
N64Mania N64Mania Command & Conquer Beat Mission 5 (Nod)
Opened by
sp0ck1 #7823
Race monitors
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  1. 1st poptart_cat #2549 more who would win: the largest army in the world, or some guy with a grenade Finished
  2. 2nd Giga #0889 he / him more Why have an entire battalion of tanks firing at one guy when you could micro one tank and squish 3 guys instantly Finished
  3. 3rd TossedFish #4610 more Just build more tanks than Gorbachev. Finished
  4. 4th sp0ck1 #7823 more I went in a soldier. I came out a civilian. Finished
  5. 5th Synii #6419 more I shouldn't have to tell my Ai soldier to kill the guy in front of them or to destroy the enemy base Finished
5 entrants (0 inactive)