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- 20:00 Greeny0359: theres still seconds
- 20:00 SPTspoon: smh Salad
- 20:01 JaredWeakStrike: damnit, why cant salad ready up
- 20:01 Greeny0359: f
- 20:01 iiCoreySG9: I better have rolled a Marluxia seed, spoon
- 20:01 JaredWeakStrike: hold on gotta look up the proofs
- 20:01 JaredWeakStrike: hmm ok all after axel 2 in stt
- 20:01 Chibi54: Are you seriously cheating?
- 20:01 SPTspoon: I almost had a Sephiroth seed last night so.....
- 20:01 JaredWeakStrike: no lmao
- 20:01 Chibi54: XD
- 20:01 CapitanBublo: spoiler log race when
- 20:01 Greeny0359: i checked the logs, theres one on mcp
- 20:02 JaredWeakStrike: on my way
- 20:02 iiCoreySG9: Dear god, leaving the code in... I should have made the seed
- 20:02 Chibi54: ?
- 20:02 Greeny0359: as long as its a friendly race, it think its fune
- 20:02 iiCoreySG9: ?
- 20:02 Greeny0359: fine*
- 20:02 Aeriy: guys 2 proofs on xemnas armor
- 20:02 Greeny0359: ^^
- 20:02 iiCoreySG9: There is no such thing as friendly race when there's elo involved
- 20:02 iiCoreySG9: I NEED MY FIX
- 20:03 Greeny0359: im gonna losing my 2k elo Sadge
- 20:03 iiCoreySG9: Jared licking his lips rn
- 20:03 Chibi54: I am just waiting in an empty discord voice chat for anyone who wants to talk
- 20:03 JaredWeakStrike: how did you know
- 20:03 Greeny0359: jared is already on sigbar
- 20:03 Greeny0359: xigbar*
- 20:03 Aeriy: corey don't forget the station chests :^)
- 20:03 JaredWeakStrike: i was eating a bolonga sandwhich and theres lays salt
- 20:03 iiSalad: OK
- 20:03 iiCoreySG9: I need to add a sticky note to my monitor
- 20:03 iiSalad: IM GONNA READY
- 20:03 iiSalad: love you all
- 20:03 CapitanBublo: here we go
- 20:03 iiSalad: good luck
- 20:03 CapitanBublo: gl all
- 20:03 iiSalad: left chest check
- 20:03 iiSalad: bananas
- 20:03 Aeriy: 3 minutes late
- 20:03 iiSalad: etc
- 20:03 Aeriy: smh
- 20:03 iiCoreySG9: GL!
- 20:04 SPTspoon: gl hf
- 20:04 JaredWeakStrike: bananananananas
- 20:04 Jack White#3899 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 20:04 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 20:04 JaredWeakStrike: glhf
- 20:04 Greeny0359: gl
- 20:04 Aeriy: glhf
- 20:04 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 20:04 iiSalad: reibbon
- 20:04 iiCoreySG9: ribbon
- 20:04 SPTspoon: ribbon
- 20:04 CapitanBublo: ribbon
- 20:04 Timemerchant: ribbon
- 20:04 Aeriy: ribbon
- 20:04 basik: ribbon
- 20:04 Greeny0359: ribbon
- 20:05 Chibi54: ribbon
- 20:23 JaredWeakStrike: ribbon
- 21:56 CapitanBublo: PC just crashed D:
- 21:57 CapitanBublo: Don't remember where my last savestate is, hopefully not too long ago
- 22:00 CapitanBublo: It was about an hour ago, rip
- 22:01 CapitanBublo: Guess I'll go get something for dinner and join the next one if you guys are doing another one
- 22:01 CapitanBublo#3278 has forfeited from the race.
- 22:01 Greeny0359: :(
- 22:12 CapitanBublo#3278 added a comment.
- 22:36 JaredWeakstrike#3820 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:32:22!
- 22:36 Aeriy: gg
- 22:36 JaredWeakStrike: gg
- 22:39 Jack White#3899 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:35:06!
- 22:42 JaredWeakstrike#3820 added a comment.
- 22:42 JaredWeakstrike#3820 changed their comment.
- 22:51 CoreySG9#3472 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:46:51!
- 22:54 SPTspoon#7739 has finished in 4th place with a time of 2:50:31!
- 22:58 SPTspoon#7739 added a comment.
- 23:01 CoreySG9#3472 added a comment.
- 23:01 basik#8880 has finished in 5th place with a time of 2:57:04!
- 23:04 Greeny0359#1514 has finished in 6th place with a time of 2:59:53!
- 23:04 Greeny0359: gg
- 23:04 basik: ggs
- 23:11 Timemerchant#6299 has finished in 7th place with a time of 3:06:57!
- 23:11 Timemerchant: gg
- 23:13 Aeriy#9621 has finished in 8th place with a time of 3:09:27!
- 23:13 Aeriy: gg
- 23:14 Aeriy#9621 added a comment.
- 23:18 Aeriy#9621 changed their comment.
- 23:28 Kangdide#5043 has finished in 9th place with a time of 3:24:30!
- 23:37 iiSalad: lets go chibi lets go
- 23:49 Chibi54#7406 has finished in 10th place with a time of 3:45:00!
- 23:49 Race finished in 3:45:00.3
- 00:15 Race result recorded by Jack White#3899