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- 02:01 Bumbledon#9540 joins the race.
- 02:01 Bumbledon#9540 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 02:01 SewerHusk: Hey
- 02:01 SewerHusk#2621 joins the race.
- 02:02 PeaJae#8784 joins the race.
- 02:02 Bumbledon: Hey. So we just need to hang out here during the race. When you see me finish here, that's when you can start.
- 02:02 F0ngers#1749 joins the race.
- 02:03 SewerHusk#2621 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 02:03 Bumbledon: Hey, at least we won the race to join the race room.
- 02:04 Razul: fong are u streaming to Elk account?
- 02:05 SewerHusk: Np!
- 02:05 F0ngers: yes
- 02:08 PensiveMoose#8165 joins the race.
- 02:10 PensiveMoose#8165 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 02:10 blagtheripper#4016 joins the race.
- 02:11 blagtheripper#4016 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 02:11 F0ngers#1749 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 02:11 PeaJae#8784 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 02:11 blacksquall: elk account XD
- 02:11 Bumbledon: Good luck everybody!
- 02:12 SewerHusk: Good luck everybody!
- 02:16 SewerHusk: Bumble whenever I see you using the (.done) command is immediately where I start, right? Do I need to type any commands or do I just immediately start my own run?
- 02:16 blagtheripper: where is the done button? It shows up after the race starts?
- 02:17 SewerHusk: Very good question
- 02:17 PensiveMoose: yeah
- 02:17 PensiveMoose: it's a normal race room you just don't start until the teammate in front of you finishes
- 02:18 blagtheripper: I've never really used the race time rooms. I always use my livesplit hot keys like a normal run.
- 02:18 PensiveMoose: and you'll see them finish here in the room. But it might be helpful to keep an eye on their stream so you have an idea when it's coming
- 02:18 Razul: ok we are all set and cropped
- 02:18 Bumbledon: You can just reset and start racing.
- 02:18 SewerHusk: Raz I have a question
- 02:18 Razul: we are gonna do a quic intro then we start the countdown
- 02:18 PensiveMoose: blag you should see the done button when I start my run
- 02:18 SewerHusk: Do you need to type any commands as you begin or do you begin the moment the (.done) command is written?
- 02:19 Razul: just click done when ur run is finished and that is the indication for the next runner to go
- 02:19 Bumbledon: So we're all going to start with the race. The .done command from NG1, NG2 racers is just a key to the next racer to start. The official times will be when the NG3 racer hits done.
- 02:19 SewerHusk: Oh, so whenever Bumble clicks done that's all I need as a signal to go?
- 02:19 SewerHusk: Got'cha
- 02:19 SewerHusk: So Bumble, I will look here for your (.done) correct?
- 02:20 Bumbledon: Yep. It'll automatically happen, so I won't type anything, but my timer will finish.
- 02:20 Razul: ok...we are gonna start in one minute
- 02:21 Razul: about 45 seconds
- 02:21 Razul: 30 seconds
- 02:22 Razul: ok we are gonna start here in a moment
- 02:22 Razul: GL
- 02:22 F0ngers: run 100% moose
- 02:22 Razul: HF
- 02:22 Razul: HERE
- 02:22 Razul: WE
- 02:22 PensiveMoose: lmao I thought about doing 2-1 100%
- 02:22 Razul: GO
- 02:22 Razul#9723 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 02:22 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 02:34 PensiveMoose#8165 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:12:05!
- 02:35 F0ngers#1749 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:12:50!
- 02:35 F0ngers: killed tail lol
- 02:35 F0ngers: died in 4-1
- 02:36 F0ngers: GG moose
- 02:36 SewerHusk: GG
- 02:36 PensiveMoose: GG F0ng!
- 02:47 PeaJae#8784 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 0:24:47!
- 02:53 Bumbledon#9540 has finished in 4th place with a time of 0:30:58!
- 02:53 Razul: GGs Bumble
- 03:01 blagtheripper#4016 has finished in 5th place with a time of 0:38:34!
- 03:01 Bumbledon: GG top 15ers!
- 03:02 Razul: GGs 15ers!
- 03:02 Razul: at time!!!
- 03:02 Razul: great time!!!
- 03:03 blagtheripper: that might have been a PB?
- 03:03 blagtheripper: maybe just tied it?
- 03:05 Bumbledon: Either way, awesome race!
- 03:11 blagtheripper: GG everyone
- 03:12 SewerHusk#2621 has finished in 6th place with a time of 0:50:07!
- 03:12 Race finished in 0:50:07.9
- 03:13 Bumbledon: GG! Nice race everybody!
- 03:13 PensiveMoose: GGs!
- 03:14 SewerHusk: GGs!!!
- 03:14 SewerHusk: It was fun!!
- 03:15 Razul: GGs all
- 03:15 Razul: well done!