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- 19:38 baseball: love an all vc room <3
- 19:38 baseball: thanks!
- 19:40 baseball: seed will be put here in about 5 min
- 19:42 Jaybone25: i jumped in 3-1
- 19:42 baseball: gamer
- 19:42 baseball: thanks
- 19:42 baseball: was gonna remind after seed but ill do it now
- 19:43 baseball: please join the tourney vocal channel 3-2 in the OOTR discord when you get the chance gsk8 in case i need to chat w u about fpa (:
- 19:44 Jaybone25: alright that was new just screwing around on practice rom and megaflipped through a wall in fire
- 19:44 baseball: a .. solid wall?
- 19:44 Jaybone25: yes
- 19:44 baseball: good
- 19:45 baseball: HashFrog
- 19:45 Jaybone25: just watch when my stream goes live you'll see it eventually lol
- 19:45 baseball: !seed s6
- 19:45 RandoBot: baseball, here is your seed:
- 19:45 RandoBot updated the race information.
- 19:45 baseball: lol i will
- 19:45 RandoBot updated the race information.
- 19:45 baseball: ok gamers auto start is off, i will start the race manually (:
- 19:45 baseball: if you need to call fpa, pls type !fpa here in rt chat or shoot me a dm on discord
- 19:48 Jaybone25: fyi baseball my capture card has been acting up (it might actually be obs) but my feed just will randomly freeze till i refresh the source
- 19:48 Jaybone25: im watching for it
- 19:48 Jaybone25: but if it happens let me know, at least only 20 min will be gone
- 19:48 baseball: ok will do!! ty for the heads up
- 19:50 Jaybone25: just sucks cause audio doesn't freeze
- 19:50 Jaybone25: but feed does
- 19:50 baseball: lol well we will hear what youre doing at least
- 19:50 Jaybone25: so it affects my local recording too :(
- 19:50 baseball: oh rip
- 19:52 baseball: please confirm that your hash matches the one in the description since i cant see HashFrog
- 19:53 gsk8: its fine for me^^
- 19:53 baseball: yay!
- 19:56 gsk8: restream is zsr 1 or 2 ?
- 19:56 baseball: zsr1
- 19:56 gsk8: ty
- 19:58 gsk8#0424 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 19:59 Jaybone25#6542 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 19:59 Jaybone25: alright gl hf
- 19:59 baseball: alright we will go right at :00
- 19:59 gsk8: gl hf =)
- 20:00 baseball: glhf HashFrog
- 20:00 baseball#3893 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 20:00 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 23:23 gsk8#0424 has finished in 1st place with a time of 3:23:14!
- 23:23 Jaybone25: ggs
- 23:23 Jaybone25#6542 has forfeited from the race.
- 23:23 Race finished in 3:23:20.2
- 23:23 Jaybone25: where is the other str lol
- 23:23 baseball: gg!
- 23:23 gsk8: ggs
- 23:23 baseball: open grotto
- 23:23 Jaybone25: fml
- 23:24 baseball: would either or both of you like to join for an interview when restream catches up?
- 23:24 Jaybone25: literally have field and ice left so prob was doing field next : /
- 23:24 Jaybone25: yeah i'll be there
- 23:24 baseball: (: yay
- 23:28 gsk8: i'll probably be there aswell
- 23:28 baseball: ok yay (:
- 23:28 gsk8: sorry jaybone, missing that strenght is terrible for this seed, open grotto had the AD hint too
- 23:30 Jaybone25: i mean i figured out ad the second i got requiem
- 23:30 Jaybone25: but yeah not a great one to miss
- 23:31 Jaybone25: i also never had a 30 skull hint to blind pulled hovers
- 23:31 gsk8: it was at medigoron and i don't think i found the other
- 23:31 gsk8: what a crazy seed lmao
- 23:32 Jaybone25: lol yeah, i mean when i got the LA hint i pretty much said i needa go to gtg and check behind str2
- 23:33 Jaybone25: cause if its just available in a low sphere check im prob screwed anyways
- 23:33 Jaybone25: i was gonna do gtg -> ice, 2 big chests in gtg behind str2 lol
- 23:34 gsk8: did you get big poe bottle ?
- 23:34 Jaybone25: yeah
- 23:35 Jaybone25: ran there and grabbed it with the rang at one point
- 23:35 gsk8: yea same
- 23:35 Jaybone25: i didn't have a ranged wep when i did night kak and i suck at that jump slash
- 23:35 gsk8: i felt so dumb cause ui had bigpoe hint
- 23:35 Jaybone25: so figured its 2 skulls + the bottle
- 23:35 Jaybone25: yeah...
- 23:36 Jaybone25: did you ahve to go back to goron city for the hammer?
- 23:37 gsk8: yes
- 23:37 Jaybone25: once i found all those items it was obv that the str wasn't the path
- 23:37 gsk8: i actually did 3 trip gc child LOL
- 23:37 Jaybone25: so had to make a sad trip back there too
- 23:37 Jaybone25: ah i only did 2
- 23:37 gsk8: i got hammer pretty late
- 23:37 Jaybone25: i thought i was doing so well, got that domain path of barinade, found rang in deku thought man this routes going to work out. Decided to dive out of domain before doing it since the route was going to end in fountain
- 23:37 Jaybone25: find out haha nope
- 23:38 gsk8: i checked evrything behind iron and str2 before darunia
- 23:38 Jaybone25: if i do lake AFTER domain i prob get the grotto
- 23:40 baseball: ok gsk8 you are on the ganondorf fight, i will drag u/jay in when ganon goes down (if u decide to join us of course (: no worries if not)
- 23:40 gsk8: yea i was so pissed when i found out about paradoxal letter lol
- 23:40 baseball: wait
- 23:40 baseball: alsmot!
- 23:40 gsk8: sure i'm down
- 23:41 baseball: ok now u are fighting ganondorf lol
- 05:14 Race result recorded by Jimbo