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- 22:55 Empty_Thoughts#5256 joins the race.
- 22:57 Tanudubs#6416 requests to join the race.
- 22:58 Empty_Thoughts#5256 accepts a request to join from Tanudubs#6416.
- 22:58 Nasho3D#2787 requests to join the race.
- 22:59 Empty_Thoughts#5256 accepts a request to join from Nasho3D#2787.
- 23:04 Empty_Thoughts: Oigan
- 23:04 Relay#2859 requests to join the race.
- 23:04 Empty_Thoughts: Nasho
- 23:04 Empty_Thoughts: Si la carrera es invitacional
- 23:04 Empty_Thoughts: no se puede vincular a livesplit?
- 23:04 Nasho3D: ?
- 23:04 Empty_Thoughts: no me aparece
- 23:04 Nasho3D: ya veo
- 23:04 Relay: y me dice que pedi entrar
- 23:04 Empty_Thoughts#5256 accepts a request to join from Relay#2859.
- 23:04 Relay: osea me deben aceptar
- 23:04 Empty_Thoughts: Por que si no para abrir otro lobby
- 23:05 Nasho3D: Si me deja
- 23:05 PrincesaPony#9912 requests to join the race.
- 23:05 Empty_Thoughts: Como le hiciste?
- 23:05 Empty_Thoughts#5256 accepts a request to join from PrincesaPony#9912.
- 23:05 Nasho3D: como siempre se hace
- 23:05 Nasho3D: no me pidio nada
- 23:05 Empty_Thoughts: wut
- 23:05 Empty_Thoughts: Oye y como se suben los parches
- 23:05 Empty_Thoughts: aqui a racetime
- 23:05 Empty_Thoughts: ?
- 23:05 Nasho3D: solo pasa el link del discord
- 23:05 Nasho3D: del patch
- 23:06 Empty_Thoughts: aahhh por aqui por el chat
- 23:06 Empty_Thoughts: bueno igual todos estamos ahi
- 23:07 Empty_Thoughts: Voy a ir por agua rapido
- 23:08 Sernadeth#6649 requests to join the race.
- 23:08 Empty_Thoughts#5256 accepts a request to join from Sernadeth#6649.
- 23:08 Empty_Thoughts: Nomas no puedo vincular mi livesplit a racetime jajaja
- 23:09 Tanudubs: Yo quiero decir que mucha suerte a todos
- 23:09 Tanudubs: :3
- 23:10 PrincesaPony: Empty, y si reinicias livesplit? ya inetnto apagarlo y prenderlo? XD
- 23:10 Empty_Thoughts: a vr
- 23:12 Empty_Thoughts: Nope no me aparece ninguna race activa de MM
- 23:13 PrincesaPony: achis que raro, yo nomas le pique y saliooo
- 23:13 Empty_Thoughts#5256 updated the race information.
- 23:16 Empty_Thoughts#5256 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 23:16 Tanudubs#6416 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 23:17 Nasho3D#2787 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 23:18 Relay#2859 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 23:18 PrincesaPony#9912 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 23:22 Ethannoe7: Hola los tkm <3
- 23:23 Empty_Thoughts#5256 set a new goal: Matar a Majora!
- 23:23 PrincesaPony: homli tekueme uwu
- 23:23 Relay: gl
- 23:23 Nasho3D: <3
- 23:23 PrincesaPony: ggs amix
- 23:23 PrincesaPony: lets gooo
- 23:23 Ethannoe7: GL guys, have so much fun <3
- 23:23 Ethannoe7: Im lurking all <3
- 23:23 Relay: thks
- 23:23 Sernadeth#6649 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 23:23 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 23:24 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 02:26 Nasho3D#2787 has finished in 1st place with a time of 3:02:36!
- 03:20 Empty_Thoughts: Raza voy a tirar forfeit por que tengo cositas que hacer y anda muy cerrada mi seed:)
- 03:20 Empty_Thoughts: :(*
- 03:20 Empty_Thoughts#5256 has forfeited from the race.
- 03:39 Relay#2859 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 4:15:15!
- 03:46 Tanudubs#6416 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 4:22:25!
- 03:49 PrincesaPony#9912 has forfeited from the race.
- 04:00 Sernadeth#6649 has finished in 4th place with a time of 4:35:59!
- 04:00 Race finished in 4:35:59.9