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- 01:35 Pink_Batman12#2434 joins the race.
- 01:35 PhantomMat#8761 joins the race.
- 01:35 PhantomMat: now i will be your opponent. en garde!
- 01:35 Pink_Batman12: Oh shit!
- 01:43 norinatto: o/
- 01:43 norinatto: working on getting things set up for a restream
- 01:43 PhantomMat: yo nori
- 01:43 Pink_Batman12: Hello and thank you!
- 01:44 norinatto: You're welcome! So, we're waiting on Astronumous?
- 01:44 norinatto: Can you make me a race monitor just in case, PhantomMat?
- 01:44 astronumous#6650 joins the race.
- 01:45 Pink_Batman12: Welcome, Astro!
- 01:45 norinatto: o/
- 01:45 AstrasEvolution: wutup
- 01:46 norinatto: Who will have clean game audio for the restream?
- 01:46 AstrasEvolution: i have clean audio
- 01:46 norinatto: Restream on ZSR2:
- 01:46 AstrasEvolution: i will also likely be ahead for most if not all of the race (no offense batman)
- 01:46 PhantomMat: how the hell do i add race monitors
- 01:46 norinatto joins the race.
- 01:46 PhantomMat#8761 promoted norinatto to race monitor.
- 01:47 norinatto: derp. Now you can promote me
- 01:47 PhantomMat: we did it gang
- 01:47 norinatto: Thanks!
- 01:47 PhantomMat#8761 quits the race.
- 01:48 Pink_Batman12: She will definitely be ahead for most of, if not the entire race
- 01:48 Pink_Batman12: I will also have clean audio though, for after she finishes
- 01:51 AstrasEvolution: ok im live now
- 01:51 AstrasEvolution: sorry about that
- 01:51 AstrasEvolution: had to sync things up
- 01:54 norinatto: I will let you know before we got live and give you warning before I quit out to start the race
- 01:55 Pink_Batman12: Sounds good
- 01:55 AstrasEvolution: sounds good
- 01:55 norinatto: we're live with the countdown
- 01:57 Pink_Batman12: Uh oh, my controller is suddenly having issues
- 01:58 Pink_Batman12: Nvm, we're good now
- 01:58 norinatto: just over 1 minute before live
- 01:58 AstrasEvolution: had me scared for a sec lol
- 01:58 Pink_Batman12: I was also terrified
- 01:58 AstrasEvolution: you were about to learn the ways of the keyboard
- 01:59 Pink_Batman12: Oh no, I don't wanna go back
- 01:59 AstrasEvolution: fine learn GCN controller then
- 01:59 norinatto: almost live
- 01:59 AstrasEvolution: cool
- 02:00 Pink_Batman12: 65 deaths wat?
- 02:00 norinatto: are you both ready to start?
- 02:00 AstrasEvolution: thats the file the cart came with
- 02:00 AstrasEvolution: yeah
- 02:00 Pink_Batman12: Lol yes sir
- 02:00 astronumous#6650 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 02:00 norinatto: just need you to ready up and I can quit out
- 02:00 Pink_Batman12#2434 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 02:01 norinatto: not a sir lol
- 02:01 norinatto: GLHF and let's go!
- 02:01 Pink_Batman12: Yes ma'am
- 02:01 AstrasEvolution: glhf
- 02:01 norinatto quits the race.
- 02:01 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 02:01 Pink_Batman12: glhf
- 02:01 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 02:55 astronumous#6650 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:53:49!
- 02:55 astronumous#6650 added a comment.
- 02:56 norinatto: GG, astronumous! Interview?
- 02:56 AstrasEvolution: yeee
- 02:56 AstrasEvolution: in waiting room now
- 03:10 Pink_Batman12#2434 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:08:35!
- 03:10 Race finished in 1:08:36.1
- 03:13 norinatto: GGs, Pink_Batman!
- 03:15 Pink_Batman12#2434 added a comment.
- 03:17 Race result recorded by astronumous#6650