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- 03:31 L0rdRaiden#8880 joins the race.
- 03:34 RaynKaiser#7251 joins the race.
- 03:36 Zeddikus#8816 updated the race information.
- 03:39 Rayn: Is the tracker that I am using the correct one? If not, I can switch over to the right one.
- 03:42 Zeddikus: You both are good to go, glhf
- 03:42 Raiden: glhf
- 03:42 Jaylawn: gl zed
- 03:42 Raiden: NODDERS
- 03:43 L0rdRaiden#8880 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 03:43 RaynKaiser#7251 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 03:43 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 03:43 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 03:44 Zeddikus: Wait I forgot to double check, you both have Better Boss Scaling at the top right? Just say here if not keep going if you did
- 03:46 Zeddikus: Also another reminder that we're going off by loadless time this season
- 04:47 L0rdRaiden#8880 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:04:07!
- 04:48 RaynKaiser#7251 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:04:42!
- 04:48 Race finished in 1:04:43.0
- 04:49 Zeddikus: L0rdRaiden: 1:00:06 | 450 +10 PR Minute Fight + 15 LoD Missions = 475
Rayn Kaiser: 1:00:02 | 262 + 10 PR Minute Fight + 10 LoD Minute Fight + 15 LoD Missions = 297
L0rdRaiden proceeds to WInners Round 2, RaynKaiser is relegated to Loseres Round 1. GGs
- 04:49 Rayn: GG!
- 04:50 Raiden: GGs