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- 22:16 Xanra#1593 added a comment: "Pretty happy with my time, failed forest cs skip though amongst other things"
- 22:17 MikeKatz45#5645 added a comment: "failed forest med cs skip, serenade cs skip, forgot fire arrows for foest trial, but other than that it was ok considering some goals were new for me"
- 22:18 TreZc0_: gg xanra
- 22:18 TreZc0_: interview?
- 22:18 MatttInTheHat#9918 has finished in 8th place with a time of 3:08:56!
- 22:19 TreZc0_: gg
- 22:19 Xanra: sure :)
- 22:20 adef: I'm missing two keys in gtg as adult...does the eye puzzle take you to more?
- 22:20 adef: I don't have SOT
- 22:21 juwk: matt PogU
- 22:21 MatttInTheHat: i memed myself for the first 1h30 idk how im not last tbh
- 22:22 xwillmarktheplace#9143 has finished in 9th place with a time of 3:12:10!
- 22:22 PsyMarth#8881 has finished in 10th place with a time of 3:12:10!
- 22:22 xwillmarktheplace: omg
- 22:22 MatttInTheHat: lol
- 22:22 MikeKatz45: the eye gives you two keys
- 22:22 PsyMarth: lmao
- 22:22 MikeKatz45: adef
- 22:22 xwillmarktheplace: spent 10 minutes thinking about bottel contents
- 22:22 PsyMarth: I fell in forest trial rip
- 22:22 TreZc0_: gg!
- 22:23 PsyMarth: I forgot fairy was a thing and got the 1/3 big poe
- 22:23 TreZc0_: xwill did you stop marking goals?^^
- 22:23 PsyMarth: I have 10 hearts
- 22:23 xwillmarktheplace#9143 added a comment: "my mind cant handle thinking about so many things at once lmfao. forgot dins so did child 3 and bottled contents took me 10 years"
- 22:23 xwillmarktheplace: yeah ill mark the last ferw
- 22:23 TreZc0_: all good :)
- 22:23 xwillmarktheplace: it was too complicated then
- 22:23 xwillmarktheplace: lol
- 22:23 TreZc0_: feel free to join for interview folks
- 22:24 PsyMarth#8881 added a comment: "trash"
- 22:24 MikeKatz45: yeah your head explodes with these xwill lol
- 22:24 MikeKatz45: it becomes a lot easier after like three or so blackouts
- 22:24 MatttInTheHat#9918 added a comment: "row12345col12345tlbrbltr"
- 22:25 TreZc0_: one more :) 3 boss keys
- 22:27 QuickKiran#6600 has finished in 11th place with a time of 3:17:28!
- 22:27 QuickKiran: bad execution
- 22:27 QuickKiran#6600 added a comment: "bad execution :("
- 22:28 Lake_oot#5453 has finished in 12th place with a time of 3:18:01!
- 22:28 scaramanga#7168 has finished in 13th place with a time of 3:18:34!
- 22:28 Lake_oot#5453 added a comment: "pretty nice for first blackout"
- 22:29 scaramanga#7168 added a comment: "Lost sub 3 to being dumb at RBA :("
- 22:29 Runnerguy2489#0756 added a comment: "hearts routing hurts my brain"
- 22:29 TreZc0_: scara wins, he did 28 goals :)
- 22:30 xwillmarktheplace: ^
- 22:31 xwillmarktheplace: Kappa
- 22:31 xwillmarktheplace: and yeah mike
- 22:32 Timato#9319 has finished in 14th place with a time of 3:22:07!
- 22:32 TreZc0_: GG
- 22:32 Timato: GGs :)
- 22:34 shaggy#1594 added a comment: "pretty good blackout, no massive mistakes"
- 22:37 AverageGreg#0911 has finished in 15th place with a time of 3:27:39!
- 22:38 LiterallyLake: thanks for organizing this guys, was fun :)
- 22:39 AverageGreg#0911 added a comment: "i continue to suck at routing, fun race though :)"
- 22:39 Fleush: Congrats Greg!
- 22:40 AverageGreg: thanks, gg everyone!
- 22:41 JFM2796: deleted fw >_<
- 22:50 Davpat#0032 has finished in 16th place with a time of 3:40:53!
- 22:51 blinkzy#4162 has finished in 17th place with a time of 3:41:51!
- 22:54 JFM2796#9524 has finished in 18th place with a time of 3:44:35!
- 22:55 JFM2796#9524 added a comment: "certainly got me out of my comfort zone with bingo"
- 22:55 JFM2796: gg everyone
- 22:59 Runnerguy2489: gg!
- 23:02 scaramanga: almost four hours in no forfeit yet đŸ˜®
- 23:05 Alaris#7080 has finished in 19th place with a time of 3:55:09!
- 23:06 Fleush: ggz
- 23:06 Alaris: was a fun hundo race
- 23:11 Fleush: LUL
- 23:12 Timato#9319 added a comment: "failed forest poe cs skip a bunch of times and 30 skulls is kinda hard"
- 23:15 xwillmarktheplace: 30 skulls is so many dude lol
- 23:16 AverageGreg: really wish i got suns
- 23:16 AverageGreg: i was gonna get it after shadow
- 23:16 xwillmarktheplace: yeah can def be worth
- 23:16 adef#6679 has finished in 20th place with a time of 4:06:27!
- 23:16 AverageGreg: but then thought "nah i'll be fine"
- 23:16 xwillmarktheplace: gg adef!
- 23:16 adef: thanks!
- 23:16 adef: super fun card
- 23:16 scaramanga: gg :)
- 23:16 adef: only had to learn a few new strats
- 23:17 AverageGreg: gg :)
- 23:17 adef: thanks for organizing, trez, scara!
- 23:17 adef: hope it raised some good money!
- 23:18 CoffeePot#0207 has finished in 21st place with a time of 4:08:19!
- 23:18 Fleush: gg boiz
- 23:20 Condor#8321 has finished in 22nd place with a time of 4:10:07!
- 23:20 CoffeePot#0207 added a comment: "thanks for the fun race :)"
- 23:25 DobbyDigital: Does empty bottle count for "7 different bottled contents"?
- 23:28 P.Titou: no
- 23:30 linky628#4894 has finished in 23rd place with a time of 4:19:59!
- 23:54 DobbyDigital#3319 has finished in 24th place with a time of 4:44:54!
- 23:55 P.Titou: gg
- 23:56 Link11#5320 has finished in 25th place with a time of 4:46:36!
- 00:02 Nalle#4098 has finished in 26th place with a time of 4:52:07!
- 00:02 Race finished in 4:52:07.7
- 00:02 P.Titou: gg everyone
- 00:04 Nalle: GGS
- 00:24 Link11#5320 added a comment: "played like shit, still a fun race"
- 00:29 Fleush: Congrats everyone.
- 06:16 Race result recorded by scaramanga#7168