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- 19:33 Lotus_RT#3699 joins the race.
- 19:33 DaxamLhant#2951 joins the race.
- 19:35 mashy#9949 joins the race.
- 19:37 Lotus_RT: Since we're likely going to be waiting on Ben to join, we'll want to accommodate their settings choice.
- 19:37 Harper#2481 joins the race.
- 19:38 Ben#2995 joins the race.
- 19:39 Ben: Oh hey haha
- 19:39 Ben: Lots of people today! This seems like a big race compared to average
- 19:39 Ben: I think I'm set up. I'm super rusty, and no doubt I will make a fool of myself as it's been a while since I've even thought about ages but I'm looking forward to playing ^^
- 19:40 Lotus_RT: The settings we normally use when Cross Items are not present are DT (Dungeons, Tree Warp) Ben. Will that work?
- 19:42 Ben: Yeah that's good for me!
- 19:42 Harper: we can still use the cross items version just for qol changes right
- 19:42 Ben: To clarify, that's dungeon shuffle right
- 19:42 Lotus_RT: D is Dungeon Shuffle, correct
- 19:42 Ben: Also maybe my old package on emotracker is out of date; but is hard vs normal logic still a thing?
- 19:42 Ben: I do have the dungeon shuffle pack
- 19:43 Lotus_RT: Correct, but we will not use Hard Mode for this
- 19:43 Ben: Alright then I think I'm good
- 19:43 Lotus_RT: The tricks can still be used, but they'll be out of logic
- 19:43 Ben: Alright yeah! Sounds familiar
- 19:44 Lotus_RT: @shieldon: I'm going to use the other randomizer with Tree Warp. I want to shuffle the music for my perspective, and that shuffle doesn't work with the Cross Items generator.
- 19:44 Lotus_RT: Unless everyone else wants to use it, in which case I'm fine with doing so
- 19:45 DaxamLhant: I'd like the auto-mermaid, but I'm fine with or without
- 19:45 Harper: yeah I'd personally prefer the qol changes
- 19:45 Lotus_RT: (I do understand the reason behind why you'd want to, since we can use it to skip the Harp playing and also use Currents on the time portals)
- 19:45 mashy: i don't mind either way
- 19:46 Lotus_RT: That's fine, I'll do so. In which case, the settings will just be random dungeons with Auto Mermaid suit. (No cross items)
- 19:46 mashy: the qol changes do help a lot more than randomizing the music
- 19:46 Ben: Wait what's auto mermaid? And I'm good with whatever
- 19:47 DaxamLhant: Auto mermaid makes holding down the button move you in mermaid suit
- 19:47 Lotus_RT: ^
- 19:47 Ben: Cool!
- 19:47 mashy: you hold the direction down instead of tapping the direction to move
- 19:48 Lotus_RT: @Ben: Something to also keep in mind with this generator: the double dungeon entrance case is present. Meaning the D2 entrances (past and present) may go to different dungeons
- 19:48 Lotus_RT: Also to note, you can't enter D7 in this without the Mermaid Suit
- 19:49 Ben: Alright yeah I remember that I think. I've watched randos of this a couple times since my last play
- 19:49 Ben: It'll still be a bit of a trainwreck but at least this should get me familiar again
- 19:49 Lotus_RT: The other version of the randomizer lets you enter D7 without it, but this version will not
- 19:50 Ben: How does it handle that?
- 19:50 Ben: Say if it's somewhere dry
- 19:50 Lotus_RT: The entrance to said dungeon will just drown you
- 19:50 Ben: Okay!
- 19:50 Lotus_RT: Unless you have the mermaid suit of course
- 19:51 Lotus_RT: The seed is posted
- 19:52 Ben: Okay I'm patched
- 19:53 Harper#2481 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 19:54 DaxamLhant#2951 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 19:55 Ben: Oh I'm nervous haha
- 19:55 Ben: I'm live, all set I think. Still going to aim to read on the hour if that's cool
- 19:55 Ben: Or a min before
- 19:55 Ben: Good luck!!
- 19:55 DaxamLhant: GLHF
- 19:56 Ben: Hopefully the tracker will keep me right lol
- 19:57 mashy#9949 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 19:59 Ben: I'm as ready as I'll ever be haha. Good luck!
- 19:59 Ben#2995 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 19:59 Lotus_RT: glhf everyone!
- 19:59 mashy: glhf
- 19:59 Harper: gl hf!
- 19:59 Lotus_RT#3699 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 19:59 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 20:00 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 20:49 Ben: Wait
- 20:49 Ben: You said tree warp is enabled
- 20:49 Ben: But holding start out of map isn't working for me D:
- 20:49 mashy: double tap select
- 20:50 Ben: ty
- 22:09 mashy#9949 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:09:03!
- 22:19 Harper#2481 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 2:18:57!
- 22:19 Harper: gg
- 22:19 mashy#9949 added a comment.
- 22:21 Harper#2481 added a comment.
- 22:25 Lotus_RT#3699 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 2:25:34!
- 22:25 mashy: gg
- 22:26 Lotus_RT: gg
- 22:40 DaxamLhant#2951 has finished in 4th place with a time of 2:40:00!
- 12:30 Ben#2995 has finished in 5th place with a time of 16:30:18!
- 12:30 Race finished in 16:30:18.3
- 12:31 Ben#2995 added a comment.
- 12:40 Ben#2995 changed their comment.
- 15:30 Race result recorded by mashy#9949