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- 18:12 SpaceRawk#4581 has forfeited from the race.
- 18:13 Fireworkspinner: So, what did y'all poack for food today?
- 18:13 CubeDavid: having sum leftover pizza rn
- 18:14 SpaceRawk#4581 has un-forfeited from the race.
- 18:14 Skinnydee17: eating a pop-tart :)
- 18:15 Fireworkspinner: I have a beef burrito
- 18:17 Skinnydee17: that sound good
- 18:18 Fireworkspinner: also fun fact, i reset withhout saving around 45 minutes in and had to do a lot of catch up lol
- 18:18 CubeDavid: rip o7
- 18:20 SpaceRawk: better to do that in co op than in solo o7
- 18:20 goldendevil1711: I'm feasting on my own tears
- 18:20 Fireworkspinner: For sure
- 18:20 SpaceRawk: having fish btw
- 18:20 Fireworkspinner: Nice
- 18:20 goldendevil1711: Hopefully not microwaved fish
- 18:21 Skinnydee17: Fish sounds kinda good right now
- 18:21 SpaceRawk: we've been on a seafood kick, having shrimp tonight too
- 18:22 Fireworkspinner: ooo
- 18:22 CubeDavid: mmm, nice
- 18:22 Skinnydee17: Shrimp sounds incredible right now
- 18:22 Fireworkspinner: Please tell me you live coastal so you have the good stuff
- 18:24 Fireworkspinner: 1 minute left glhf
- 18:24 Fireworkspinner: again lol
- 18:24 Skinnydee17: less than a min glhf
- 18:24 CubeDavid: glhf!
- 18:24 Echo/Marijnlink: GLHF
- 18:50 gymnast86#8649 has finished in 1st place with a time of 3:40:58!
- 18:53 CovenEsme: wild
- 19:00 PippyInATopHat#0014 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 3:50:29!
- 19:00 CubeDavid: ggs
- 19:00 gymnast86: ggs
- 19:00 CovenEsme: gg!
- 19:04 SS Rando Bot: @entrants Reminder: Next break in 5 minutes.
- 19:05 PippyInATopHat: False alarm, that is not a break, please continue
- 19:09 SS Rando Bot: @entrants Break time! Please pause your game for 5 minutes.
- 19:09 goldendevil1711: GG y'all
- 19:10 gymnast86#8649 added a comment.
- 19:11 PippyInATopHat#0014 added a comment.
- 19:14 SS Rando Bot: @entrants Break ended. You may resume playing.
- 19:27 Skinnydee17#6028 has forfeited from the race.
- 19:27 Skinnydee17#6028 has un-forfeited from the race.
- 19:55 Sledge#0222 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 4:45:15!
- 19:58 Fireworkspinner: GGS sledgenn
- 19:59 Sledge: GG!
- 20:18 CubeDavid#1606 has finished in 4th place with a time of 5:09:05!
- 20:19 CubeDavid: GGs!
- 20:19 CovenEsme: gg!
- 20:22 goldendevil1711: GG
- 20:25 CubeDavid#1606 added a comment.
- 20:27 Sledge#0222 added a comment.
- 20:41 goldendevil1711#8479 has finished in 5th place with a time of 5:31:36!
- 20:42 Sledge: GG!
- 20:42 CubeDavid: GGs!
- 20:51 CovenEsme#8244 has finished in 6th place with a time of 5:41:49!
- 20:51 CovenEsme: gg :p
- 20:53 Sledge: GG!
- 20:53 CubeDavid: GGs!
- 21:04 SS Rando Bot: @entrants Reminder: Next break in 5 minutes.
- 21:07 goldendevil1711: This one is for real for won't be the correct amount of time
- 21:08 SpaceRawk#4581 has finished in 7th place with a time of 5:58:19!
- 21:08 CubeDavid: GGs Space!
- 21:08 SpaceRawk: ggs
- 21:08 Sledge: GG!
- 21:09 SpaceRawk#4581 added a comment.
- 21:09 SS Rando Bot: @entrants Break time! Please pause your game for 5 minutes.
- 21:10 Fireworkspinner: GGs
- 21:10 Skinnydee17: ggs to everyone
- 21:10 Skinnydee17: alot has happened in the last 3 hours
- 21:10 Fireworkspinner: Yeah
- 21:10 Echo/Marijnlink: GGs
- 21:10 Fireworkspinner: Runners agreement to only take 5? lol
- 21:11 Skinnydee17: agreed
- 21:11 Fireworkspinner: Yeah we are all agreed then lol
- 21:11 Skinnydee17: lets do it
- 21:11 Fireworkspinner: We're not too far behind
- 21:12 Skinnydee17: same
- 21:14 SS Rando Bot: @entrants Break ended. You may resume playing.
- 21:28 SpaceRawk#4581 changed their comment.
- 21:30 Skinnydee17#6028 has finished in 8th place with a time of 6:20:12!
- 21:30 SpaceRawk: ggg
- 21:30 Fireworkspinner: GG
- 21:30 Skinnydee17: gg
- 21:30 Echo/Marijnlink: gg
- 21:30 CubeDavid: GGs!
- 21:30 Sledge: gg Skinny!
- 21:31 Skinnydee17#6028 added a comment.
- 21:31 Skinnydee17: That was a journey
- 21:33 Fireworkspinner#0882 has finished in 9th place with a time of 6:23:46!
- 21:33 CubeDavid: GGs!
- 21:34 Fireworkspinner: GGs
- 21:34 Fireworkspinner#0882 added a comment.
- 21:39 Fireworkspinner#0882 changed their comment.
- 21:47 SpaceRawk: ggs firework
- 22:52 Marijnlink#4869 has finished in 10th place with a time of 7:42:57!
- 22:52 Race finished in 7:42:57.4
- 22:53 CubeDavid: GGs!
- 22:53 Echo/Marijnlink: GG
- 22:53 Sledge: woooo all 10 finished!
- 01:22 Chat log download: