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- 01:42 TheOtherSection joins the race.
- 01:48 TheOtherSection: can we get the race monitors
- 01:48 pojolonewolf#6547 invites LittleCube#0162 to join the race.
- 01:48 pojolonewolf#6547 promoted LittleCube#0162 to race monitor.
- 01:48 pojolonewolf#6547 removes LittleCube#0162 from the race.
- 01:48 pojolonewolf#6547 invites ZFG#8583 to join the race.
- 01:48 pojolonewolf#6547 promoted ZFG#8583 to race monitor.
- 01:48 pojolonewolf#6547 removes ZFG#8583 from the race.
- 01:49 TheOtherSection: bomb bag, no sword shield, small brown, fairy is a green rupee
- 01:49 TheOtherSection: no mask no remain start
- 01:50 pojolonewolf: si senor
- 01:50 TheOtherSection: known mystery settings is fairy sanity, possible mystery settings keaton grass, all rupees, barrels/crates, soils
- 01:52 Sonaholic: So
- 01:52 Sonaholic#5009 joins the race.
- 01:53 TheOtherSection: naholic
- 01:57 TheOtherSection is ready! (2 remaining)
- 01:58 pojolonewolf#6547 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 01:58 Sonaholic#5009 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 01:58 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 01:58 pojolonewolf: glhf
- 01:59 Sonaholic: GLHF
- 01:59 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 03:00 Sonaholic: NGL
- 03:00 Sonaholic: not having a good time HashBlastMask
- 03:17 Sonaholic#5009 has forfeited from the race.
- 03:30 TheOtherSection: Mystery do be like that
- 04:33 pojolonewolf#6547 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:34:22!
- 04:33 pojolonewolf: GGs.
- 04:34 TheOtherSection has forfeited from the race.
- 04:34 Race finished in 2:35:04.5
- 04:34 TheOtherSection: was so late to goron
- 04:34 TheOtherSection: i was routed to go there super early after old lady which I never did because late sword
- 04:34 TheOtherSection: But then I wanted to do dpi 2/3
- 04:34 TheOtherSection: but got cap
- 04:35 TheOtherSection: then got baited to graves
- 04:35 TheOtherSection: not knowing it was foolish
- 04:35 TheOtherSection: then dpi 3 ranch
- 04:35 TheOtherSection: then dp for goron
- 04:35 TheOtherSection: then fucking 4 items in tf guay
- 04:35 TheOtherSection: insta go well get la
- 04:35 pojolonewolf: i could've been done ages ago.
- 04:35 TheOtherSection: do everything and near LL FA
- 04:35 pojolonewolf: yea, same here for LA
- 04:35 TheOtherSection: holy shit what a trash ass seed
- 04:36 pojolonewolf: yea....I could've been down like 30 minutes ago or more if it were for trash FA location
- 04:36 TheOtherSection: i read the seed like a book
- 04:36 TheOtherSection: down to the dungeon er stt in sht
- 04:37 TheOtherSection: to the bossa nova on keg
- 04:37 TheOtherSection: but that fa location was hot garbage
- 04:37 TheOtherSection: ggs
- 04:37 pojolonewolf: ggs indeed. When I spent god knows how long only looking for FA, i thought my goose was cooked. GGs
- 04:37 TheOtherSection: nothing hinted fa besides DP Lullaby into TF Guay Hook into FA on OSH Chest
- 04:38 TheOtherSection: DP having CT Fairy also lead into a bow
- 04:38 TheOtherSection: I had PR, Old Lady, Swamp Arch left
- 04:38 TheOtherSection: Before getting FA
- 04:38 TheOtherSection: And right side and mirror shield I guess
- 04:38 pojolonewolf: I had PR, Archeries, upper ikana, left side ISTT, old lady
- 04:39 TheOtherSection: The IG Foolish pretty much meant every soil related check was dead
- 04:39 TheOtherSection: regardless of bottle, since it's not IG Foolish except song
- 04:40 TheOtherSection: I had no reason to ever do OSH, if I had it before heading west, then yeah but I headed west already because of early bottle and guessing shop sanity based on GV and ZH WotH
- 04:40 TheOtherSection: Funnily enough both of them were in the shops
- 04:40 TheOtherSection: Mystery actually hitting this time, except for FA
- 04:40 pojolonewolf: yea. So were you late to Deku then since you were late to goron?
- 04:41 TheOtherSection: I had deku early
- 04:41 TheOtherSection: I was late to Goron because I set up Koume but wanted to go route in DPI 2/3
- 04:41 pojolonewolf: Intesresting. Where'd you go after picking up Deku?
- 04:41 TheOtherSection: I went South
- 04:41 TheOtherSection: And routed koume kotake
- 04:41 TheOtherSection: But just pivoted because knowing it was not song sanity, graves play made sense
- 04:42 TheOtherSection: Get to check DPI2/3, density graves with a song, and then sphere 0 ranch
- 04:42 TheOtherSection: along with the possibility of doing TF Guay
- 04:42 TheOtherSection: Made sense
- 04:42 TheOtherSection: Except I never found the DP WotH hint until heading towards ranch
- 04:42 TheOtherSection: And found the graves foolish after completing majority of it
- 04:43 TheOtherSection: If I had the DP WotH hint earlier, I would of pushed DP, got goron and lullaby, insta TF Guay, insta Well, Insta seed in the bin because of that FA
- 04:43 TheOtherSection: Honestly, the garo's could of hinted it
- 04:43 TheOtherSection: But nobody checks them really
- 04:43 TheOtherSection: Can I get a spoiler
- 04:43 pojolonewolf: I'll check the spoiler
- 04:44 pojolonewolf: Nope, not even the garo's would've bailed us out of that
- 04:45 TheOtherSection: unlucky
- 04:45 pojolonewolf: so you were go moding SHT or WFT when I finished?
- 04:45 TheOtherSection: Yeah I was in Goht's room I think
- 04:45 TheOtherSection: No when you finished
- 04:45 TheOtherSection: So I still had to pick up Sonata, and then get to WFT
- 04:46 TheOtherSection: WF*
- 04:46 TheOtherSection: I guess I never did WF as well
- 04:46 TheOtherSection: Greedy
- 04:46 TheOtherSection: But damn bro, Lullaby and Goron, super easy TF Guay which I was waiting for the whole time with max rupee sanity
- 04:47 pojolonewolf: yea, you go from needing like 6 things to 2 in a minute
- 04:48 pojolonewolf: I can send you another seed. Xander thinks you'll have some choice thoughts for it.
- 04:49 TheOtherSection: I'm good with played seeds
- 04:50 TheOtherSection: I want random seeds
- 04:51 pojolonewolf: Darn. Okay. Well, I'll send you a fresh one then. I'll send the spoiler with it.