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- 11:23 Velvet#0843 invites kirbyfan9000#6437 to join the race.
- 11:23 Velvet#0843 invites Trilobytes#0054 to join the race.
- 11:23 Velvet: !lock
- 11:23 Velvet: !fpa on
- 11:23 RandoBot: Welcome to OoTR! All rolled seeds comply with the laws of thermodynamics.
- 11:23 Velvet: cmon bot, wake up
- 11:24 kirbyfan9000#6437 accepts an invitation to join.
- 11:28 Trilobytes#0054 accepts an invitation to join.
- 11:28 Trilobytes: Hi everyone
- 11:28 Trilobytes: just eating, gonna be slow typing for a sec
- 11:29 Velvet: np, cant be any slower than the bot, where is he?
- 11:29 kirbyfan9000: no worries
- 11:29 kirbyfan9000: !fpa on
- 11:29 RandoBot: Sorry kirbyfan9000, only race monitors can do that.
- 11:29 Velvet: !lock
- 11:29 RandoBot: Lock initiated. I will now only roll seeds for race monitors.
- 11:29 Velvet: ...
- 11:29 Velvet: fine
- 11:29 Velvet: !fpa on
- 11:29 RandoBot: Fair play agreement is now active. @entrants may use the !fpa command during the race to notify of a crash. Race monitors should enable notifications using the bell 🔔 icon below chat.
- 11:29 kirbyfan9000: RandoBot being persistent
- 11:29 BronzeNoob: My guess would be that all invitees must be in the raceroom first ;-)
- 11:30 BronzeNoob: glhf, I will be watching HashFrog
- 11:30 Velvet: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- 11:30 kirbyfan9000: HashFrog
- 11:31 Trilobytes: thanks Bronze
- 11:37 Velvet: either of you willing to donate your audio for restream?
- 11:37 kirbyfan9000: I will have clean audio
- 11:37 Velvet: HashHeart
- 11:38 Trilobytes: Mine's just the default music shuffle. Kirby's will probably be more fun
- 11:39 kirbyfan9000: I have vanilla music. Have yet to mess with custom music. Maybe I could after this tourney. Not like there's nothing wrong with vanilla OoT music.
- 11:39 kirbyfan9000: except some sound effects might be different
- 11:40 Trilobytes: Ah okay, shouldn't make any difference then. Yeah, I'll have to get around to fiddling with songs too
- 11:40 Velvet: thats cool, i might flip between the two if need be then :P
- 11:41 Trilobytes: glad we're boring enough to be useful in that regard
- 11:43 Trilobytes: I like our race room name :D
- 11:45 Velvet: !seed scrub --withpassword
- 11:45 RandoBot: Velvet, here is your seed:
- 11:45 RandoBot: Please note that this seed is password protected. You will receive the password to start a file ingame as soon as the countdown starts.
- 11:45 RandoBot updated the race information.
- 11:45 RandoBot updated the race information.
- 11:46 Velvet: the seed hash tells a story for 30 skulls :P
- 11:46 kirbyfan9000: .......
- 11:46 Velvet: "search the seas, search the forest, search the map, collected the HashSkullToken HashSkullToken " haha
- 11:47 Trilobytes: haha.... noooo not a 30 skull seed this late.
- 11:53 Trilobytes: sorry, nearly ready with cosmetics
- 11:53 kirbyfan9000#6437 is ready! (1 remaining)
- 11:53 Velvet: no rush, auto-start is off
- 11:54 Velvet: last nights race started 6 minutes late, neither runner was live until 1 minute past
- 11:54 kirbyfan9000: all good :)
- 11:55 Trilobytes: okay, that's a relief.
- 11:59 Trilobytes: shall I hit ready now, or do I need to wait until restream is ready?
- 11:59 kirbyfan9000: go ahead and hit ready and once restream is ready, Velvet will start the countdown
- 12:00 Trilobytes: cool
- 12:00 Trilobytes#0054 is ready! (0 remaining)
- 12:00 kirbyfan9000: gl hf
- 12:00 Trilobytes: thanks, you too. gl hf
- 12:00 Trilobytes: the nerves just hit for me
- 12:00 kirbyfan9000: same
- 12:00 Velvet: @Trilo dont forget to take your text off screen
- 12:01 Trilobytes: thanks
- 12:01 Velvet: npnp, right, all ready :D
- 12:02 Velvet: love the bottle popping, more please HashHeart
- 12:02 Velvet: GLHF HashHeart
- 12:02 Velvet#0843 has initiated the race. The race will begin in 17 seconds!
- 12:02 RandoBot updated the race information.
- 12:02 RandoBot: This seed is password protected. To start a file, enter this password on the file select screen:
NoteCleft NoteCup NoteCdown NoteCleft NoteCleft NoteCup
You are allowed to enter the password before the race starts.
- 12:02 The race has begun! Good luck and have fun.
- 14:51 kirbyfan9000#6437 has finished in 1st place with a time of 2:48:52!
- 14:51 kirbyfan9000#6437 just cooked up a new personal best time for "Standard Ruleset"!
- 14:51 Trilobytes#0054 has forfeited from the race.
- 14:51 Race finished in 2:49:03.0
- 14:51 Trilobytes: ggs
- 14:51 Velvet: GGs! Would you like to join us for an interview?
- 14:51 kirbyfan9000: ggs
- 14:51 Trilobytes: nice pb
- 14:51 kirbyfan9000: It'll be a minute
- 14:52 Trilobytes: I'll join, just give me a sec
- 14:52 Velvet: awesome HashHeart
- 14:54 Trilobytes: okay, I'm ready
- 16:20 Race result recorded by Oakishi#5485