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- 00:16 Fabricator_General#9749 joins the race.
- 00:16 LickArcade#8649 joins the race.
- 00:16 LickArcade: I JOINEDEDEDED IT
- 00:17 TheRetroRunner#0288 joins the race.
- 00:17 TheRetroRunner: I forgot how to racetime lol. Crash course pls
- 00:17 blindusty#7731 joins the race.
- 00:17 Viggo Carpathian#2968 joins the race.
- 00:17 LickArcade: lmao do I need to have my twitch linked?
- 00:17 Viggo Carpathian: GL everyone
- 00:17 LickArcade: I defffff dont
- 00:17 Viggo Carpathian#2968 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 00:18 blindusty#7731 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 00:18 LickArcade#8649 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 00:18 duhhsty: still mashmashmash at 3.5 right?
- 00:18 Viggo Carpathian: ^
- 00:18 Viggo Carpathian: hey dusty, which button is 'mash'?
- 00:18 duhhsty: i think the down button ;)
- 00:19 duhhsty: start :p
- 00:19 SSR92#9056 joins the race.
- 00:19 SSR92#9056 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 00:19 blacksquall: reset mash at -3
- 00:19 Fabricator_General: *ATTENTION RACERS*
If you plan to delay your start press please add that time to your reset press (if you delay by 1 second, press reset with 4 seconds remaining)
KEEP RUNNING to completion. Do not DNF unless you choose to do so or IF A RACE ADMIN ASKS YOU TO DO SO (this may occur after the 15 minute mark).
KEEP THIS WINDOW OPEN – The next race room will be posted in this chat at or near the conclusion of the race.
- 00:20 duhhsty: roger, thanks
- 00:20 SSR92: ^
- 00:20 LickArcade: cool
- 00:23 TheRetroRunner#0288 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 00:23 Fabricator_General: just setting up the stream. will start shortly
- 00:25 Viggo Carpathian: yo my kids got bedtime soon, so i might not be able to make the last race.... :(
- 00:25 SSR92: : /
- 00:25 LickArcade: All points go to Lick
- 00:25 LickArcade: I think thats the rule
- 00:25 SSR92: ^
- 00:25 Viggo Carpathian: i had the hour blocked, dad% on the hour
- 00:25 duhhsty: i think i read that somewhere too
- 00:25 blacksquall: remember lick, retro runner wins group and you sweep him in the round of 8
- 00:25 blacksquall: it is the prophecy
- 00:25 Viggo Carpathian: LuL
- 00:26 blacksquall: j/k GL all!
- 00:26 LickArcade: BIGGGG kappa there
- 00:26 Fabricator_General: Broadcast coming back on now. will start momentarily
- 00:28 RetrophileTV: Ready on broadcast
- 00:28 Fabricator_General: *******60 SECONDS*******
- 00:28 Viggo Carpathian: my elbows are tingling
- 00:28 SSR92: I'm made of cheese
- 00:28 Viggo Carpathian: cottage?
- 00:28 SSR92: Nice brie
- 00:29 Fabricator_General: 30 SECONDS!!!
- 00:29 Viggo Carpathian: oh nice,
- 00:29 Fabricator_General#9749 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 00:29 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 00:29 Viggo Carpathian: GL
- 00:29 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 00:42 LickArcade#8649 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:12:39!
- 00:42 blacksquall: retro runner wins with 12:03
- 00:42 SSR92#9056 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:12:51!
- 00:42 LickArcade: Done 12:37
- 00:43 TheRetroRunner#0288 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 0:13:36!
- 00:43 TheRetroRunner: Whoooooops. I forgot to press done so uhhhh...
- 00:43 LickArcade: they'll adjust oot/
- 00:43 LickArcade: it*
- 00:43 blindusty#7731 has finished in 4th place with a time of 0:14:12!
- 00:43 SSR92: yeye
- 00:43 Fabricator_General:
- 00:43 Viggo Carpathian#2968 has finished in 5th place with a time of 0:14:18!
- 00:44 Fabricator_General#9749 has forfeited from the race.
- 00:44 Race finished in 0:14:30.6
- 00:44 Viggo Carpathian: rats
- 00:45 SSR92: ggs!
- 00:45 Viggo Carpathian: that is a pb for me :)
- 00:46 SSR92: Nice! Grats!
- 00:46 blacksquall: gratz vigo!!!!!!!!!!
- 02:00 Race set to not recorded by Fabricator_General#9749