Kaiser
- 23:27 LittleHerdez: Thank you
- 23:27 Rayn: Ty :D
- 23:27 Fireboltssb: beat me fast so I can finish my programming homework Kappa
- 23:27 Rayn: I'm trying to get some froyo lol
- 23:27 Fireboltssb: valid honestly
- 23:28 roromaniac: lol
- 23:28 roromaniac: Firebolt make sure we can see your game
- 23:28 Fireboltssb: my B
- 23:28 Fireboltssb: was on racetime and forgot to switch
- 23:29 Fireboltssb#7729 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 23:29 RaynKaiser#7251 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 23:29 LittleHerdez: Alright, I will start at xx:30 so make sure to ready up before then and do your final checks
- 23:30 LittleHerdez: Good luck you two. Make sure chats and Roro's stream is closed
- 23:30 roromaniac: alright
- 23:30 roromaniac: you ready?
- 23:30 Fireboltssb: o7
- 23:30 Rayn: yup
- 23:30 LittleHerdez: GLHF
- 23:31 LittleHerdez#3336 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 23:31 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 00:34 RaynKaiser#7251 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:03:29!
- 00:34 Fireboltssb#7729 has forfeited from the race.
- 00:34 Race finished in 1:03:38.7
- 00:35 Rayn: 59:28
- 00:35 LittleHerdez: GGs
- 00:35 Rayn: GG :)
- 00:35 Fireboltssb: GGs, GGs
- 00:35 Fireboltssb: :3
- 00:36 LittleHerdez: Thanks to both of you for participating! <3