
N64Mania N64Mania World Driver Championship Reach Rank 25
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shoehorse #0163
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  1. 1st Synii #6419 more 1st, 2nd, 2nd in the emperor cup races and I still didn't win. You lose tiebreakers for some reason. :( Finished
  2. 2nd poptart_cat #2549 more world novice championship Finished
  3. 3rd Remnant #3181 more It doesn't matter how you get to first place, what matters is you get there Finished
  4. 4th Giga #0889 he / him more Fans of the Rushlike genre would argue it's a Rushlite. You see, the difference is you earn and keep upgrades between runs and- Finished
  5. 5th shoehorse #0163 he / him more Still so many cups to complete. I'll get to those the very next day. Finished
  6. riocoys #8957 more The N64 is undefeated in bad racing games DNF DNF
  7. sp0ck1 #7823 more https://media.istockphoto.com/id/927129108/vector/dont-drive-tired-vector-illustration.jpg?s=170667a&w=0&k=20&c=9AKBZGyTR5MBQMCMSR6U9_8krOblla47ocAzZtV42Ec= DNF DNF
7 entrants (2 inactive)