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- 00:52 MetroidMst: Once you finish, you hit finish. (It will replace the ready button when the race starts)
- 00:52 meteor9: i know i already asked but since we're all here, finish is on final elevator activation?
- 00:53 MetroidMst: Yes
- 00:53 Lenophis: correct
- 00:53 meteor9: \o/
- 00:53 NolamiAmada: gotta leave the race rq to connect twitch
- 00:53 NolamiAmada#0307 quits the race.
- 00:54 NolamiAmada: back
- 00:54 NolamiAmada#0307 joins the race.
- 00:55 Naii the Baf#9546 is ready! (7 remaining)
- 00:55 NolamiAmada: i should probably stream this shouldnt i
- 00:55 Lenophis: if you wish
- 00:55 Eppy37: I am hurrying
- 00:55 Lenophis: hurry! hurry! (FF5)
- 00:56 meteor9: my twitch audience is asleep in the other room, or at their inlaws for xmas, so join me in the deathly silence that is 'new streamer land'
- 00:56 NolamiAmada: how else will yall know if im actually correct about when i finish?
- 00:56 NolamiAmada: or does racetime just understand that
- 00:56 NolamiAmada: spot the person whos never been in a race before challenge (impossible)
- 00:57 meteor9: it's based on hitting the finish button so I suppose there's a bit of 'trust system' in this, but I'm also under the impression this isn't the most hyper serious of race orgs?
- 00:57 meteor9: but yeah video helps for anything overtly seeming off I suppose
- 00:58 meteor9: if you're using livesplit there should be a function to 'hook' into this channel's timing too, assuming you're not already at that point
- 00:58 Eppy37: yeah it's a trust system
- 00:58 BajaBlood: Gl hf folks!
- 00:59 S_Skyhawk: evening all
- 00:59 Eppy37: This isn't a tournament so it's not Hyper serious
- 00:59 BajaBlood: Also wow nice turnout
- 00:59 Lenophis: imagine Baja being not here to race
- 00:59 NolamiAmada: having livesplit would be a good idea wouldnt it
- 00:59 BajaBlood: Too busy being floridaman again
- 00:59 Lenophis: Baja is FloridaMan confirmed
- 00:59 Fiendzy#1337 is not ready. (8 remaining)
- 00:59 Fiendzy#1337 is ready! (7 remaining)
- 00:59 Fiendzy#1337 is not ready. (8 remaining)
- 00:59 Fiendzy#1337 is ready! (7 remaining)
- 00:59 Fiendzy#1337 is not ready. (8 remaining)
- 00:59 Fiendzy#1337 is ready! (7 remaining)
- 00:59 S_Skyhawk#1670 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 00:59 BobblyBlueberry#3039 joins the race.
- 01:00 NolamiAmada: i dont have any form of timer on screen but i will be live
- 01:01 NolamiAmada#0307 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 01:02 NolamiAmada: is there some sort of vc?
- 01:02 Lenophis: there is, yes
- 01:02 Lenophis: it's over in Mst
- 01:02 Lenophis: Mst's server
- 01:02 Lenophis: I can type, I promise
- 01:02 Eppy37: you can't
- 01:02 NolamiAmada#0307 is not ready. (7 remaining)
- 01:03 meteor9: don't do what i did and not notice the planets role
- 01:03 Avesneakz#8218 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 01:03 NolamiAmada: anyone have a link to that server
- 01:03 NolamiAmada: id go to msts twitch to get it but im already live
- 01:04 meteor9: (the planets role lets you see the VC and planets related channels)
- 01:04 NolamiAmada: problem is im not in msts server at all rn
- 01:05 Eppy37#6153 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 01:06 meteor9: anyone got the link handy?
- 01:06 Lenophis: I don't
- 01:06 BobblyBlueberry#3039 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 01:07 meteor9: wait there they are
- 01:07 MetroidMst: Just load up the stream real quick to get the link
- 01:07 NolamiAmada: im in now
- 01:07 meteor9: my wife's asleep so i'mma be mute for now
- 01:07 Lenophis: excellent
- 01:07 MetroidMst: Sorry for late start >_>
- 01:08 MetroidMst: Getting restream set up and stuff too
- 01:08 Gorodor#6211 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 01:09 meteor9: 88.3 F today so far, looking to get past 90
- 01:09 MetroidMst#3826 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 01:09 NolamiAmada#0307 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 01:10 Lenophis#8892 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 01:10 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 01:11 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 01:49 MetroidMst#3826 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:38:07!
- 01:52 Lenophis#8892 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:41:19!
- 01:54 Lenophis#8892 added a comment.
- 01:54 Fiendzy#1337 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 0:43:16!
- 01:55 Naii the Baf#9546 has finished in 4th place with a time of 0:44:15!
- 01:55 Naii the Baf#9546 added a comment.
- 01:56 Lenophis: GGs
- 01:58 Eppy37#6153 has finished in 5th place with a time of 0:47:36!
- 02:01 NolamiAmada#0307 has finished in 6th place with a time of 0:50:02!
- 02:01 Gorodor#6211 has finished in 7th place with a time of 0:50:14!
- 02:03 Gorodor#6211 added a comment.
- 02:04 MetroidMst#3826 added a comment.
- 02:04 meteor9#2376 has finished in 8th place with a time of 0:53:34!
- 02:10 BobblyBlueberry#3039 has finished in 9th place with a time of 0:59:39!
- 02:13 Paragon-Plays#5146 has finished in 10th place with a time of 1:02:52!
- 02:18 meteor9#2376 added a comment.
- 02:18 S_Skyhawk#1670 has finished in 11th place with a time of 1:07:22!
- 02:19 Eppy37#6153 added a comment.
- 02:31 Avesneakz#8218 has finished in 12th place with a time of 1:20:54!
- 02:31 Race finished in 1:20:54.5
- 02:32 meteor9: ggs all around!
- 02:32 Lenophis: GGs everyone!
- 02:34 Race result recorded by Lenophis#8892