
N64Mania N64Mania Madden Football 64 Score 14 pts
Opened by
sp0ck1 #7823
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  1. 1st poptart_cat #2549 more ty john madden Finished
  2. 2nd riocoys #8957 more We ran it up the gut as John Maddening suggested! Finished
  3. 3rd Giga #0889 he / him more All I needed was to realize the game is much better at playing itself than I am Finished
  4. GrimmFairy #2122 he / him DNF DNF
  5. sp0ck1 #7823 more https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/596250466464170006/1045901020544385084/image.png?width=839&height=675 DNF DNF
5 entrants (2 inactive)