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- 17:50 SabrinaStrats: otherwise you wouldn’t have been able to join lol
- 17:50 hilarioushotdog: yea I was wondering why I did have to stream to press ready
- 17:50 Glow: you wouldnt be able to ready up unless you're streaming if twitch is required
- 17:50 Glow: xd
- 17:50 SabrinaStrats: This is beginner not crit right lol just checking
- 17:50 desa#3880 joins the race.
- 17:50 OnlyHabits: yup
- 17:50 Kaeldiar: beginner
- 17:50 SabrinaStrats: Hi desa!
- 17:50 SabrinaStrats: ok good haha
- 17:51 Frostifero#8706 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 17:51 desa: heyyo :D
- 17:51 desa: I'll ready in a sec
- 17:52 Glow#4680 is not ready. (2 remaining)
- 17:52 Glow: brb
- 17:52 Glow: need to use the bathroom
- 17:52 hilarioushotdog#1944 is not ready. (3 remaining)
- 17:52 hilarioushotdog: also brb toilet
- 17:52 OnlyHabits: monka
- 17:52 Frostifero: proof of empty bowels check
- 17:52 SabrinaStrats: I haven’t rando’ed in weeks imma be so rusty lol
- 17:53 Kaeldiar: FREELO
- 17:53 SabrinaStrats: Lmaooo
- 17:53 Glow#4680 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 17:53 hilarioushotdog#1944 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 17:54 SabrinaStrats: :eyes:
- 17:54 desa#3880 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 17:54 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 17:54 SabrinaStrats: GL!
- 17:54 Kaeldiar: glhf
- 17:54 OnlyHabits: gl yall left chest check
- 17:54 Frostifero: gl everybody
- 17:54 Glow: gl
- 17:54 desa: fhlg
- 17:54 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 17:54 desa: shard
- 17:54 Kaeldiar: dark stone
- 17:54 OnlyHabits: dark stone
- 17:54 ZakTheRobot: dark stone
- 17:54 Frostifero: dark stone
- 17:54 Glow: dark stone
- 17:55 hilarioushotdog: dark stone
- 17:55 desa: *stone lmao
- 17:55 SabrinaStrats: Dark stone
- 17:55 OnlyHabits: monka
- 18:10 Dragonblast1007: starting 16 minutes behind
- 18:44 Glow#4680 has forfeited from the race.
- 18:44 Glow: my hands are getting too tired
- 18:44 Glow: mashing hurts my thumb
- 18:44 Glow: lol
- 18:44 Glow: im just gonna take that as a warning to stop
- 19:50 SenatorStress#7917 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:56:17!
- 19:51 OnlyHabits: gg
- 19:51 Kaeldiar: gg
- 19:57 SenatorStress#7917 added a comment.
- 19:57 SenatorStress#7917 changed their comment.
- 20:04 desa#3880 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:10:35!
- 20:05 desa#3880 added a comment.
- 20:05 OnlyHabits: gg desa
- 20:05 Kaeldiar: gg
- 20:06 ZakTheRobot#5690 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:12:19!
- 20:06 Kaeldiar: gg
- 20:06 OnlyHabits: gg Zak
- 20:06 ZakTheRobot: ggs
- 20:18 Dragonblast1007: done
- 20:18 Dragonblast1007: 2:08:11
- 20:19 OnlyHabits: gg dragon
- 20:20 Dragonblast1007: ty gg to you too
- 20:20 Dragonblast1007: wish i made the race time
- 20:20 Kaeldiar#4912 has finished in 4th place with a time of 2:26:27!
- 20:21 Kaeldiar#4912 added a comment.
- 20:21 Kaeldiar: ggs all
- 20:23 OnlyHabits: gg Kaeldiar
- 20:30 SabrinaStrats#2157 has finished in 5th place with a time of 2:36:34!
- 20:31 OnlyHabits: gg Sabrina
- 20:31 SabrinaStrats#2157 added a comment.
- 20:31 SabrinaStrats#2157 changed their comment.
- 20:32 Kaeldiar: gg
- 20:36 hilarioushotdog#1944 has finished in 6th place with a time of 2:42:07!
- 20:36 Kaeldiar: gg
- 20:36 OnlyHabits: gg hot dog!
- 20:36 hilarioushotdog: gg
- 20:36 hilarioushotdog#1944 added a comment.
- 20:41 Frostifero#8706 has finished in 7th place with a time of 2:47:05!
- 20:41 Race finished in 2:47:05.6
- 20:41 Frostifero: ggs!
- 20:42 OnlyHabits: gg Frost!
- 20:42 Kaeldiar: gg
- 20:42 Dragonblast1007: gg
- 20:42 OnlyHabits: if anyone wants to go again lmk lol
- 20:43 Frostifero: I'll take a food break for now
- 20:43 Frostifero: But I'd be down for another one later
- 20:43 OnlyHabits: np trying to get one in before the finals
- 20:46 Race result recorded by koaltoul#8799