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- 01:38 norinatto invites tsundererar#8323 to join the race.
- 01:38 norinatto invites CountLG#6314 to join the race.
- 01:40 CountLG#6314 accepts an invitation to join.
- 01:41 norinatto: o/
- 01:41 CountLG: yo :)
- 01:41 norinatto: Just to let you know, the person who signed up to commentate is currently offline but said they would be available so fingers crossed
- 01:42 CountLG: yeah dw Phlo will be here, she probably woke up not too long ago lol
- 01:43 norinatto: I pinged her. She answered. Then went back offline
- 01:43 tsundererar#8323 accepts an invitation to join.
- 01:44 tsundererar: hello good morning xd
- 01:44 norinatto: o/
- 01:44 CountLG: hey morning Kappa
- 01:44 CountLG: kinda like morning for me since I only got up at 5pm haha
- 01:44 norinatto: Still waiting for your commentator, but the restream will be on ZSR2:
- 01:44 CountLG: awesome
- 01:45 norinatto: Will you both have clean game audio for the restream?
- 01:45 norinatto joins the race.
- 01:45 CountLG: yeah, both of us are no mic-ers :p
- 01:45 norinatto: Joining for gatekeeping purposes
- 01:46 norinatto: thanks!
- 01:50 norinatto: tsundererar, when will you be going live?
- 01:51 norinatto: Hyphlopod is good to go
- 01:53 norinatto: Will you both be ready to start at the top of the hour?
- 01:54 tsundererar: sorry I forgot press start ilve FailFish
- 01:54 tsundererar: I just started
- 01:55 norinatto: Thanks!
- 02:01 norinatto: Will you both be ready in about 3 minutes?
- 02:02 tsundererar: I'm ready, can i press the button
- 02:02 norinatto: We're going live with a 3 minute countdown. I'll give time warnings and quit out to start the race
- 02:02 norinatto: Good luck to both of you!
- 02:02 tsundererar: I'm worry about accidentally race started lol
- 02:03 norinatto: Sure. You can ready up after I quit out then if that works better fo ryou
- 02:04 norinatto: 2 minutes
- 02:04 tsundererar#8323 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 02:04 norinatto: However, I will double check with both of you before I quit out of the race to be sure
- 02:05 norinatto: We'll be doing an intro first anyways
- 02:05 norinatto: 1 minute
- 02:05 CountLG: alright I'm on file select :)
- 02:05 CountLG#6314 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 02:05 norinatto: perfect
- 02:05 norinatto: 30 secs
- 02:05 CountLG: good luck tsundere FrankerZ let's have a good race
- 02:06 norinatto: GLHF!
- 02:06 tsundererar: GLHF!
- 02:06 norinatto: Should be a very hype match tonight!
- 02:06 norinatto: almost live
- 02:07 norinatto: We are live
- 02:07 norinatto: Are you both ready?
- 02:07 tsundererar: ya
- 02:07 CountLG: I'm ready
- 02:07 norinatto: Let's go!
- 02:07 norinatto quits the race.
- 02:07 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 02:08 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 02:08 CountLG: GLHF Pog
- 03:26 CountLG#6314 has finished in 1st place with a time of 1:18:10!
- 03:26 norinatto: GG, CountLG! Will you be joining for an interview?
- 03:27 CountLG: I'll be in chat, no mic
- 03:27 norinatto: kk. Sounds good
- 03:27 norinatto: Thanks and congrats!
- 03:29 tsundererar#8323 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 1:21:17!
- 03:29 Race finished in 1:21:17.2
- 03:29 norinatto: GG, tsundererar! Will you be joining in chat for any questoins?
- 03:31 norinatto: GGs to both of you!
- 03:33 tsundererar#8323 added a comment: "troll seamed"
- 03:33 tsundererar: thank you for racing! Kappa
- 03:33 CountLG: yeah thank you too
- 03:33 CountLG: had fun :)
- 03:33 CountLG: good luck with your next races
- 09:25 Race result recorded by scaramanga#7168