
Metroid Prime 1&2 Crossgame Randomizer MPCGR Beat the game (2v2 multiworld) DccJNHjc_ZG3F_U0h2-uAxX7AjzDBw103AUscoNIUZIhGqAdAEaFRhNa2-DpkMLEjdw3SGArhYGrgmlRptyQNK9l || Seed hash: Phendrana Processing Pirate (BE2HRXH5)
Opened by
Cestrion #4612
Race monitors
Started at
Ended at
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  1. 1st Naii the Baf #9546 Finished 301
  2. The Powerful Charmers
  3. 2nd Cosmonawt #3338 he / him Finished 59
  4. The Powerful Charmers
  5. 3rd Cestrion #4612 he / him Finished 54
  6. The Artful Glitchers
  7. 4th Fysi #5631 Finished 51
  8. The Artful Glitchers
4 entrants (0 inactive)