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- 23:48 Cyberman65#3029 joins the race.
- 23:51 Ghostwheel#3612 joins the race.
- 23:52 Ghostwheel: Ah I was hoping I wouldn't be missing the lv 1 finals for this
- 23:52 Ghostwheel: Good luck though!
- 23:53 Cyberman65: Yeah, same. The race is looking really good so far
- 23:53 Ghostwheel: Well I'll just have to resolve to opening up a decent bottle of whiskey and watching the rest after I lose here
- 00:00 Ghostwheel#3612 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 00:00 Cyberman65: Oh yeah, I'll be ready in like 4 mins, sorry about that
- 00:00 Ghostwheel: no porblkem
- 00:01 Ghostwheel: problem*
- 00:01 Ghostwheel#3612 is not ready. (2 remaining)
- 00:01 Ghostwheel: you can do it first then
- 00:01 Cyberman65: Thanks!
- 00:06 Cyberman65#3029 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 00:06 Ghostwheel: ok let's go
- 00:06 Ghostwheel#3612 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 00:06 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 00:06 Cyberman65: Good luck man
- 00:07 Ghostwheel: gl
- 00:07 Ghostwheel: hf
- 00:07 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 00:07 Cyberman65: final form
- 00:07 Ghostwheel: final
- 00:07 K-Hyped: good to go!
- 02:37 Cyberman65#3029 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:30:35!
- 02:37 Ekyx: GG
- 02:45 Cyberman65: GG
- 03:25 Ghostwheel: GG
- 03:25 Ghostwheel: Kind of embarrassing on my end
- 03:26 Ghostwheel#3612 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 3:19:07!
- 03:26 Race finished in 3:19:07.2
- 03:28 Race result recorded by Armann#7930