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- 00:31 Krissy: if im focusing on restreaming i can move in people etc
- 00:31 mrcab55 quits the race.
- 00:32 Krissy: Chelney if you want i can show ur stream as is, want a confirmation if u wanna be shown, srry for asking twice
- 00:32 Chelney: just let me know if you plan to and ill mute mic before run
- 00:32 Chelney: doesnt matter to me
- 00:32 iraqvet0304#3315 is ready! (7 remaining)
- 00:33 Krissy: Yea keep it muted, ill show you
- 00:33 Krissy: this is gonna be fun :DD
- 00:34 t1redmonkey: i'll get last place fo sure
- 00:34 sorantyan: I was lucky to be able to participate because I woke up 30 minutes ago and saw this immediately
- 00:34 Krissy: ok comms will introduce u first but we will be starting soon
- 00:34 Chelney: :D
- 00:35 Chelney#9159 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 00:35 Krissy: so get ready :D
- 00:35 t1redmonkey#2061 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 00:35 sorantyan#8535 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 00:35 Notriley4#6272 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 00:35 sorantyan: GLGL
- 00:35 sagehero#8150 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 00:35 Aurel509#2826 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 00:35 Notriley4: GL
- 00:35 sagehero: gl
- 00:35 iraqvet0304: gl
- 00:35 Chelney: dont lose cab's cape
- 00:36 Krissy: allright
- 00:36 Krissy: gl all !!!'
- 00:36 Krissy#8081 quits the race.
- 00:36 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 00:36 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 00:37 sagehero: gl
- 00:47 iraqvet0304#3315 has forfeited from the race.
- 00:48 iraqvet0304: sorry all ive embarrassed myself enough today im done
- 00:48 t1redmonkey: im sure it wasnt as bad as my mm3 run man
- 00:48 sagehero: tis ok my entire life is embarassing :)
- 00:50 t1redmonkey: wow
- 00:50 t1redmonkey: that was stupid
- 00:52 t1redmonkey: went extra slowly to make sure i didnt slide into the wire pit then walked into it
- 00:54 t1redmonkey: drill man pitied me and gave me no dives
- 01:00 sagehero: i would like to speak to the manager of my dpad thanks
- 01:00 sagehero: i did not order a slide
- 01:01 t1redmonkey: makes me realise how out of practice i am
- 01:14 Chelney#9159 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:37:58!
- 01:14 sagehero: gg
- 01:15 Aurel509: died to wily machine on 2nd phase
- 01:15 Aurel509: geez
- 01:15 Aurel509: heckin dust killed me
- 01:15 Notriley4#6272 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:38:56!
- 01:15 sagehero#8150 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 0:39:10!
- 01:15 sagehero: gg
- 01:15 Notriley4: gg
- 01:15 sagehero: missed a 3 cycle capsule rip
- 01:16 Chelney: gg boys
- 01:16 Aurel509#2826 has finished in 4th place with a time of 0:39:41!
- 01:16 Chelney: nice aurel
- 01:16 sagehero: gg aurel
- 01:16 Notriley4: gg
- 01:16 Aurel509: i was even going to refight heh
- 01:16 Aurel509: gg
- 01:16 sagehero: man
- 01:17 sagehero: pb soon
- 01:17 sagehero: ready for 5? :^)
- 01:17 Krissy: did anyone say 5
- 01:17 t1redmonkey#2061 has finished in 5th place with a time of 0:40:49!
- 01:17 Krissy: tired keep ur stream on
- 01:17 Krissy: for a lil bit
- 01:17 Aurel509: not bad considering I played 3 and my hecking index finger can have some rest haha
- 01:17 sorantyan#8535 has finished in 6th place with a time of 0:41:08!
- 01:17 Race finished in 0:41:08.3
- 01:17 mrcab55: gg
- 01:17 Notriley4: ggs
- 01:17 Aurel509: ggs
- 01:18 Chelney: gg all :)
- 01:18 Krissy: gg guys amazing
- 01:18 sorantyan: gg all
- 01:18 sagehero: gg soran
- 01:19 Aurel509: nice 37 Chel btw
- 01:19 sagehero: race 37s
- 01:19 sagehero: one day lol
- 01:19 Aurel509: let me get here
- 01:19 Aurel509: in 2 months maybe Kappa
- 01:19 sorantyan: I failed boss select once lol
- 01:20 Aurel509: pretty nice splits tho lol
- 01:20 sagehero: it's crazy to think when I started running this game a 37:58 would be a WR
- 01:20 t1redmonkey: i fell in wire pit and died a couple of times
- 01:20 sagehero: now it just casually shows up in a community race
- 01:20 t1redmonkey: can i turn stream off now?
- 01:20 Chelney: games come a long way sage
- 01:20 Chelney: :)
- 01:21 sagehero: wonder who's responsible for that
- 01:21 sagehero: guess we'll never know
- 01:21 Chelney: everyone
- 01:21 Chelney#9159 added a comment.
- 01:22 sorantyan: ty all
- 02:11 Race result recorded by mrcab55