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- 13:30 Mido: Welcome to this Brackets Semi-Final race! Learn more about the event at
- 13:30 Mido: This race is being restreamed in English at and in French at — auto-start is disabled. Restreamers can use “!ready” once the restream is ready. Auto-start will be unlocked once all restreams are ready.
- 13:30 Race opened automatically by Mido
- 13:30 Mido invites Yoyocarina#2131 to join the race.
- 13:30 Mido invites WoodenBarrel#8485 to join the race.
- 13:30 Mido: Fair play agreement is active for this official race. Entrants may use the !fpa command during the race to notify of a crash. Race monitors (if any) should enable notifications using the bell 🔔 icon below chat.
- 13:30 Mido invites TobiasG_91 to join the race.
- 13:30 Mido promoted TobiasG_91 to race monitor.
- 13:30 Mido removes TobiasG_91 from the race.
- 13:30 Mido invites Aosuna#6959 to join the race.
- 13:30 Mido promoted Aosuna#6959 to race monitor.
- 13:30 Mido removes Aosuna#6959 from the race.
- 13:30 Mido: Your S8 seed will be posted in 15 minutes.
- 13:30 WoodenBarrel#8485 accepts an invitation to join.
- 13:33 Aosuna: o7
- 13:34 TobiasG_91: HashFrog
- 13:34 TobiasG_91: heyooo
- 13:37 WoodenBarrel: Morning
- 13:37 Yoyocarina#2131 accepts an invitation to join.
- 13:37 Yoyocarina: hello hello
- 13:41 SeYsEy: Hey, gl to both of you !
- 13:41 Yoyocarina: thanks Seysey
- 13:42 TobiasG_91: Barrel, you said you'd prefer not to have clean audio. Yoyo, can you have clean audio?
- 13:42 WoodenBarrel: Yo thanks Seysey
- 13:42 WoodenBarrel: Yeah i prefer to not have clean audio if possible
- 13:45 Mido: @entrants Here is your seed:
- 13:45 Mido: HashGoldScale HashBow HashCucco HashSilvers HashStoneOfAgony
- 13:45 Mido: Please note that this seed is password protected. You will receive the password to start a file ingame as soon as the countdown starts.
- 13:45 Mido updated the race information.
- 13:46 Yoyocarina: i have clean audio yes sorry for the late answer
- 13:46 TobiasG_91: perfect, thanks
- 13:47 Aosuna: nice thx Yoyo
- 13:47 Aosuna: quick reminder: don't forget to show your emu settings before the start
- 13:48 Aosuna: GLHF, fyi i'll write !ready at xx:00
- 13:55 Mido: @entrants Remember to show your emulator settings!
- 13:59 Yoyocarina: GLHF !
- 13:59 Yoyocarina#2131 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 13:59 WoodenBarrel: GLHF
- 13:59 WoodenBarrel#8485 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 14:00 TobiasG_91: alright, en restream's ready - glhf!
- 14:00 Aosuna: !ready
- 14:00 Mido: Restream ready, still waiting for other restreams.
- 14:00 TobiasG_91: !ready
- 14:00 Mido: All restreams ready, unlocking auto-start…
- 14:00 Mido set a new goal: Standard Ruleset
- 14:00 Everyone is ready. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 14:00 Mido: This seed is password protected. To start a file, enter this password on the file select screen:
NoteA NoteCleft NoteCright NoteCdown NoteCup NoteCleft
You are allowed to enter the password before the race starts.
- 14:00 Mido updated the race information.
- 14:00 Aosuna: GLHF
- 14:00 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 16:52 WoodenBarrel#8485 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:51:25!
- 16:52 TobiasG_91: gg both!
- 16:52 Yoyocarina: GG
- 16:52 Yoyocarina#2131 has forfeited from the race.
- 16:52 Race finished in 2:51:38.2
- 16:52 WoodenBarrel: GG
- 16:52 Yoyocarina: Have to climb Ganon Castle
- 16:52 WoodenBarrel: I was dumb and shoulda finished like 30 minutes ago
- 16:52 WoodenBarrel: My go mode was Rutos and i spaced on getting claim check
- 16:52 TobiasG_91: do you want to join us for an interview?
- 16:52 Yoyocarina: did you have the biggoron hint ?
- 16:53 TobiasG_91: neither of you did
- 16:53 Yoyocarina: ok ok
- 16:53 WoodenBarrel: Nah just hint logic wise i new rutos had to be silvers locked
- 16:53 WoodenBarrel: Or at least thats what i assumed
- 16:53 WoodenBarrel: Also sure on interview
- 16:53 TobiasG_91: yay
- 16:53 Yoyocarina: i am not able to have a conversation in english sorry Tobias
- 16:54 Yoyocarina: GG Barrel see you in round 2
- 16:54 Yoyocarina: Ao je peux passer en vitesse si tu veux
- 16:54 Aosuna: yep go
- 16:56 TobiasG_91: pas de problem. bonne chance a round #2!
- 02:44 Race result recorded by Kakashi