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- 23:53 DougDoug#8104 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 23:54 PGrudev2003: also i dont even play it i just like watching doug play
- 23:54 whamer100: there should be a race to complete all of the master challenges in the future
- 23:54 whamer100: itd be absolutely chaotic
- 23:54 whamer100: (especially decathlon)
- 23:54 PGrudev2003: imagine peggle maker game where you just make the levels
- 23:54 HeliosWx: The community is awesome, we'd love to have ya!
- 23:54 HeliosWx: I started two months ago and look at me lmao
- 23:55 ozmoth: omg 2 months ago ??
- 23:55 ozmoth: you're just built different
- 23:55 PGrudev2003: well peggle is more of a calculation game
- 23:56 PGrudev2003: soo yea its possible to master it fast i guess :P
- 23:56 ace: Underdoug
- 23:56 OzvenomDnD#9840 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 20 seconds!
- 23:56 ozmoth: GOOD LUCK EVERYONE
- 23:56 ace: glhf
- 23:56 PGrudev2003: here they go!
- 23:57 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 23:57 ozmoth: no matter who wins this is an amazing event
- 23:59 PGrudev2003: i wonder tho does dowolf not have twitch stream or does he just not have it linked?
- 00:04 pnaha#6224 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:07:00!
- 00:04 HeliosWx#6998 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:07:08!
- 00:04 dowolf#0427 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 0:07:16!
- 00:05 smart_n_silent#3431 has finished in 4th place with a time of 0:08:04!
- 00:05 PGrudev2003: well Fs for doug
- 00:05 PGrudev2003: F
- 00:06 DougDoug#8104 has finished in 5th place with a time of 0:09:00!
- 00:06 Race finished in 0:09:01.2
- 00:06 dowolf: @PGrudev2003 I'd normally be streaming, but I'm actually in the middle of moving, and the laptop I'm on cannot handle OBS (and I'm not sure how streaming over a wifi connection here would go anyways, because I don't have an ethernet cable to use anyways)
- 00:06 ace: fun to watch
- 00:06 ozmoth: That was amazing
- 00:06 PGrudev2003: ah thx for explaining
- 00:07 HeliosWx: pnaha lost a level and still beat me
- 00:07 HeliosWx: It was in my hands
- 00:07 PGrudev2003: pnaha is pnaha
- 00:07 ace: true
- 00:07 HeliosWx: I did not deserve my 12-4
- 00:08 HeliosWx: I'll clip my 12-4 to play one sec
- 00:08 PGrudev2003: is it too late to say pnaha is a cyborg?
- 00:08 ace: lel
- 00:09 whamer100: that was such a fun race to watch
- 00:10 ace: ye
- 00:10 ace: Helios is the chad with the magic hat
- 00:11 ace: Where did doug put his?
- 00:11 ozmoth: ඞ
- 00:12 PGrudev2003: if only doug wore the magic hat all the time he would be 1000% better
- 00:12 ace: real
- 00:12 ace: ඞ
- 00:12 ozmoth: almost went bald from the intensity of this tournament
- 00:14 ace: ^
- 00:15 PGrudev2003: when is the tournament for divorced people?
- 00:15 ace: 2069
- 00:15 ozmoth: Doug can we play now..... ? :)
- 00:16 ace: cue the outro?
- 00:16 PGrudev2003: twitch chat gets world record speedrun
- 00:16 ozmoth: definitely getting into peggle speedrun
- 00:16 ace: agreed
- 00:16 Sysoft: yep
- 00:17 ace: Wait doug drinking virgin olive oil?
- 00:17 ace: ඞ
- 00:17 ozmoth: ඞ
- 00:17 PGrudev2003: ඞ
- 00:17 ace: ඞ
- 00:17 PGrudev2003: ඞ
- 00:18 ace: ඞ
- 00:18 Sysoft: ඞ
- 00:18 PGrudev2003: ඞ
- 00:18 ace: ඞ
- 00:18 ace: ඞ
- 00:18 PGrudev2003: ඞ
- 00:18 Sysoft: ඞ
- 00:18 PGrudev2003: ඞ
- 00:18 Sysoft: ඞ
- 00:18 ace: ඞ
- 00:18 ozmoth: ඞ
- 00:18 PGrudev2003: ඞ
- 00:18 Sysoft: ඞ
- 00:18 ace: ඞ
- 00:18 PGrudev2003: ඞ
- 00:18 ace: ඞ
- 00:18 Sysoft: ඞ
- 00:18 ace: ඞ
- 00:18 PGrudev2003: ඞ
- 00:18 ozmoth: THEY ARE MULTIPLYING
- 00:18 ozmoth: ඞ
- 00:19 Sysoft: ඞ
- 00:19 ace: ඞ
- 00:19 PGrudev2003: ඞඞඞඞඞ
- 00:19 ace: ඞඞ
- 00:19 ozmoth: ඞඞඞ
- 00:19 ace: ඞඞඞඞ
- 00:19 Sysoft: ඞඞඞඞඞඞ
- 00:19 PGrudev2003: ඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞ
- 00:19 Race result recorded by OzvenomDnD#9840