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- 22:38 JasonArilani: Lockout would just mean that when you mark something, I wouldn't be able to mark the same
- 22:38 alfalfa: ah makes sense
- 22:38 alfalfa:
- 22:38 alfalfa: no rush :)
- 22:39 alfalfa: or actually never mind, that didn't work for some reason
- 22:39 alfalfa: ah i see it's because of the custom board
- 22:39 JasonArilani: You need to change the hints
- 22:39 JasonArilani: It should be Scrubs hint distro, I think
- 22:40 alfalfa: i had a bingosync room in the hints section, deleting it fixed it
- 22:40 alfalfa:
- 22:40 alfalfa: it's the bingo hint distribution
- 22:41 JasonArilani: Yeah. The bingosync room link only works with the normal OOTR Board. It doesn't work with a custom board
- 22:41 alfalfa: makes sense
- 22:43 alfalfa: so 2:30 time limit? in case of a tie, do we keep going to next goal?
- 22:47 JasonArilani: If we want to do that, that's fine. Shawn has said specifically that ties for this are based off of whoever reaches the number first. So if you get 13 first and then I get 13, and then time runs out, then you would be the winner because you had 13 first.
- 22:47 alfalfa: yeah that works
- 22:47 alfalfa: good to clarify ahead of time either way
- 22:48 JasonArilani: So we'll follow official tiebreaker rules then?
- 22:48 alfalfa: if that's the unofficial rule we'll go with that
- 22:48 alfalfa: or official lol
- 22:48 JasonArilani: Lol, official/unofficial ruling lmao
- 22:48 JasonArilani: Official in that Shawn said it, Unofficial in that it's not in the rules xD
- 22:48 alfalfa: yeah it cuts both ways
- 22:49 JasonArilani: But for posterity's sake, here's the link to the message where he said it
- 22:49 alfalfa: oh dang yeah i remember this now
- 22:49 alfalfa: it came up in my race with devin
- 22:49 alfalfa: he came from behind to tie it at the last minute
- 22:49 alfalfa: we kept playing and he got the next goal
- 22:50 alfalfa: and he said he would have done things differently if he'd known about the rule :/
- 22:51 JasonArilani: Ah well. No matter
- 22:51 JasonArilani: I'm about ready to begin, if you are
- 22:51 alfalfa: yep, good to go!
- 22:51 alfalfa: glhf
- 22:51 alfalfa#3653 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 22:57 JasonArilani: 2.5 hour time limit, right?
- 22:57 alfalfa: yep!
- 22:57 JasonArilani: (or if someone happens to get all 25 sooner)
- 22:58 alfalfa: super unlikely but yeah
- 22:58 JasonArilani: Alright. Let's do this. GLHF
- 22:58 JasonArilani is ready! (0 remaining)
- 22:58 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 22:58 alfalfa: glhf!
- 22:58 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 01:21 JasonArilani has forfeited from the race.
- 01:21 alfalfa: ggs
- 01:22 JasonArilani: I'm just calling it here. I know I won't be able to mark enough squares to pass you in the remaining 7 minutes, and after dying twice just now, I don't feel like continuing
- 01:22 alfalfa: that's fair
- 01:22 JasonArilani: Feel free to .done if you want
- 01:22 alfalfa#3653 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:23:52!
- 01:22 Race finished in 2:23:52.4
- 01:22 alfalfa: i'm just running through water to get requiem to get the last bottle on child side spirit, not sure if i had enough time to do all that anyway
- 01:23 alfalfa: probably that would've been my final total
- 01:23 JasonArilani: Can I ask where BGS, Stone of Agony, and the bows were?
- 01:23 JasonArilani: I got the bow in Shadow, if that helps
- 01:23 alfalfa: bgs was crater fairy, stone was big poes, one of my bows was zora fountain fairy
- 01:23 alfalfa: i honestly can't remember my second bow
- 01:24 JasonArilani: Ah, I figured one of them was in Fire
- 01:24 alfalfa: i just got the bk and beat fire, didn't do any further digging
- 01:24 JasonArilani: That's fair
- 01:24 alfalfa: where was your second bomb bag?
- 01:25 alfalfa: i got mine out of spirit
- 01:25 JasonArilani: I was racking my brain to try and figure out what was four minutes away from the rang for you to get BGS
- 01:25 JasonArilani: Mine came from GTG
- 01:25 JasonArilani: Beamos chest
- 01:25 alfalfa: ah i just dropped fw in there, was gonna warp back if i had time
- 01:25 JasonArilani: The only other thing in there was Zora Tunic
- 01:25 alfalfa: i had two slings
- 01:26 JasonArilani: Same
- 01:26 alfalfa: guess we'll never know where the last one was lol
- 01:26 JasonArilani: One from River and one from, I think, DMC Grotto?
- 01:26 alfalfa: sounds about right
- 01:26 JasonArilani: So how about that KF/LW combo :P
- 01:27 alfalfa: my eyes popped out of my head
- 01:27 alfalfa: you marked three squares in like ten seconds
- 01:28 alfalfa: at first i thought someone else had joined the room and was messing around
- 01:29 JasonArilani: Lmao
- 01:29 JasonArilani: I enjoyed my early, if short lived, lead XD
- 01:29 alfalfa: that double defense was living in my head
- 01:29 alfalfa: i was starting to wonder if it was in a heart chest instead of a big chest
- 01:30 JasonArilani: Haha. Nahhh
- 01:30 JasonArilani: Scav Hunt is my best mode for when things are in obscure places like that
- 01:30 alfalfa: i had eight hearts when i got it and i was on my way to gtg
- 01:30 alfalfa: so i had to drown myself in the river :/
- 01:31 JasonArilani: Lmao. I figured as much
- 01:31 alfalfa: i also enjoyed the simultaneous first goal lol
- 01:31 JasonArilani: KEKW! YES
- 01:32 JasonArilani: When you marked it a second sooner, I was like "Damn you Alfalfa!"
- 01:32 alfalfa: lol
- 01:32 alfalfa: well ggs again, i really enjoyed the match
- 01:33 JasonArilani: It was good. Despite the day and despite losing it, I wasn't upset with how I did.
- 01:33 alfalfa: it was a fun seed too
- 01:33 alfalfa: hope yr day goes better tomorrow!
- 01:34 JasonArilani: Here's hoping. GGs to you
- 01:34 JasonArilani: And good luck in the finals