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- 22:33 siberianbull9#9828 joins the race.
- 22:40 2% Chungus#9070 joins the race.
- 22:40 2% Chungus: heyo
- 22:40 siberianbull9: hello stranger
- 22:51 2% Chungus: looks like contrary to the Speedrunner's Creed, a thing that is in the game was not dev intent
- 22:51 2% Chungus: so probably enjoy that infinite Time Stopper while we've got it
- 22:51 2% Chungus: (can't imagine they'd change it mid-tourney though)
- 22:52 siberianbull9: indeed
- 22:56 siberianbull9: so slight delay the feed on sg3 has not gone live
- 22:56 siberianbull9: XD
- 22:56 poisoncurls: oh hi!
- 22:56 poisoncurls#9708 joins the race.
- 22:57 2% Chungus: W E L L M E T
- 22:57 siberianbull9: thank you for your sacrifice now we wait on sg
- 22:58 2% Chungus: that's ok it gives me more time to workshop a Speedrunner's Creed tattoo
- 23:01 2% Chungus: i'll bet someone who does graphic design could do a pretty sick hybrid of the Assassin insignia and the Atari logo
- 23:01 siberianbull9: alright folks ya ready
- 23:02 2% Chungus: just need a seed
- 23:02 poisoncurls: lol
- 23:02 poisoncurls: yeah waiting for seeeeeeeeeed
- 23:02 2% Chungus: Need for Seed 2: 2%Fast 2%Furious
- 23:02 siberianbull9: oops XD
- 23:02 siberianbull9: FLTPBRS
- 23:03 siberianbull9: eed
- 23:03 2% Chungus: why do all of our seeds sound like body noises today
- 23:03 poisoncurls: haha
- 23:04 poisoncurls#9708 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 23:04 poisoncurls: i haven't played at all today
- 23:04 2% Chungus: natsume/zebes/bubble bobble
- 23:04 poisoncurls: 1st race is a practice race anyway lol
- 23:04 poisoncurls: yepyepyep
- 23:05 poisoncurls: BWQE...
- 23:05 2% Chungus#9070 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 23:05 2% Chungus: glhf!
- 23:05 poisoncurls: GL! U2
- 23:06 siberianbull9: glgl
- 23:06 siberianbull9#9828 quits the race.
- 23:06 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 23:06 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 23:39 poisoncurls#9708 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:33:05!
- 23:40 2% Chungus#9070 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:34:09!
- 23:40 Race finished in 0:34:09.2
- 23:40 2% Chungus: gg!
- 23:41 poisoncurls: GG!!!!
- 23:41 poisoncurls: that was pretty close
- 23:41 2% Chungus: Yeah it was, Air stage gave me the business
- 23:42 siberianbull9: new room
- 23:42 siberianbull9:
- 23:42 2% Chungus: also is it just me or was everyone weak to their own weapon?
- 01:18 Race result recorded by LVCreed#9351