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- 21:30 Mido: Welcome to this Bracket Semifinals race! Learn more about the event at
- 21:45 Mido updated the race information.
- 21:46 Star1468: thanks!
- 21:46 Star1468: going to afk for a few min, will be back to set you off (autostart's off)
- 21:48 Gavaroni: mine should be clean as well
- 21:58 Star1468: and I'm back, thanks gav
- 21:58 Gavaroni: wb
- 21:58 Star1468: can you guys join the race VCs?
- 21:58 Gavaroni#9139 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 22:01 Star1468: WTHH everything good on your end?
- 22:01 WTHH: yeah ok ready
- 22:01 Gavaroni: glhf gamer
- 22:01 WTHH: gl hf dude!
- 22:01 Star1468: you also need to turn emote-only on
- 22:02 WTHH: yeah all good
- 22:02 Star1468: (WTHH that is, gav you're fine on chat)
- 22:02 WTHH#3353 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 22:02 Star1468: I can still type in your chat atm WTHH and I'm not one of your mods (sorry to be a pain but do need to check)
- 22:03 Star1468: ah now I see it, thanks
- 22:03 Star1468: GL HF!
- 22:03 Star1468#7969 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 22:03 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 23:13 Gavaroni: gonna be a weird minimize in like 12 misn hd a pc notif but it was just obs telling me I'm out of space to record
- 23:13 Gavaroni: just fyi for stream
- 00:07 Star1468: I totally missed this message lol and didn't notice an issue on restream, you're fine
- 00:08 Gavaroni: kk lol
- 00:22 Gavaroni#9139 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:19:00!
- 00:22 WTHH#3353 has forfeited from the race.
- 00:22 Race finished in 2:19:08.8
- 00:22 WTHH: ggs
- 00:23 WTHH: just got to dorf
- 00:23 Gavaroni: ggs
- 00:23 Star1468: GG!
- 00:23 Gavaroni: finally got one off you lmfao
- 00:23 Star1468: lmfao
- 00:23 Gavaroni: fuck on dorf too
- 00:23 Gavaroni: I assume you probably did spirit stuff?
- 00:24 WTHH: nah
- 00:24 Star1468: atm on restream you're both in water, neither of you touched Spirit
- 00:24 Gavaroni: oh kk
- 00:24 Gavaroni: I feel less bad then haha
- 00:24 WTHH: did you do hookless gtg?
- 00:24 Gavaroni: you also did jabu/dc then?
- 00:24 Gavaroni: yeah I did
- 00:24 WTHH: i didnt lol
- 00:24 Gavaroni: considered bailing at hook but I full cleared
- 00:24 WTHH: yeah
- 00:25 Star1468: wthh had no shield to ground jump for GTG :(
- 00:25 Star1468: you guys were both there around the same time
- 00:25 Gavaroni: wooow
- 00:25 Gavaroni: I got one from dampe digging
- 00:25 WTHH: i got it after
- 00:25 Gavaroni: did a pretty much full clear in child 1
- 00:25 Star1468: I've got notes to talk about that in interview lol
- 00:25 Star1468: speaking of, don't want to spoil too much here - want to join us in a bit?
- 00:25 Gavaroni: sure
- 00:25 WTHH: yeah
- 00:26 Star1468: and uh... should probably schedule g3
- 00:26 Gavaroni: fuck tru
- 00:26 Gavaroni: here me out we agree to both win and co op vs the other semi winner
- 00:26 Gavaroni: hear even
- 00:27 Gavaroni: ez money
- 00:27 Star1468: xD
- 00:28 Star1468: anyhow have at scheduling for a bit while restream catches up (I'm really curious where those lights are)
- 00:29 WTHH: what's the final day we can play?
- 00:29 Star1468: saturday is the deadline we stuck on the sheet
- 00:30 WTHH: i can't really do friday but i can do saturday? like 4pm and later
- 00:31 WTHH: you weren't available tomorrow right?
- 00:31 Gavaroni: Saturday should work for me
- 00:31 Gavaroni: I realistically could be if we have to. I raid in wow and we raid tomorrow, I could ditch it would be pretty lame tho
- 00:31 Gavaroni: but if you can't play saturday we can do that
- 00:31 WTHH: nah lets do saturday then
- 00:32 Gavaroni: cool
- 00:32 Gavaroni: anytime works for me really
- 00:32 Gavaroni: the earlier the better I guess but I don't have plans regardless so
- 00:32 Gavaroni: w.e works for you
- 00:32 WTHH: so 4pm good?
- 00:32 Gavaroni: est?
- 00:32 Gavaroni: I assume
- 00:32 WTHH: i'l be away on friday and coming back the next day in the afternoon
- 00:32 WTHH: yeah
- 00:32 Gavaroni: ye 4 est is fine
- 00:32 WTHH: ok nice
- 00:32 Gavaroni: and kk if that's like right when you get home we can push it back a bit if you need
- 00:32 Gavaroni: dc
- 00:33 Gavaroni: idc*
- 00:33 WTHH: nah i'll get there around noon-1pm
- 00:33 Gavaroni: oh kk
- 00:33 WTHH: gonna have a bit of a buffer to eat
- 00:33 Gavaroni: sounds good
- 00:33 Star1468: sounds good
- 00:34 Gavaroni: can you put it on schedule star lol
- 00:35 Star1468: done lol
- 00:35 Gavaroni: tyty
- 00:37 WTHH: do we get a link