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- 19:20 Alf#5942 invites TrevPerson#0983 to join the race.
- 19:20 Alf#5942 invites admsc#8236 to join the race.
- 19:23 ShanaanBread: LEMON
- 19:24 Alf: Doing the things and eating at the same time. lol
- 19:24 ShanaanBread: xD
- 19:26 admsc#8236 accepts an invitation to join.
- 19:26 admsc: Hi
- 19:26 Alf: o/
- 19:26 ShanaanBread: hihi
- 19:41 TrevPerson#0983 accepts an invitation to join.
- 19:42 Alf: o/
- 19:43 TrevPerson: Hello!
- 19:43 ShanaanBread: LEMON
- 19:43 Alf: Clean audio?
- 19:44 TrevPerson: I will have clean audio at race start but maybe not before then
- 19:44 TrevPerson: if I go live I might say hi to a few people first
- 19:44 Alf: That's fine.
- 19:45 Alf: Seed will be sent to you both shortly.
- 19:46 Alf: HashPowderKeg HashLandDeed HashBremenMask HashFireArrow HashGibdoMask
- 19:46 Alf: Seed was sent.
- 19:49 admsc: Clean audio
- 19:50 TrevPerson: I am going live, no clean audio yet
- 19:52 TrevPerson: No delay for this race right?
- 19:52 admsc: No delay
- 19:56 Alf#5942 joins the race.
- 19:56 Alf#5942 quits the race.
- 19:59 Alf: Auto start is off, I'll send you off when we're good to go.
- 19:59 TrevPerson: I have clean audio now
- 19:59 admsc: Ok im ready
- 19:59 admsc#8236 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 20:00 TrevPerson#0983 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 20:00 admsc: glhf!
- 20:00 Alf: Glhf frens!
- 20:00 TrevPerson: gl to you too!
- 20:00 Alf#5942 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 20:00 ShanaanBread: LEMON glhf!!
- 20:01 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 22:19 admsc#8236 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:18:00!
- 22:19 TrevPerson#0983 has forfeited from the race.
- 22:19 Race finished in 2:18:04.5
- 22:19 ShanaanBread: ggs!
- 22:19 ShanaanBread: interview?
- 22:19 TrevPerson: I'm not sure I want to
- 22:19 TrevPerson: I played the worst I have all tournament and am not in a good mood
- 22:19 TrevPerson: sorry
- 22:19 Alf: You absolutely do not have to. All good trev!
- 22:20 ShanaanBread: its okay, I hope you feel better <3
- 22:20 admsc: Ggs trev
- 22:20 TrevPerson: ggs admsc, sorry I'm not trying to take anything away from you at all
- 22:20 TrevPerson: just frustrated with myself
- 22:20 ShanaanBread: you both did well regardless <3
- 22:20 admsc: All good trev :]
- 22:20 ShanaanBread: do you wanna join us ad?
- 22:20 admsc: Sure
- 22:21 TrevPerson: oh sorry is my audio off restream
- 22:21 TrevPerson: so I can turn mic back on
- 22:21 TrevPerson: Idk if it was ever on
- 22:21 TrevPerson: but just in case
- 22:21 Alf: You're good
- 22:21 ShanaanBread: its switched
- 08:27 Race result recorded by Phaaze#0640