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- 22:05 Muervo_#1255 removes jess#3735 from the race.
- 22:05 TheOtherSection joins the race.
- 22:06 SDGShawn: We using the seed Fifth rolled right?
- 22:06 Muervo_: ya
- 22:06 ggreencola#3293 joins the race.
- 22:07 FifthWhammy#2822 joins the race.
- 22:07 Muervo_: so Fifth, is this using the S2 race settings of mystery?
- 22:09 Muervo_#1255 invites xPhilophobia#0356 to join the race.
- 22:09 Muervo_#1255 promoted xPhilophobia#0356 to race monitor.
- 22:09 Muervo_#1255 removes xPhilophobia#0356 from the race.
- 22:10 SDGShawn: HashCircusLeader HashMap HashMaskOfTruth HashBugs HashMoonsTear ?
- 22:11 ggreencola: that's the hash i have
- 22:12 FifthWhammy: Yes, S2 settings. No special modes
- 22:14 Muervo_: gonna go take a shit, brb, waiting on pixel
- 22:16 TheOtherSection: everyone start ur streams
- 22:16 TheOtherSection: please no delay for shawn and muervo's sake
- 22:17 TheOtherSection: and for your sanity
- 22:17 SDGShawn: Silly Europeans am I right
- 22:18 FifthWhammy: oh, this is mystery. losing sanities is the core concept
- 22:18 Muervo_: fucking eurotrash making us wait
- 22:19 Muervo_: Hp on CT, can't see SCT straw roof, CT Fairy not randomised (or is vanilla rando'd)
- 22:19 SDGShawn: Vanilla isnt
- 22:21 TheOtherSection: piece of heart, no sword shield start, small brown, ct fairy
- 22:21 TheOtherSection: Bet ur sweet bippy that there's pot sanity on
- 22:22 SDGShawn: How can you tell no sword shield start btw?
- 22:22 ggreencola: link I think
- 22:23 ggreencola: yeah he doesn't have his equips lolz. i wasn't totally sure i just guessed xD
- 22:25 TheOtherSection: ggreencola, you were suppose to say the line
- 22:25 ggreencola: what line
- 22:25 TheOtherSection: HE'S CHEATING HE'S CHEATING 😩
- 22:25 ggreencola: oh lmao
- 22:27 SDGShawn: Is anyone here bothered if I have my friend in the call who knows not to spoil anything?
- 22:28 TheOtherSection: it's fine
- 22:28 TheOtherSection: it's like twitch chat
- 22:29 SDGShawn: Appreciated!
- 22:30 TheOtherSection: HashCircusLeaderMask HashMap HashMaskOfTruth HashBugs HashMoonsTear
- 22:30 SDGShawn: Thats what I have
- 22:30 TheOtherSection: HashCircusLeader HashMap HashMaskOfTruth HashBugs HashMoonsTear
- 22:32 PixelShake92#4127 joins the race.
- 22:32 Muervo_: :pleadingcheer:
- 22:34 TheOtherSection is ready! (5 remaining)
- 22:34 FifthWhammy#2822 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 22:34 SDGShawn#8194 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 22:34 FifthWhammy: glhf
- 22:34 SDGShawn: glhf!
- 22:35 ggreencola#3293 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 22:35 Muervo_#1255 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 22:35 Muervo_: ready when ready, auto start off
- 22:35 Muervo_: prediction: section wins, i last locate and scream into reggie's butt, pixel 1min behind section
- 22:36 SDGShawn: I predict I fall asleep mid race when I last location :nodders:
- 22:36 TheOtherSection: prediction, song sanity, one hit spot, blue reds, all pot sanity
- 22:36 FifthWhammy: I do the wrong one-offs and come in at 3:10
- 22:37 SDGShawn: I'm aiming to be less than an hour behind first
- 22:37 Muervo_#1255 updated the race information.
- 22:37 TheOtherSection: shawn what I tell ya
- 22:37 TheOtherSection: We be vibing
- 22:37 SDGShawn: You told me a lot of things LUL
- 22:37 Muervo_: aim for fun
- 22:37 Muervo_: hope for a win
- 22:38 Muervo_: and meme like fuck if you're on restream
- 22:38 SDGShawn: Im sandbagging
- 22:38 TheOtherSection:
- 22:38 TheOtherSection: @shawn
- 22:38 SDGShawn: What the fuck
- 22:38 SDGShawn: LMAO
- 22:38 TheOtherSection: Remember that
- 22:38 SDGShawn: I cant forget that
- 22:39 Muervo_: he sounds like "grwbnslkvneaklnv" or typical scottish asking for a pint after he's had 10
- 22:39 FifthWhammy: I blame Monster Hunter Wilds for any misplays
- 22:39 PixelShake92#4127 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 22:39 Muervo_: aight gents
- 22:39 SDGShawn: I blame runescape 3
- 22:40 SDGShawn: GLHF!
- 22:40 ggreencola: glhf
- 22:40 FifthWhammy: glhf
- 22:40 Muervo_: glhf
- 22:40 Muervo_#1255 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 22:40 TheOtherSection: I said boom boom boom, let me hear you say wayo snipars is the best three sixty no scoper on the xXxInternetxXx, you fedora wearing scrub lords cannot comprehend the euphoria i'm experiencing
- 22:40 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 00:37 TheOtherSection has forfeited from the race.
- 00:37 TheOtherSection: words
- 01:27 Muervo_#1255 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:46:25!
- 01:27 SDGShawn: gg
- 01:28 Muervo_: gg
- 01:44 PixelShake92#4127 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 3:03:51!
- 01:44 Muervo_: GG
- 01:52 FifthWhammy#2822 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 3:11:43!
- 01:53 Muervo_: GG
- 01:53 FifthWhammy: gg
- 01:59 ggreencola#3293 has finished in 4th place with a time of 3:19:04!
- 02:00 Muervo_: GG
- 02:00 ggreencola: gg
- 02:21 SDGShawn#8194 has finished in 5th place with a time of 3:40:12!
- 02:21 Race finished in 3:40:13.1