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- 20:30 Gamingwhiledad#6655 joins the race.
- 20:36 Sinister-Sama#4319 joins the race.
- 20:36 Sinister-Sama: Here
- 20:36 Sinister-Sama: Doing Setup now
- 20:37 LVCreed: Got plenty of time. *thumbs up*
- 20:38 LVCreed: Of course, to let you know, I'm only setting up for this first race only as I'll be in dispose afterwards. Charlieboy, should be up to man the remaining race(s) once this race ends.
- 20:39 Gamingwhiledad: i appreciate all you do creed
- 20:39 LVCreed: Also, I'm to assume that both of you are running "Tournament A" flags, correct? Or will one of you run Mode B?
- 20:39 LVCreed: Noting that these are just primarily cosmetic settings.
- 20:40 Gamingwhiledad: im all for a but if you want a switch up ill do b
- 20:41 Gamingwhiledad: i like seeing sprites i made and forgot about
- 20:41 LVCreed: No, this is *your* preference for your races. So it's all on you for that.
- 20:41 Gamingwhiledad: a for me
- 20:41 Sinister-Sama: Side A is fine for both
- 20:42 LVCreed: Sinister and GWD, what versions of the randos are you two playing on?
- 20:43 LVCreed: Reminder that you two should be on v0.6.6.32182
- 20:44 Gamingwhiledad: mine says 0.6.6 tournament2024
- 20:45 LVCreed: Go to the title screen right quick, GWD? I'm viewing both streams now on racetime to observe.
- 20:45 LVCreed: Okay, you're good.
- 20:45 Gamingwhiledad: thanks
- 20:45 Sinister-Sama: .6.6.43
- 20:45 Sinister-Sama:
- 20:45 LVCreed: You need to update, right quick, Sinister.
- 20:45 LVCreed:
- 20:46 Sinister-Sama: I thought that was the latest!!
- 20:47 Sinister-Sama: I picked it up on Tuesday.
- 20:48 LVCreed: Your's look off, Sinister.
- 20:48 LVCreed: The version we're using for the tournament is the one I just linked.
- 20:49 LVCreed: Much better
- 20:49 Sinister-Sama: Fixed
- 20:49 LVCreed: Seed's up: DBVLZME
- 20:50 Gamingwhiledad: USE IN HATAI
- 20:50 Sinister-Sama: Gametek, Haiti, Sk8te or Die??
- 20:51 LVCreed: You two should be fine.
- 20:51 Sinister-Sama#4319 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 20:51 Gamingwhiledad#6655 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 20:52 Sinister-Sama: GFHL
- 20:52 Gamingwhiledad: you too
- 20:54 LVCreed: Your game feeds need to be cropped, but hopefully someone on SpeedGaming's end should be on that case shortly.
- 20:55 Sinister-Sama: Ah....
- 20:55 Gamingwhiledad: gonna us the restroom quick
- 20:55 Gamingwhiledad#6655 is not ready. (2 remaining)
- 20:56 LVCreed: Sinster, you're not showing up on stream? Did you put your correct Twitch channel name in your SG race profile?
- 20:56 Sinister-Sama: It's lifve and the link is working
- 20:56 Sinister-Sama: Try SinisterSama
- 20:57 Gamingwhiledad#6655 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 20:57 LVCreed: But SG3 isn't picking it up. Right now, I don't have that authority (as far as I'm aware) to make that change.
- 20:57 LVCreed: If I do, I don't know exactly how.
- 20:57 Gamingwhiledad: back
- 20:58 Sinister-Sama: Am I still not being shown??
- 20:58 LVCreed: Nope. I'm trying to work on that now.
- 21:00 Sinister-Sama: Try sinistersama
- 21:00 Sinister-Sama: Because apparently, Twitch wants to be stupid...
- 21:01 LVCreed: We got someone on SG's end to work on it now.
- 21:01 LVCreed: Don't be surprised if an SG rep will come in and ask about that.
- 21:02 Sinister-Sama: -_-\
- 21:02 LVCreed: That being said, you're on stream now, so you should be cropped up very soon.
- 21:02 LVCreed: Once race feed goes up, I'll be releasing you two.
- 21:02 phoenix_tyrol: i fixed it, i corrected the link from sinister
- 21:02 LVCreed: And there's that confirmation
- 21:02 phoenix_tyrol: a minute or two and we are ready to go
- 21:03 LVCreed: Appreciated, phoenix
- 21:04 LVCreed: While the last second fixes are underway, final confirmation of readiness, racers, so that I can get you two going immediately once the feed goes live.
- 21:04 Sinister-Sama: o7
- 21:04 phoenix_tyrol: setup is done
- 21:04 LVCreed: GWD, ready?
- 21:05 Sinister-Sama: o7
- 21:05 Gamingwhiledad: yes
- 21:05 LVCreed: Okay, then we're good to go.
- 21:05 LVCreed: Once race view comes up, down goes the floodgates.
- 21:07 phoenix_tyrol: we are ready to go
- 21:07 phoenix_tyrol: gl hf runners
- 21:09 LVCreed: Here we go, Godspeed.
- 21:09 LVCreed#9351 quits the race.
- 21:09 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 21:09 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 21:11 LVCreed: Charlieboy will be taking over in my stead after your first race, so have fun, you two.
- 21:49 Sinister-Sama#4319 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:39:21!
- 21:49 Sinister-Sama#4319 notched up a new personal best time for "Easy Any%
- 21:49 Charlieboy: ggs!
- 21:49 Sinister-Sama: GG So far
- 21:50 Charlieboy: New race room is here
- 21:54 Gamingwhiledad#6655 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:44:58!
- 21:54 Race finished in 0:44:58.4
- 21:54 Race finished in 0:44:58.5
- 21:55 Charlieboy: ggs!
- 21:55 Gamingwhiledad: i wouldnt say that
- 21:55 Gamingwhiledad: but thanks
- 21:55 Sinister-Sama: GG so far
- 21:55 Gamingwhiledad: gg sinister
- 21:55 Charlieboy: Keep your head up. Rando can be a cruel mistressNew room is open
- 21:55 Charlieboy:
- 21:56 Charlieboy: you got this!
- 22:48 Race result recorded by Charlieboy#6866