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- 20:25 SatanHerself#2823 joins the race.
- 20:25 TableAndChairs#0803 requests to join the race.
- 20:25 SatanHerself#2823 accepts a request to join from TableAndChairs#0803.
- 20:25 polypies73#8117 requests to join the race.
- 20:25 TableAndChairs#0803 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 20:25 HeliosWx#6998 joins the race.
- 20:25 SatanHerself#2823 accepts a request to join from polypies73#8117.
- 20:26 WhaleEleven#9877 requests to join the race.
- 20:26 SatanHerself#2823 accepts a request to join from WhaleEleven#9877.
- 20:26 Lunarsnory#6795 requests to join the race.
- 20:26 SatanHerself#2823 accepts a request to join from Lunarsnory#6795.
- 20:26 britsha#6066 requests to join the race.
- 20:26 SatanHerself#2823 accepts a request to join from britsha#6066.
- 20:27 Lunarsnory: Does everyone want to gentleman to only warren?
- 20:27 HeliosWx#6998 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 20:28 TableAndChairs: Sure
- 20:28 TableAndChairs: If everyone else is
- 20:29 Lunarsnory: so thats 1 yes
- 20:29 Lunarsnory: Satan are you in?
- 20:29 SatanHerself: It's a bit like a prisoner's dilemma
- 20:29 SatanHerself: If someone doesn't do it they probably win and no one can stop them
- 20:29 Lunarsnory: But it's incredibly funny if everybody goes warren
- 20:30 SatanHerself: But if everyone does it, we're all on a level field
- 20:30 SatanHerself: Is there anyone committed to not doing only warren?
- 20:30 HeliosWx#6998 is not ready. (6 remaining)
- 20:30 polypies73: should've just made it only warrne, cause only warrne is ass
- 20:30 Lunarsnory: So are you in?
- 20:31 polypies73: only warren is ass, i don't want to do one shot
- 20:31 SatanHerself: I think one no is kind of an all no
- 20:31 SatanHerself: I also wouldn't want to ideally lol
- 20:31 Lunarsnory: Yeah
- 20:31 SatanHerself: Anyone can use all warren if they want to though!
- 20:31 britsha: i am was also no
- 20:31 britsha: as much as i love warren gay
- 20:32 polypies73: splork supremacy
- 20:32 Lunarsnory: Oh right
- 20:32 Lunarsnory: I need the splork strat for 11-5
- 20:32 Lunarsnory: used to cinderbottom
- 20:32 polypies73: don't accidentally cheat good strat
- 20:33 WhaleEleven#9877 is ready! (5 remaining)
- 20:33 Lunarsnory#6795 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 20:33 polypies73#8117 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 20:33 Lunarsnory: Also
- 20:34 britsha#6066 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 20:35 HeliosWx#6998 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 20:36 SatanHerself#2823 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 20:36 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 20:36 Lunarsnory: warren gay?
- 20:36 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 20:41 narcolep7z: warren guy
- 20:42 Lunarsnory#6795 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:05:30!
- 20:42 Lunarsnory: GG
- 20:42 Charlotte04: holy shit GG
- 20:42 HeliosWx#6998 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:05:55!
- 20:43 Lunarsnory: The curse still stands
- 20:43 HeliosWx: 35 fucking seconds reseting the helix
- 20:43 SatanHerself#2823 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 0:06:54!
- 20:44 WhaleEleven#9877 has finished in 4th place with a time of 0:07:31!
- 20:45 TableAndChairs#0803 has finished in 5th place with a time of 0:08:29!
- 20:45 polypies73#8117 has finished in 6th place with a time of 0:08:31!
- 20:45 polypies73#8117 is no longer done.
- 20:45 TableAndChairs: Aah I lost 11-2 and 11-3
- 20:46 polypies73#8117 has finished in 6th place with a time of 0:09:08!
- 20:46 Lunarsnory: What masters did you use?
- 20:46 SatanHerself: Tula, Hu, Hu, Hu, Splork
- 20:46 SatanHerself: Should've used Tula 11-2
- 20:46 TableAndChairs: I used Hu, Hu, Hu, Tula, Splork
- 20:47 Lunarsnory: I did hu all 5 times
- 20:47 anyGeorge: Helios spent about 30s doing splork resets
- 20:48 anyGeorge: Would have been so close with better rng
- 20:48 Lunarsnory: oof
- 20:48 SatanHerself: I also got 30s of resets
- 20:48 SatanHerself: Mood lmao
- 20:48 SatanHerself: If only cinder was gay
- 20:48 Lunarsnory: I got really good generations actually
- 20:49 anyGeorge: Lunar what was your helix strat with Hu?
- 20:49 Lunarsnory: Godshot
- 20:49 SatanHerself: You got the one shot?
- 20:50 Lunarsnory: I reset once
- 20:50 SatanHerself: Also I'm in the discord vc if ppl want to come chat!
- 20:50 britsha#6066 has finished in 7th place with a time of 0:13:37!
- 20:50 Race finished in 0:13:37.8
- 20:50 Lunarsnory: Britsha with the leet time
- 00:40 Race result recorded by OzvenomDnD#9840