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- 17:28 BearKofca#7366 joins the race.
- 17:31 tanjo3 joins the race.
- 17:33 emosoda: i'm probably going to async this one, need a break after qual this morning :(
- 17:34 BearKofca: Well probably still be going when you start KEKW
- 17:34 tanjo3: what's a rough time estimate for this?
- 17:35 BearKofca: I would guess about 6 hours, but have never actually played it
- 17:35 tanjo3: oof
- 17:35 BearKofca: There are 850ish checks so it will take awhile
- 17:36 tanjo3: what if we just hit go mode in the guard house tho
- 17:36 emosoda: 4-5 tanjo unless you forget a check\
- 17:36 tanjo3: i really hope i dont lmao
- 17:37 emosoda: I can get the lists of freestanding etc if youd like
- 17:37 BearKofca: I would recommend having Fenhl's branch of tootr up for reference
- 17:37 BearKofca: has all the settings on it
- 17:37 tanjo3: i have a check tracker, thx
- 17:37 emosoda: youll be fiiine
- 17:37 tanjo3: i'm just not 100% sure it's all there cause i've never tested it
- 17:37 BearKofca: hopefully it is
- 17:38 BearKofca: does it list the total number of checks?
- 17:38 BearKofca: tootr lists 858 for these settings
- 17:38 tanjo3: it says 757 :/ but i know it doesn't have silver rupees at least
- 17:38 emosoda: theresa lot of those yeah
- 17:38 tanjo3: silvers are in shadow 5, gtg 10, spirit 5?
- 17:38 emosoda: trials
- 17:39 tanjo3: ah lmao, i forgot about those
- 17:39 Neil: 15 in shadow
- 17:39 Fenhl: 15 in Shadow, 15 in Spirit, 5 in the well
- 17:39 emosoda: botw basement
- 17:39 BearKofca: Also tanjo probably going to do like a 5 minute break every 2 hours if you want to as well
- 17:39 Fenhl: 10 in Ice, 15 in GTG, 20 in trials
- 17:39 tanjo3: kk i need to write this down
- 17:39 emosoda: ty fenhl =[
- 17:40 emosoda: =] **
- 17:40 Fenhl:
- 17:40 tanjo3: sure break sounds good
- 17:41 tanjo3: k so there's probably still about 25 checks missing
- 17:41 tanjo3: does ur tracker list 8 checks per shop?
- 17:42 emosoda: should be 4 for each iirc
- 17:42 BearKofca: no its only 4 per
- 17:42 emosoda: (left side)
- 17:42 Fenhl: maybe you have an old version of the pots checklist?
- 17:42 BearKofca: do you have beehives?
- 17:42 tanjo3: yeah, i do
- 17:42 Fenhl: at some point the shared flags in the guard house were separated
- 17:43 tanjo3: the tracker pulls the jsons straight from the github
- 17:43 Fenhl: oh okay
- 17:44 tanjo3: fk it, what are the odds somethings on one of those checks amirite
- 17:44 emosoda: yeah pots shouldnt be shared anymore for flags stuff
- 17:45 BearKofca:
- 17:45 BearKofca#7366 updated the race information.
- 17:45 Fenhl: yeah but if the tracker is getting locations from main Dev, silver rupees are literally the only thing missing
- 17:45 Fenhl: so idk where the discrepancy comes from
- 17:46 BearKofca: Maybe I entered something in wrong, wouldn't surprise me
- 17:48 BearKofca: Oh I think it might be gossip stones, tootr tracks them as checks too
- 17:55 tanjo3 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 17:58 BearKofca: glhf
- 17:58 BearKofca#7366 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 17:58 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 17:58 tanjo3: glhf!
- 17:58 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 19:58 BearKofca: taking a break now
- 19:59 tanjo3: yep same
- 22:00 tanjo3: breaked at 4:01:44, missed the start
- 22:00 BearKofca: yeah i missed until 4:02
- 22:50 tanjo3 has finished in 1st place with a time of 4:51:40!
- 22:50 BearKofca: gg
- 22:50 tanjo3: gg
- 23:40 BearKofca#7366 has forfeited from the race.
- 23:40 Race finished in 5:42:12.1