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- 03:24 Lil_KyleYT: Pog
- 03:25 Valientlink#6110 added a comment: "lost a million years, but got glitchless dorf first try Pog"
- 03:25 Lil_KyleYT: Pog damn gg V
- 03:25 Franqly#5953 has finished in 3rd place with a time of 1:21:03!
- 03:25 CountLG#6314 added a comment: "YEP ROCK"
- 03:25 Franqly: gg
- 03:25 Lil_KyleYT: gg franqly
- 03:25 Valientlink: gg
- 03:25 HonkyMcButterball: gg
- 03:25 CountLG: GG FrankerZ
- 03:25 HonkyMcButterball: LACS here too
- 03:26 HonkyMcButterball: finally
- 03:26 HonkyMcButterball: died to first stalfos
- 03:26 HonkyMcButterball: his sword is really long
- 03:26 HonkyMcButterball: I had practically left the arena
- 03:26 Lil_KyleYT: Yeah, it’s a steak knife
- 03:27 Franqly#5953 added a comment: "escape 1min, guards 30s, hoverboots 1:20, mirror shield 1:20, rest was alright"
- 03:27 Lil_KyleYT#4420 added a comment: "Lost all bombs and was starting to loose interest"
- 03:27 HonkyMcButterball: I'm digging the bombs early thing thop
- 03:27 HonkyMcButterball: tho
- 03:28 Franqly: you should get n64. Now that's a grand ole time
- 03:28 CountLG: time to bust out hat n64 with prestige stick and actually save time from the route Kappa
- 03:28 HonkyMcButterball: I have an n64
- 03:28 HonkyMcButterball: and an ique
- 03:28 HonkyMcButterball: I'm good
- 03:28 Lil_KyleYT: Might try it
- 03:28 Franqly: at first, you'll say "this console is a piece of shit, look at that lag"
- 03:28 Franqly: and then
- 03:28 Lil_KyleYT: Run GSR on ique Kappa
- 03:28 HonkyMcButterball: I really like the way gameplay feels on N64 but I've never been able to get a feel for buffering
- 03:28 Valientlink: you'll continue saying that
- 03:28 Franqly: yep
- 03:29 Valientlink: Kappa
- 03:29 CountLG: lol
- 03:29 HonkyMcButterball: I ran a few categories on n64
- 03:29 Valientlink: i haaaaate the lag it's so bad
- 03:29 Lil_KyleYT: That’s why I moved to VC
- 03:29 Franqly: love hate relationship for sure
- 03:29 HonkyMcButterball: my ganonless Sum of Best was pretty decent
- 03:29 Lil_KyleYT: Indeed
- 03:30 HonkyMcButterball: and had a good run that got bug trolled before I finally gave up lo
- 03:30 HonkyMcButterball: l
- 03:30 CountLG: feelsbadman
- 03:30 Valientlink: lol I wasted a bunch of time farming bombs leaving kak and then wasted every single one of them by the time I got to gv
- 03:30 Lil_KyleYT: Well I’m gonna head out guys
- 03:30 HonkyMcButterball: same lol
- 03:30 Lil_KyleYT: It was fun for the amount that I raced
- 03:30 HonkyMcButterball: I had 17 leaving shadow and farmed twice for some reason
- 03:31 HonkyMcButterball: then failed 4 hesses
- 03:31 Lil_KyleYT: We all should run again sometime
- 03:31 Valientlink: I had 13 but that's fine for me if I just take out like isg superslide or something
- 03:31 Valientlink: definitely not worth the hands of rng
- 03:32 Valientlink: but I blame my controller glitching out at boatkey for me even farming in the first place
- 03:32 Franqly: steel stick letting you down?
- 03:33 CountLG: controller issues monkaS what happened exactly?
- 03:35 HonkyMcButterball: I've been thinking of selling my prestige controller actually
- 03:35 HonkyMcButterball: haven't quite decided though
- 03:39 camber2#1856 has forfeited from the race.
- 03:39 camber2: i scuffed too much of this run lmao
- 03:40 CountLG: rip, what was the final straw if you don't mind lol
- 03:40 HonkyMcButterball: dang
- 03:40 CountLG: thanks for racing tho, this was a lot of fun :)
- 03:40 camber2: well I had a horrible gate clip because it's a bit different with ess adapter, continued after that for a bit for funsies
- 03:40 camber2: it was fun racing tho :)
- 03:42 CountLG: ah yeah typical spirit section then, gg regardless <3
- 03:42 camber2: ggs!! :)
- 03:45 HonkyMcButterball: sub 2 incoming
- 03:46 Big Salt#9432 has finished in 4th place with a time of 1:41:25!
- 03:46 CountLG: GG Salt
- 03:46 Big Salt: thanks. golded my dorf fight so that was pretty pog
- 03:46 Big Salt: and i have some timesave if i don't get isg for the final slash Kappa
- 03:46 Big Salt: KEKW
- 03:47 CountLG: KEWK
- 03:47 Franqly: gg
- 03:47 camber2: gg salt Pog
- 03:47 Big Salt: thanks everyone
- 03:47 Big Salt: tried the new spirit bk skip. failed it inside twice
- 03:48 HonkyMcButterball#9890 has finished in 5th place with a time of 1:43:26!
- 03:48 Race finished in 1:43:26.6
- 03:48 Big Salt: died to nabooru but got the cs skip, first time in a run
- 03:48 HonkyMcButterball: I died to dorf
- 03:48 HonkyMcButterball: died at void warp trying to double kiss
- 03:49 HonkyMcButterball: fought ganon with hookshot
- 03:49 camber2: gg honky!
- 03:49 HonkyMcButterball: and HESSed around for a bit before the final slash Kappa
- 03:49 HonkyMcButterball: thx camber
- 03:49 HonkyMcButterball: what a run
- 03:50 Big Salt: damn why didn't i think of that... oh nvm i was bomb perfect Kappa
- 03:50 HonkyMcButterball: I ran out of bombs and then filled up during the ganon fight
- 03:50 Big Salt: galaxy brain
- 03:50 Big Salt: KEKW
- 03:51 HonkyMcButterball: for void warp part 3 weSmart
- 03:51 Franqly: gg all, cya later
- 03:51 camber2: see yall!
- 03:51 CountLG: gg guys
- 03:52 CountLG: peace
- 03:52 Big Salt: later
- 03:52 Big Salt: GGs everyone
- 04:04 Valientlink: later
- 05:38 Race result recorded by scaramanga#7168