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- 14:01 BleedingBlue11#8607 invites rollo#5737 to join the race.
- 14:01 RandoBot: Welcome to OoTR! Create a seed with !seed <preset>
- 14:01 RandoBot: If no preset is selected, weekly settings will be used. Use !spoilerseed to generate a seed with a spoiler log.
- 14:01 RandoBot: For a list of presets, use !presets
- 14:01 BleedingBlue11#8607 invites MojoMobius#5792 to join the race.
- 14:02 BleedingBlue11#8607 joins the race.
- 14:03 BleedingBlue11: !lock
- 14:03 RandoBot: Lock initiated. I will now only roll seeds for race monitors.
- 14:15 MojoMobius#5792 accepts an invitation to join.
- 14:17 BleedingBlue11: Hi Mojo, GL
- 14:18 MojoMobius: Hi! Thanks!
- 14:38 rollo#5737 accepts an invitation to join.
- 14:38 rollo: Morning everyone!
- 14:38 MojoMobius: Morning!
- 14:38 BleedingBlue11: Good morning! GL Rollo
- 14:38 BleedingBlue11: !fpa on
- 14:38 RandoBot: Fair play agreement is now active. @entrants may use the !fpa command during the race to notify of a crash. Race monitors should enable notifications using the bell đŸ”” icon below chat.
- 14:38 BleedingBlue11: Either of you have any questions about FPA?
- 14:39 MojoMobius: Not that I can think of.
- 14:40 rollo: Same here
- 14:40 BleedingBlue11: Just either use the command or DM me on Discord if something comes up and you need to invoke it. If your opponent does invoke it, please continue playing until I contact you just in case it's a non-covered situation like a known softlock
- 14:41 BleedingBlue11: And of course please be in your respective VCs at all times
- 14:42 MojoMobius: Sounds good.
- 14:42 BleedingBlue11: What platforms do you guys play on?
- 14:42 MojoMobius: Retroarch
- 14:42 MojoMobius: So I should show the settings thing once I'm live?
- 14:42 BleedingBlue11: Yes please
- 14:43 rollo: Bizhawk
- 14:43 rollo: I have fps and inputs visible
- 14:43 BleedingBlue11: Okay, you should be good then
- 14:44 BleedingBlue11: Seed in 2 mins, GL again both of you
- 14:44 MojoMobius: Thanks! And thanks for monitoring.
- 14:45 BleedingBlue11: !seed scrub
- 14:45 RandoBot: BleedingBlue11, here is your seed:
- 14:45 RandoBot updated the race information.
- 14:45 rollo: Thank you!
- 14:48 BleedingBlue11: Thanks Mojo, looks good
- 14:51 rollo#5737 is ready! (2 remaining)
- 14:54 MojoMobius#5792 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 14:54 BleedingBlue11: Rollo, just need you to join your VC before we can start
- 14:54 BleedingBlue11: TY. Both of you good to start early?
- 14:54 MojoMobius: I'm good whenever.
- 14:55 rollo: Yeah I'm good to go
- 14:55 BleedingBlue11: Okay. GLHF
- 14:55 BleedingBlue11#8607 quits the race.
- 14:55 BleedingBlue11#8607 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 15 seconds!
- 14:55 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 19:13 rollo#5737 has finished in 1st place with a time of 4:17:21!
- 19:13 BleedingBlue11: GG Rollo
- 19:13 rollo: ty
- 19:13 BleedingBlue11: Insanely close race
- 19:15 rollo#5737 added a comment.
- 19:16 BleedingBlue11: Vanilla BGS got me too, that was funny
- 19:16 MojoMobius#5792 has finished in 2nd place with a time of 4:20:46!
- 19:16 Race finished in 4:20:47.0
- 19:16 rollo: GG MojoMobius!
- 19:16 BleedingBlue11: GG Mojo
- 19:16 MojoMobius: BGS made me laugh too
- 19:16 MojoMobius: GG
- 19:17 BleedingBlue11: That was really fun to watch guys. Good luck to both of you in round 2
- 19:17 MojoMobius: Thanks!
- 19:18 rollo: Thanks for monitoring, and good luck to both of you in your next races
- 19:18 MojoMobius: You too!
- 19:18 BleedingBlue11: No problem! Thanks
- 01:14 Race result recorded by ArthurOudini#1948