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- 16:21 Fleush: Jésus Marie Joseph.
- 16:21 P.Titou: Vous ici
- 16:21 Fleush: C'est quoi cet amas francophone sur cette catégorie si spécifique ?
- 16:22 ArthurOudini: vas y Join Fleush
- 16:22 ArthurOudini: fait pas genre t'as un truc à faire un dimanche soir
- 16:22 Yoyocarina: +1 Arthur
- 16:23 P.Titou: t'as le droit de le choper en enfant si tu veux Kappa
- 16:23 ArthurOudini: KEKW
- 16:26 Yoyocanari#5635 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 16:26 CountLG#6314 joins the race.
- 16:26 CountLG: gimme a few to setup
- 16:27 Hapenfors: Pog
- 16:29 PhilippeTitou#1325 is ready! (4 remaining)
- 16:29 Woli#1930 is ready! (3 remaining)
- 16:30 Fleush: Y a une route possible en enfant qui reste dans les règles ?
- 16:30 Woli: nop
- 16:30 Hapenfors#5331 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 16:30 ArthurOudini: t'as juste pas le droit de RBA
- 16:30 Fleush: Bon bah voilà, catégorie de merde.
- 16:30 ArthurOudini: mais sinon c'est faisable
- 16:31 Fleush: Y avait pas une histoire de ban le fait de WW direct dans la cinématique ?
- 16:31 Woli: si, ils ont ban ça
- 16:32 Woli: pas d'autres moyens que de faire les temples et d'aller a kak en adulte maintenant
- 16:32 Fleush: Je vois je vois.
- 16:32 ArthurOudini#1948 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 16:33 Yoyocarina: GL !!
- 16:33 Woli: GL :)
- 16:33 Hapenfors: GL HF ! :D
- 16:33 ArthurOudini: GL HF
- 16:33 ArthurOudini: left left right A left right down
- 16:33 P.Titou: HAPPY SINGING
- 16:33 Woli: zfgStudy
- 16:33 Fleush: Bon chançaj les bg.
- 16:34 Woli: cimer
- 16:34 P.Titou: Count vs France
- 16:34 Hapenfors: monkaS
- 16:34 Woli: KEKW
- 16:34 Yoyocarina: thanks Arthur j'avais zappé
- 16:34 CountLG#6314 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 16:34 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 16:35 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 16:41 ArthurOudini: anyone escaped yet ? Kappa
- 16:41 P.Titou: monkaS
- 16:41 Yoyocarina: 5.54....
- 16:41 Woli: lmao
- 16:41 Hapenfors: I'm doing deku rn
- 16:41 Woli: fire bk skip
- 16:41 P.Titou: got chus on adult anju
- 16:49 Hapenfors: peepoRun
- 16:50 ArthurOudini: 15:10 omegalul
- 16:51 P.Titou: N64 main sweating
- 16:51 Yoyocarina: 15:01 can we stop the race now ? :-)
- 17:00 Hapenfors: any 1/16 ?
- 17:08 Yoyocarina: Nope Hapenfors :-)
- 17:26 P.Titou: rip sub 110
- 17:26 Hapenfors: monkaS
- 17:28 CountLG#6314 has finished in 1st place with a time of 0:53:07!
- 17:28 Hapenfors: GG
- 17:28 P.Titou: gg
- 17:28 Woli: gg
- 17:28 CountLG: tyty!
- 17:29 Yoyocarina: GG !
- 17:29 ArthurOudini: deku sprout chatting
- 17:30 ArthurOudini: Really Happy
- 17:30 Hapenfors: happy chatting
- 17:30 Hapenfors: I died to Morpha KEKW
- 17:30 Hapenfors: 29:48 enter water into really happy fighting
- 17:32 Hapenfors#5331 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 0:57:04!
- 17:32 Woli#1930 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 0:57:11!
- 17:32 Yoyocarina: GG !
- 17:32 ArthurOudini: gg !
- 17:32 Hapenfors: monkaS
- 17:32 Woli: GG :D
- 17:32 Hapenfors: GG Woli :D
- 17:32 Woli: i was watching your stream, it was frame perfectly sync with my tv hapenfors at the end lmao
- 17:33 Hapenfors: omg :')
- 17:33 Yoyocanari#5635 has finished in 4th place with a time of 0:58:08!
- 17:33 Woli: messed up the water hover twice, otherwise it was ok
- 17:33 Hapenfors: Let's go yoyo Pog
- 17:33 Woli: gg yoyo !
- 17:33 Yoyocarina: thanks !!!!
- 17:33 Yoyocarina: GGS !
- 17:34 ArthurOudini#1948 has finished in 5th place with a time of 0:59:38!
- 17:34 Hapenfors: GG !
- 17:36 ArthurOudini: Titou t'es où ?
- 17:36 Yoyocarina: GG !
- 17:36 P.Titou: je finis
- 17:37 PhilippeTitou#1325 has finished in 6th place with a time of 1:02:17!
- 17:37 Race finished in 1:02:17.2
- 17:37 Woli: GG tout le monde
- 17:37 Yoyocarina: GG Titou !
- 17:40 Hapenfors: GG Titou :D
- 17:43 CountLG: ggs everyone thanks for racing o/
- 17:47 Fleush: Titou t'es nul.