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- 21:17 DougDoug#8104 is ready! (7 remaining)
- 21:18 WhaleEleven#9877 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 21:18 OzvenomDnD#9840 accepts a request to join from anyGeorge#7811.
- 21:18 OzvenomDnD#9840 accepts a request to join from PuppisFoetor#4830.
- 21:18 SatanHerself#2823 joins the race.
- 21:18 SatanHerself#2823 is ready! (8 remaining)
- 21:18 anyGeorge#7811 is ready! (7 remaining)
- 21:18 HeliosWx#6998 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 21:18 PuppisFoetor#4830 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 21:18 Crackle#9786 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 21:18 HeliosWx: Ready for the fair and balanced nights levels
- 21:18 anyGeorge: I'm ready to get this one in under 25 minutes.
- 21:18 brassbeat#9724 requests to join the race.
- 21:18 OzvenomDnD#9840 accepts a request to join from brassbeat#9724.
- 21:18 Izzi456#9122 requests to join the race.
- 21:19 OzvenomDnD#9840 accepts a request to join from Izzi456#9122.
- 21:19 PoetryStud#2699 requests to join the race.
- 21:19 dowolf#0427 requests to join the race.
- 21:19 OzvenomDnD#9840 accepts a request to join from PoetryStud#2699.
- 21:19 Izzi456#9122 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 21:19 OzvenomDnD#9840 accepts a request to join from dowolf#0427.
- 21:19 chinopinowarrior#3651 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 21:19 dowolf#0427 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 21:19 Lunarsnory#6795 requests to join the race.
- 21:19 shadowcage72#1290 requests to join the race.
- 21:19 OzvenomDnD#9840 accepts a request to join from Lunarsnory#6795.
- 21:19 OzvenomDnD#9840 accepts a request to join from shadowcage72#1290.
- 21:19 Lunarsnory#6795 is ready! (6 remaining)
- 21:20 shadowcage72#1290 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 21:20 Lunarsnory#6795 is not ready. (6 remaining)
- 21:20 Frogger25: Been fun watching but gotta go. Good luck to you all :)
- 21:20 Lunarsnory#6795 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 21:21 Minedea101#6021 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 21:21 OzvenomDnD: who are we missing
- 21:22 anyGeorge: I think whiggy
- 21:22 Whiggy69#3712 joins the race.
- 21:23 PoetryStud#2699 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 21:23 britsha#6066 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 21:23 Whiggy69#3712 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 21:24 brassbeat#9724 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 21:24 pnaha#6224 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 21:25 Minedea101: gl
- 21:25 anyGeorge: gl
- 21:25 britsha: gl
- 21:25 brassbeat: gl
- 21:25 dowolf: gl
- 21:25 PuppisFoetor: gl
- 21:25 shadowcage72: gl
- 21:25 smart_n_silent: gl
- 21:25 chinopinowarrior: gl
- 21:26 OzvenomDnD#9840 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 20 seconds!
- 21:26 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 21:34 Sko: Danussy
- 21:52 anyGeorge#7811 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:25:38!
- 21:53 pnaha#6224 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:26:21!
- 21:53 pnaha: failed last level :( very bad 2 oranges left
- 21:54 britsha: i hate nights
- 21:54 anyGeorge: No fails, but I had to reset 11-3 for better openers and my 11-4 was rough
- 21:55 WhaleEleven#9877 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 0:28:09!
- 21:56 PoetryStud#2699 has finished in 4th place with a time of 0:29:18!
- 21:56 HeliosWx#6998 has finished in 5th place with a time of 0:29:28!
- 21:57 HeliosWx: 11-2 electrobolt for only oranges on the bottom
- 21:57 HeliosWx: AWARE
- 21:57 PoetryStud: one fail on 8-2
- 21:58 brassbeat: DC'ed, got 30:47
- 21:58 shadowcage72#1290 has finished in 6th place with a time of 0:31:23!
- 21:58 PuppisFoetor#4830 has finished in 7th place with a time of 0:31:24!
- 21:58 Crackle#9786 has finished in 8th place with a time of 0:31:38!
- 21:58 Lunarsnory#6795 has finished in 9th place with a time of 0:31:51!
- 21:58 britsha: i'm not done yet but just want to say again: i hate nights
- 21:58 smart_n_silent#3431 has finished in 10th place with a time of 0:31:56!
- 21:59 Izzi456#9122 has finished in 11th place with a time of 0:32:28!
- 21:59 anyGeorge: Let's go Puppis! And SnS and Shadowcage
- 21:59 shadowcage72: LETS GOOO
- 21:59 SatanHerself#2823 has finished in 12th place with a time of 0:32:49!
- 21:59 shadowcage72: Nights is so much better
- 22:00 PuppisFoetor: i hate nights
- 22:00 shadowcage72: Understandable
- 22:00 pnaha: KEKW
- 22:00 britsha#6066 has finished in 13th place with a time of 0:33:51!
- 22:00 britsha: puppis based
- 22:01 anyGeorge: I love Peggle Nights
- 22:01 Minedea101#6021 has finished in 14th place with a time of 0:34:13!
- 22:01 britsha: i'll throw intentionally to spite the people on my team that like nights
- 22:01 chinopinowarrior#3651 has finished in 15th place with a time of 0:34:39!
- 22:01 Faux_Passerby#0124 has finished in 16th place with a time of 0:34:46!
- 22:01 Minedea101: britsha lookin out for the finnish
- 22:02 britsha: not on purpose :( 10-3 10-5 strike again
- 22:04 dowolf#0427 has finished in 17th place with a time of 0:37:09!
- 22:04 DougDoug#8104 has finished in 18th place with a time of 0:37:35!
- 22:06 Whiggy69#3712 has finished in 19th place with a time of 0:39:34!
- 22:08 brassbeat#9724 has been disqualified from the race by OzvenomDnD#9840.
- 22:08 Race finished in 0:41:52.4
- 22:08 Race result recorded by OzvenomDnD#9840