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- 23:53 Bulcon: Are you on 2.1.6?
- 23:53 Super Star Earth: Select share seed then hit paste seed
- 23:54 Tazer_Two: Thanks super star
- 23:54 Super Star Earth: np
- 23:55 Tazer_Two: Working now, thank you
- 23:55 Skraxx: do we just hit ready when were all loaded up?
- 23:56 roromaniac: Yes
- 23:56 roromaniac: Once everyone is ready
- 23:56 roromaniac: Once everyone is ready the timer will start counting down
- 23:56 roromaniac: Once it hits zero you hit ready
- 23:56 Skraxx#1027 is ready! (9 remaining)
- 23:56 NightOwl35#8962 is ready! (8 remaining)
- 23:57 Bulcon: *you start your game once the timer reaches zero
- 23:57 roromaniac: ^^^^
- 23:57 Skraxx: we hit start here to correct?
- 23:57 Blu Flamingo#6737 is ready! (7 remaining)
- 23:58 roromaniac: You hit Ready in racetime once YOU personally are ready
- 23:58 Tazer_Two#6690 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 23:58 roromaniac: Once everyone is ready the timer will count to 0
- 23:58 WeatherBoyJohn#9202 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 23:58 roromaniac: At 0 you start your game
- 23:59 Skraxx: okay once we finish is there anything special we need to do
- 23:59 Bulcon: Hit done in racetime
- 23:59 roromaniac: ^^^
- 23:59 roromaniac: Post your loadless too
- 23:59 Bulcon: Yes please
- 23:59 Skraxx: an image of the loadless or just put the time typed here? sorry for all the questions im new to this lol
- 00:00 Super Star Earth#4657 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 00:00 roromaniac: just type the loadless
- 00:00 Bulcon: Type it here
- 00:00 roromaniac: We can confirm it on your stream
- 00:00 Skraxx: okay, tyty
- 00:00 roromaniac: So don't lie KEKW
- 00:00 Super Star Earth: example: loadless : xx:xx:xx
- 00:00 roromaniac: Alright I will leave the racetime
- 00:00 roromaniac: gl yall
- 00:00 Skraxx: GLeveryone
- 00:00 Subconjazz: im good for restream btw
- 00:01 Subconjazz#0991 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 00:01 RaynKaiser#7251 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 00:01 Super Star Earth: glhf everyone <3
- 00:02 Subconjazz: glhf
- 00:02 Tazer_Two: glhf
- 00:02 NightOwl35: glhf!
- 00:02 Rayn: glhf!
- 00:02 Cheeko Kyun#5192 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 00:02 Bulcon: Letsss goooooo
- 00:03 Super Star Earth: roro drop out LUL
- 00:03 roromaniac#3152 quits the race.
- 00:03 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 00:03 SeriouslySurly: Good Luck Have Fun!
- 00:03 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 01:12 Cheeko Kyun#5192 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:09:13!
- 01:13 Bulcon: Remember to post your loadless when you finish
- 01:13 Cheeko Kyun: 1:03:44
- 01:13 Bulcon: Thank you, GG!
- 01:14 Bulcon: Xtreone has finished with a loadless time of 1:06:57
- 01:19 Subconjazz#0991 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:15:34!
- 01:19 Subconjazz: 1:11:30
- 01:19 Bulcon: Thank you, GG dude!
- 01:20 Bulcon: LittleHerdez has finished with a loadless time of 1:13:04
- 01:21 Bulcon: CepoStreams has finished with a loadless time of 1:11:18
- 01:22 Super Star Earth#4657 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:18:49!
- 01:22 Super Star Earth: Loadless: 1:10:36
- 01:24 NightOwl35#8962 has finished in 4th place with a time of 1:20:59!
- 01:24 NightOwl35: 1:15:05:.73 loadless
- 01:25 Bulcon: Thank you, GGs to both of you!
- 01:27 Bulcon: Bagoms has finished with a loadless time of 1:19:06
- 01:31 RaynKaiser#7251 has finished in 5th place with a time of 1:27:34!
- 01:32 Rayn: So, my timer did not work as properly as it should. I got no loadless time, unfortunately.
- 01:32 Bulcon: Oh boy
- 01:33 Bulcon: WarehouseJesus has finished with a loadless time of 1:23:59
- 01:34 Blu Flamingo#6737 has finished in 6th place with a time of 1:30:42!
- 01:34 Blu Flamingo: Loadless time 1:22:47.25
- 01:34 Bulcon: Thank you, GGs!
- 01:36 Bulcon: Veloalopus has finished with a loadless time of 1:27:47
- 01:38 Tazer_Two#6690 has finished in 7th place with a time of 1:34:37!
- 01:38 Tazer_Two: Loadless: 1:28:07.29
- 01:44 Skraxx#1027 has finished in 8th place with a time of 1:40:32!
- 01:44 Skraxx: Loadless: 1:29:35
- 01:44 Bulcon: Thank you both, GGs!
- 01:47 WeatherBoyJohn#9202 has finished in 9th place with a time of 1:44:09!
- 01:47 Race finished in 1:44:09.2
- 01:47 Bulcon: GGs John!
- 01:47 Bulcon: Danimalforlife has finished with a loadless time of 1:48:33
- 01:48 Blu Flamingo: Good job everyone! :)
- 01:48 Skraxx: Amazing work Guys, Had a lot of fun!
- 01:49 Bulcon: John's loadless was 1:37:51
- 01:49 WeatherBoyJohn: Oh yeah, sorry I had to go back into my vod to find it.
- 01:49 Bulcon: I got you :)
- 01:50 WeatherBoyJohn: Appreciated
- 01:51 Bulcon: Now, for the big elo reveal
- 01:51 Race result recorded by Bulcon#9353
- 01:51 Bulcon: Friendly reminder that Racetime has a disclaimer that says their elo system doesn't make sense