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- 18:10 blueroses4u#8933 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 18:10 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 18:10 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 20:10 Ramond#9520 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:00:00!
- 20:10 Velvet#0843 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:00:02!
- 20:10 blueroses4u#8933 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:00:04!
- 20:10 topplife#1955 has finished in 4th place with a time of 2:00:04!
- 20:10 Skyreas#6722 has finished in 5th place with a time of 2:00:06!
- 20:10 Ramond: gg!
- 20:10 TurtleBeard#5335 has finished in 6th place with a time of 2:00:13!
- 20:10 Race finished in 2:00:13.1
- 20:10 Skyreas: gg
- 20:10 Velvet: we got 3 total in 1:41:46
- 20:11 Ramond: we have 5 in around 1:54 somewhat
- 20:12 Skyreas: 3 in 1:50
- 20:12 TurtleBeard: 4 at 2:00:05 :(
- 20:13 blueroses4u: ggs
- 20:13 Velvet: aww
- 20:13 Ramond: oof that hurts!
- 20:13 Velvet: what was your time for 3 though?
- 20:14 Skyreas: 1:50
- 20:14 Skyreas: 1:50:xx
- 20:14 TurtleBeard: I'm not sure exactly when 3rd piece was but I'm 90% sure it was later than velvet/blue
- 20:14 Skyreas: it was
- 20:15 topplife: sniff, if only I had been better at water it would been 6/6
- 20:16 Skyreas: yeah I didn't go ice until 1:30ish
- 20:19 blueroses4u: I didn't have time to grab longshot so I was trying to clear water as much as I could :(
- 20:19 topplife: we confused, thought it was bolero + sot for a skull
- 20:20 blueroses4u: Does anyone know why the path to player 1 power has magic on it?
- 20:21 topplife: has to be skull killing but why!?!?!?
- 20:22 Ramond: no idea, we cannot figure out the path magic
- 20:22 Ramond: hm maybe
- 20:22 Ramond: I have an idea
- 20:23 Ramond: for 20 skulls, you probably need a bottle
- 20:23 Ramond: the one in well is reachable with magic and dins
- 20:23 Ramond: maybe there is another magic locked bottle somewhere that doesnt hard require dins
- 20:24 Skyreas: shadow crusher has a bottle
- 20:25 Ramond: yeh but i think unreachable before 20 skulls and dins would be path too then
- 20:25 Ramond: playthrough doesn't even collect a bottle
- 20:25 Skyreas: Rutos was on target, but that doesn't required magic. however you can't hand it in... scales are in wasteland and shadow and gtg, both behind hook/bombs
- 20:26 Ramond: how are there 3 scales
- 20:26 Skyreas: wasteland and gtg*
- 20:27 Ramond: all scales and hovers have to be bomb locked
- 20:27 blueroses4u: according to shop hints scale in hw is neglected
- 20:27 Ramond: and once we have bombs we have logical access to shadow trial 1 (even before bombs)
- 20:27 Ramond: so all that is not relevant, kinda
- 20:27 Skyreas: yes
- 20:27 Ramond: not a single skull in the playthrough requires magic
- 20:27 Ramond: it also doesnt collect any bottle for soil skulls
- 20:28 Ramond: it is a mystery!
- 20:28 Skyreas: yes.. it's strange
- 20:31 Velvet: without bottle it can get like 21 skulls
- 20:32 Ramond: none of the collected skulls in the playthrough needs magic, so im confused
- 20:33 TurtleBeard: Maybe we post the spoiler log in TFB general?
- 20:34 TurtleBeard: Either someone can explain or maybe we've found a bug
- 20:34 TurtleBeard: I know there were some bugs in Escape from Kakariko when it first released
- 20:34 Ramond: we can do that but maybe wait a little in case hollowlogic is planning to play it
- 20:34 TurtleBeard: Good point :)
- 20:35 Ramond: ok but I'm not sure he's still gonna play it, but even if, it seems bugged
- 20:35 Ramond: so no harm in sharing it
- 20:36 Ramond: never mind the bottle in the well theory, that requires Str
- 20:37 topplife: if it is 21 skulls in logic, why is sling path then. I count one skull that needs it. then again, am not great at skull logic
- 20:38 Skyreas: sling is needed for rutos but why...
- 20:38 blueroses4u: but not on path to power....
- 20:38 Skyreas: yes.
- 20:40 Ramond: so sure go ahead and post it
- 20:40 Ramond: good chance it's a bug somehow, maybe from a technical aspect
- 20:42 Velvet: wait...magic is logical for ZD Frozen Waterfall Skull?!
- 20:43 Skyreas: do you need to kill it with Dins or what?
- 20:44 Velvet: says Hookshot / Bow / Magic Power in logic
- 20:44 Velvet: but its still 21 available...
- 20:45 topplife: which is not listed in playthrough?
- 20:45 Velvet: yeah...
- 20:45 Velvet: is
- 20:45 Velvet: without the BoTw keys
- 20:45 Velvet: its 18 skulls
- 20:46 Velvet: 1 from slingshot
- 20:46 Velvet: and 1 from ZD magic skull
- 20:47 Skyreas: Okay but I still don't get how that skull is even magic locked to begin with
- 20:47 topplife: through it to bee so he can make fun logical seed statistic
- 20:47 topplife: throw*
- 20:48 Velvet: and the botw keys are bomb locked...
- 20:50 Velvet: and it picks up bomb bag after K-sword and we cant hand in Ruto's to get a botlle...
- 21:03 Velvet: ...a quickspin...thats the LOGICAL answer...oh MY GOD
- 21:03 Skyreas: cool
- 21:03 blueroses4u: that is absolutely crazy
- 21:03 Velvet: we all learned
- 21:03 Skyreas: yes
- 21:04 blueroses4u: yes
- 21:05 blueroses4u: Anyways thanks for racing <3
- 21:05 Skyreas: thanks for figuring out velvet
- 21:06 topplife: aye thanks \o
- 21:06 Velvet: npnp, love a good puzzle haha
- 21:08 Velvet: so, i get an additional 3 triforce pieces for solving that right? soooo we win, yeah? :D